MP Chrystia Freeland is a German double agent – a traitor

Chrystia Freeland being awarded Germany’s prestigious Warburg award for serving Germany’s interests. No other Canadian has ever received the German (Canada’s WWI, WWII enemy) award.

MPs who serve a foreign state or its proxies are double agents. A double agent is a spy pretending to serve one government while actually serving another. Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) provides compelling evidence that Chrystia Freeland is a double agent. World Economic Forum boldly states that Chrystia Freeland serves Germany through it’s proxy the WEF:

The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 25 January 2019 – The World Economic Forum announces that Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), join its Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees is the highest-level governance body of the World Economic Forum.

Chrystia Freeland is a double agent was made perfectly clear in April 2019 when she joined a Germany initiated and lead alliance to save the international world order, the UN, from destruction. The alliance serves Germany’s strategic interests.

“This, in a nutshell, is the mission of the Alliance for Multilateralism, which German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas first started promoting in summer 2018. The Alliance is not intended to be a new institution; it aims to support and strengthen existing organizations, in particular the United Nations” the United Nations Organization, April 30, 2020

Chrystia Freeland was officially and publicly outed as a double agent for Gemany in 2018 when Heiko Maas opened Germany’s Ambassadors Conference at the Federal Foreign Office together with Chrystia Freeland. Maas introduced Chrystia Freeland by stating:

We Germans in particular could have no interest in a jungle growing back in the world order

Heiko Maas introducing Chrystia Freeland as “We Germans” informed the conference attendees (and the World) that Chrystia Freeland was/is a German collaborator, a double agent.

Since WWII Germany has been trying to establish a World government under German control. Germany’s WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) relies on traitors like Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland assisting Germany acquire control of the United Nations Organization via a financial takeover.

In October 2019 the United Nations Organization declared that it was insolvent – “risks defaulting on payments to staff and vendors”. Germany is using the UN’s cash crisis to obtain control of the UN. Germany is attempting to acquire complete control of the UN by using debt financing. After all, Germany successfully reoccupied Europe using debt financing. EU states have surrendered their sovereignty to Germany in exchange for debt financing.

Chrystia Freeland poses a serious threat to the security of Canada. She is using her office to further Germany’s strategic interests. She is stealing $billions to fund Germany’s WWIII military campaign in Ukraine. Canada’s intelligence community knows she is a threat to the security of Canada. NSICOP launched an investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department. The investigation examined “the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada”.

OTTAWA, September 17, 2020 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two reviews of national security and intelligence activities. These reviews will be conducted over the next few months and concluded in 2021.

The Committee’s first review will examine the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada (GAC). GAC collects information on security issues, liaises with allied intelligence organizations and supports the work of the security and intelligence community through its missions abroad. As with the Committee’s previous reports of DND/CAF in 2018 and the CBSA in 2019, this review is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about GAC’s national security and intelligence activities. While GAC is a core member of the national security and intelligence community, its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent review and are not well known by the public or Parliament.

Justin Trudeau called a snap election just days after NSICOP delivered to him and “relevant ministers” its intelligence report regarding the investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department (January 2017- November 2019). NSICOP stated in a September 17, 2020 press release that the NSICOP investigation “is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about Global Affairs Canada’s national security and intelligence activities. … its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent investigation.”

It’s important to note that the NSICOP investigates matters of national security and intelligence. NSICOP investigates Parliamentarians – Members of Parliament and the activities of their departments.

Coincidentally, on August 11, 2021, the same day NSICOP delivered its “national security and intelligence report” to Justin Trudeau the House of Commons was debating NSICOP reporting its findings to the PM instead of to the House of Commons.

Debate continues in the House of Commons over who should be able to see documents containing possible national security concernsThe Hill Times

House of Commons debated this major national security issue June 1, 2021. “In short, NSICOP is accountable to the government. Under our constitution, the government is accountable to this House. It is to this House that the government should deliver the documents.House of Commons transcript

MPs were concerned that Justin Trudeau is covering up foreign governments’ espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Activities that are defined by CSIS as threats to the security of Canada.

Justin Trudeau redacted the NSICOP national security and intelligence investigation report regarding Chrystia Freeland when she headed Global Affairs Canada. Redacted the names of foreign states that are actively conducting espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. He didn’t redact China or Russia so which foreign states is Justin Trudeau protecting – assisting them to continue to conduct espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Top of the list is Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy, Germany.

While Chrystia Freeland was head of Global Affairs Canada she also served as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv (serves Ukraine’s political interests). Chrystia Freeland continued to serve Ukraine’s interests after she became Finance Minister. Resigned from her position as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Board of Trustees effective May 16, 2021. However, in her letter of resignation she stated “Rest assured you can count on my continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, reforms, and democracy.

Freeland’s letter of resignation is prima facie evidence that Chrystia Freeland intends on continuing to commit offences of: frauds on the government, conflict of interest and criminal breach of trust to further/bankroll Ukraine’s interests while she serves as finance minister – a MP in Canada’s Parliament.

Evidence of Chrystia Freeland committing the offence of criminal breach of trust – the funneling of $billions to Ukraine, can be found in the Government of Canada’s financial reports – “Monthly Official International Reserves”. Freeland transfers $billions to Ukraine using a well known money laundering method called placement. Freeland transfers $billions to the IMF and the IMF transfers the $billions to Ukraine.

Freeland’s money laundering is disguised as currency swaps or Global bonds. Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland disguised the transfer of $billions to Germany in January 2020 to finance Germany and the Who’s planned and lead COVID-19 biological attack as a $3 billion global bond.

“During January, Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond” Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020

More information available regarding Chrystia Freeland funneling $3.6 billion to Germany in January 2020 is provided in NCIO briefing:

MP Chrystia Freeland attended the 2020 World Economic Forum to assist Germany bribe foreign public officials

Swiss numbered accounts for COVID-19 biological attack co-conspirators likely triggered collapse of Credit Suisse

Investigators already know that the Credit Suisse demise was caused by bank account holders withdrawing $billions from Credit Suisse beginning in 2022. That was reported by the mass media in late 2022.

“The bank also saw a sharp acceleration in withdrawals in the fourth quarter, with outflows of more than 110 billion Swiss francs”

Coincidentally, 2022 was the year Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack ended. It stands to reason that Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack collaborators would start to withdraw their bribe money from Credit Suisse in the fourth quarter of 2022 and/or first quarter of 2023. Another plausible scenario is that Germany and its proxy, the World Economic Forum double crossed its COVID-19 collaborators. They withdrew from Credit Suisse the bribe money they paid to their COVID-19 collaborators. After all, who’s going to report to the police that their bribe money was stolen.

In October of 2022 the German parliament approved a €200-billion energy relief plan in an attempt to avoid a recession in 2023. Germany didn’t have €200-billion so it is reasonable to suspect Germany took the money from Credit Suisse.

Credit Suisse collapse linked to Germany and the World Economic Forum

Guarded secret as to why the Secret Service didn’t secure the property where President Donald Trump’s would be assassin fired from

Investigators are asking why the Secret Service didn’t secure the building where US President Donald Trump’s would be assassin fired from. It has been confirmed that the Secret Service did not sweep the building where the shooter in the attempted assassination was perched.

The building used by Donald Trump’s assassin should have been secured before and during the Donald Trump rally. The building was too close to the President’s rally to be disregarded as a threat. Image below shows Americans just how close a sniper got to President Donald Trump. Thousands of hunters and their teenage sons or daughters have successfully killed deer, moose and bear shooting from distances farther than that.

To answer why the Secret Service didn’t secure the building involved in the attempted assassination of President Donald Trump start looking into who owns the building the would be assassin used in the failed attempt to assinate US President Donald Trump.

A Canadian sniper who served with JTF2 has stated on social media that the Donald Trump assassination attempt appears to be an inside job. That the would be assassin had help.

Joe Biden, Germany and NATO all have motive to orchestrate an assassination of Donald Trump.

Biden’s motive – Joe Biden had/has no chance of winning second term because of Donald Trump.

Germany and NATO’s motive – Donald Trump has stated that he will exit the US from Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS – NATO.

To find out who is behind the assassination attempt of Donald Trump start by investigating who owns the building and property of AGR International. AGR International was recently acquired 4 months ago in March of 2024 by Indicor industrial company.

Established in November 2022, Indicor was formed when Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC (CD&R), a preeminent private equity firm, acquired a controlling stake in Roper Technologies. Thereafter, on May 6, 2024 (2 months ago) a group of central banks including: J.P. Morgan Securities LLC, Citigroup Inc., Wells Fargo, RBC Capital Markets LLC, BNP Paribas Securities Corp., UBS Investment Bank and Germany’s Deutsche Bank Securities Inc. provided Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC with a $500 million (1/2 a $billion) bond to support the purchase of Presidio Inc.

It’s important to note that a founder and chairman of Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC was Joe Rice, a former Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Marine Corps. Rice stepped down as chairman of CD&R in June 2012.

Rice served as a liaison of sorts between the United States government and the Iraqi municipal governments. Rice helped the US government establish the new Baghdad city council in the aftermath of the war.

“We literally began holding hundreds of neighborhood meetings around Baghdad, where the people of Baghdad selected representatives for what became the city council,” Rice

Rice was also involved in training the Iraqi police and military before Barack Obama (VP Joe Biden) withdrew US troops from Iraq.

Document undoubtedly suggests Rice worked with/for the CIA. That means there’s reasonable suspicion Clayton, Dubilier & Rice LLC and affiliates are CIA fronts. Explains why Citigroup (CIA’s central bank) helped it to obtain a $500 million bond.

A 2011 audit of the Federal Reserve uncovered that Citigroup obtained $2.5 trillion ($2,500,000,000,000) from the Fed during the US EU banking Crisis. In 2008, Citigroup reportedly lost $27.7 billion yet it obtained $2.5 trillion from the Federal Reserve to cover Citigroup’s alleged loses. Citigroup received $2.5 trillion because of its ties with the CIA. The money was funneled to Citigroup to fund CIA black Ops.

There’s ample evidence available to link Citigroup with the CIA. In 2010 John M. Deutch, a former director of the Central Intelligence Agency (from May 10, 1995, until December 15, 1996), stepped down as a Citigroup director of 12 years. When Mr. Deutch resigned as director of the CIA in December 1996 he was almost immediately elected to the Citibank (Citigroup) board.

A search would also reveal that Citigroup/Citibank was investigated for CIA Mexican and Afghanistan drug money laundering – Google “Citibank officer, Amy Elliot”.

Today, Citigroup’s largest shareholders are Vanguard, BlackRock (NYSE:BRK), State Street Corporation (SST -4.7%), Berkshire Hathaway (BRK. A 0.74%)(BRK. B 0.35%), and Geode Capital Management. The CIA isn’t named as the bank’s major shareholder, for obvious reasons.


The CIA has been actively recruiting students/undergrads in the US for CIA Ops.

How Germany staged a coup against U.S. President Donald Trump to install their double agent Joe Biden

US President Joe Biden being controlled using his two-way communication device?

In 2009 the CIA’s In-Q-Tel invested in a technology company Sonitus. Why would the CIA invest in Sonitus? Sonitus was developing a wireless, two-way communications device that’s hidden inside the mouth. The device gives users incredible clarity even in the noisiest of environments. Joe Biden is reportedly using such a device to secretly communicate with his “handlers”. US President Joe Biden is being influenced/controlled by the device.

Back in 2010, a company called Sonitus Technologies introduced a novel hearing aid called the SoundBite. The system married a behind-the-ear microphone unit with a custom made clip for inside the mouth that sent tiny vibrations to the inner ear which were translated into sounds.

Dubbed the Molar Mic by the US Air Force, the system has been designed to facilitate clear incoming and outgoing voice communication no matter the wearer’s operating environment, eliminating the need for external headsets and trailing wires.

“The Molar Mic clips to the back teeth and allows for two-way radio communications.” Sonitus Technologies

The CIA is reportedly using the device to control US President Joe Biden. The device is part of the CIA’s Project MK-ULTRA. Handlers are prompting Joe Biden. Instructing Joe Biden what to say and do using the molar mic.

Joe Biden’s trance like/hypnotic state is the result of MK-ULTRA. Project MKULTRA, or MK-ULTRA, was the code name for a covert and illegal CIA human experimentation program, run by the CIA’s Office of Scientific Intelligence.

Who’s controlling the US Presidents

The majority of Americans have yet to know or realize that the CIA was created by former Nazi Germany SS officers who were smuggled into the United States under Operation Paperclip. Nazi Germany’s Gestapo officers helped form the CIA.

“I never would have agreed to the formulation of the Central Intelligence Agency back in forty-seven, if I had known it would become the American Gestapo.” US President Harry S Truman

Immediately after escaping prosecution for war crimes, by agreeing to work for the United States government, Nazi Germany SS officers started work developing the technology for mind control.

The ultimate goal of the Nazi Germany SS officers lead MKULTRA project was to control the future presidents of the United States. In the beginning they focused on using drugs to control test subjects but with the advent of microscopic computer chips all mind control research and development have focused on using radio frequency emitters to control the US President.

The CIA have been using a specific type of radio frequency emitter to control the US President – the president’s earpiece.

Through the president’s earpiece the CIA is able to piggyback subliminal messages onto Secret Service communications with the president.  The subliminal messages are transmitted as audio stimuli played below audible volumes. At these levels the president is not aware of the stimulus being presented. The CIA has developed this type of mind control technology to induce a hypnotic state of mind so that they can subliminally instruct through hypnotic suggestion what the president should say or do.

This mind control technology was perfected under the presidency of George W Bush. The CIA used George W Bush’s earpiece to control Bush’s thoughts, speech and actions. The CIA made Bush say stupid things. The CIA made Bush speak inaudible gibberish.  They even prevented him from speaking. The CIA has been using this technology ever since. They use the president’s earpiece/mouthpiece to control the US presidents. They’ve used it on Hillary Clinton and on Barack Obama. Joe Biden’s trance like/hypnotic state provides evidence that Biden is being influenced/controlled by handlers using the President’s communication device.

German navy divers sabotaged the Nordstream pipeline in an attempt to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaigns against Russia

Investigators have found compelling evidence that implicates German Navy divers for blowing up, sabotaging, the Nordstream pipeline.

German news media SPIEGEL stated that “a commando of divers and explosives specialists chartered the Andromeda … and sailed unnoticed from Warnemünde in northern Germany across the Baltic Sea before, on September 26, 2022, blowing holes in three pipes belonging to the natural gas pipelines Nord Stream 1 and Nord Stream 2.”

Unnoticed by many is the fact that Warnemünde is the base of operations for Germany’s Warnemünde Naval Base, also called Hohe Düne. A German naval base for vessels of 1 Corvette Squadron.

All the evidence points to Germany. The German government had motive to sabotage the Nordstream pipeline. Germany attempted to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaign against Russia. Germany wanted everyone to believe that the sabotaging of the Nordstream pipeline was an act of war? Why? According to Article 5 of the North Atlantic Treaty, an attack on the critical infrastructure of a NATO member state can trigger the mutual defense clause.

The operation was aimed at “inflicting lasting damage to the functionality of the state and its facilities. In this sense, this is an attack on the internal security of the state.” magistrates at the German Federal Court of Justice

Even though countless criminal investigators, intelligence agents and prosecutors from a dozen countries have been searching for those behind the attack – no one has presented the compelling evidence that implicates Germany. The majority of incriminating evidence is coming from German officials. All of the evidence are strictly confidential. Nothing is to be revealed to the public. On orders from the German Chancellery.

Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum boasting that Justin Trudeau and more than half of his cabinet are double agents

“What we are very proud of now are the young generation like Prime Minister Trudeau, president of Argentina … so we penetrate the cabinets. … I know that half of his cabinet, or even more than half of his cabinet are actually Young Global Leaders of the World Economic ForumGermany’s proxy Klaus Schwab

Note that the head of the World Economic Forum outright stated that “we penetrate the cabinets”. In the video clip Klaus Schwab outed Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland and more than half of Trudeau’s cabinet as foreign agents.

NSICOP’s 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada

“The Committee believes there is ample evidence that Canada is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities. *** (*** indicates redaction or deletion of information by Justin Trudeau) The PRC, the Russian Federation, other states. *** (*** indicates more redaction amd deletion by Justin Trudeau)”

“The Committee believes that these states target Canada for a variety of reasons, but all seek to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives. They target ethnocultural communities, seek to corrupt the political process, manipulate the media, and attempt to curate debate on postsecondary campuses. Each of these activities poses a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the country’s sovereignty: they are a clear threat to the security of Canada”

The NSICOP’s 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada was delivered to Justin Trudeau on September 3, 2019. 8 days later Justin Trudeau called the 2019 federal election on September 11, 2019.

The REDACTED NSICOP report named China and Russia as foreign states that were engaging in “significant and sustained foreign interference activities” in Canada. Germany was named too but Justin Trudeau REDACTED Germany from both the classified and declassified version of the NSICOP report.

We know Justin Trudeau REDACTED Germany because in 2019 MP Chrystia Freeland was recruited by Germany and it’s proxy the World Economic Forum to further Germany’s interests and political agendas.

NSICOP repeated in its annual report 2020 titled – Espionage and Foreign Interference, that foreign states or individuals acting on their behalf, “penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives”.

Public Safety Canada is aware of the World Economic Forum’s foreign interference activities.

Foreign governments and entities regularly seek to influence Government of Canada policies, officials or democratic processes in lawful and transparent ways in Canada, including through routine diplomatic engagement. However, some foreign states engage in acts of foreign interference to advance foreign political interests and influence federal officials and decision-makers. As part of these efforts, they may employ individuals, some of whom may be high profile, to act on their behalf without disclosing ties to the foreign state.

One such person who is employed by Germany’s proxy, “to act on their behalf” is Chrystia Freeland – active World Economic Forum Board of Trustees member. Chrystia Freeland joined the World Economic Forum and officially became a double agent on January 25, 2019. 

“The Forum is chaired by Founder and Executive Chairman Professor Klaus Schwab. It’s guided by a Board of Trustees, exceptional individuals who act as guardians of its mission and values” World Economic Forum

MP Chrystia Freeland involved in ArriveCan

MP Chrystia Freeland is personally involved in the ArriveCan scandal. She was involved from day one. An email NCIO sent to RCMP HQ, Conservative leader Pierre Poilievre and Canada’s mass media, the CBC Ottawa and the National Post on March 7, 2024 explained how Chrystia Freeland was involved in the mass misappropriation/misuse of public funds.

Content of email:

Testimony given at the Standing Committee on Government Operations & Estimates provides evidence Chrystia Freeland & her chief of staff were involved in ArriveCan.

House of Commons Committee Meeting transcripts:

“Was there ever any mention of a minister, or communication with a minister about a ministerial decision for this pilot project?” Mrs. Stephanie Kusie

“It was Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland.” Ms. Ritika Dutt

Committee testimony also stated that GC Strategies communicated directly with Chrystia Freeland and her chief of staff via email. The initial email sent by GC Strategies to Chrystia Freeland and her chief of staff was a marketing letter. That means Chrystia Freeland was involved in ArriveCan from the startup.

Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates

Wednesday, January 17, 2024

“I was asked to draft a marketing letter addressed to Deputy Prime Minister Chrystia Freeland. The letter was amended by Botler and GC Strategies, at which point we talked about sending it to Minister Freeland’s chief of staff as well.” Mr. Vaughn Brennan

There’s an ongoing coverup because Chrystia Freeland is involved. Investigate Chrystia Freeland. Start with her record in the United States. Record filed under an alias Chrystia Freela. Look into why Chrystia Freeland has a record in the US when she worked at Reuters. Look into why Chrystia Freeland used an alias while living and working in the US. It isn’t a pen name. Chrystia Freeland left Reuters abruptly. Reasonable suspicion she left abruptly because she was being investigated. Freeland was “Managing Director and Editor, Consumer News” at Reuters. The cost of the project she headed at Reuters cost more that what was initially estimated.

BuzzFeed article – How Chrystia Freeland Hastened Reuters Next’s Demise

“After Freeland committed to Reuters Next, she set about clearing out many existing Thomson Reuters employees to make room for her own people. Between employees and people brought on to Reuters Next, around 60 people were working under Freeland. And that’s not including the consultants she hired.”

“Costs steadily rose with new hires and payments to vendors and consultants as the project dragged on and the launch date was continually postponed. While earlier articles estimated the cost at around $5 million, sources close to the project said that actual figure was three to four times that amount, or between $15 and $20 million. Moreover, the first former Reuters employee said that Activate itself was paid $300,000 a month.”

“In July, Freeland herself left Reuters, announcing in stunning fashion in an article in the Canadian Globe and Mail that came out at midnight that she would be running for a Canadian parliamentary seat.”

“To people below her it was something of a shock, it was sudden,” says the Reuters employee.

Blackmail used to obtain $millions from the Trudeau government.

House of Commons Comittee hearing testimony provided evidence that GC Strategies may have blackmailed MP Chrystia Freeland and/or other “senior government officials with contracting authorities” to obtain $millions from the Trudeau government.

“In our interactions with GC Strategies, Mr. Firth routinely boasted that he and his friends, senior government officials with contracting authorities, have “dirt” on each other, essentially guaranteeing silence through mutually assured destruction. While external contractors are engaged in misconduct and do the actual dirty work, I want to emphasize that their conduct would not be possible without backing from factions within the government. At least in our case, their conduct was fully directed by the faction within the government that we have encountered” Mr. Amir Morv (Chief Technology and Security Officer, Botler)

If blackmail was indeed used to obtain $millions Canadians need to know and have a right to know what dirt GC Strategies has on Minister of Finance Chrystia Freeland. After all, GC Strategies only initiated contact with Chrystia Freeland via an email to obtain $millions in public funds.

MP Chrystia Freeland continues to blatantly violate federal conflict of interest and breach of trust laws

Justin Trudeau is involved in the targeted murders of his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers

Published: Dec 15, 2023
Justin Trudeau is involved in the targeted murders of his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry & Honey Sherman. Justin Trudeau had motive. At the very least Justin Trudeau counseled an offence that resulted in the murders of Barry and Honey Sherman. Accordingly, Justin Trudeau could be charged with murder.

Person counselling offence

22 (1) Where a person counsels another person to be a party to an offence and that other person is afterwards a party to that offence, the person who counselled is a party to that offence, notwithstanding that the offence was committed in a way different from that which was counselled.


(2) Every one who counsels another person to be a party to an offence is a party to every offence that the other commits in consequence of the counselling that the person who counselled knew or ought to have known was likely to be committed in consequence of the counselling.

Definition of “counsel”

(3) For the purposes of this Act, “counsel” includes procure, solicit or incite.

The December 13, 2017 targeted murders of Barry & Honey Sherman has everything to do with Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser.

The August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser was deemed a “prohibited gift” by 2 federal laws – the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act. MP Justin Trudeau violated the 2 federal laws by attending the fundraiser because Barry Sherman’s pharmaceutical company Apotex had registered to lobby the Government of Canada 2 days before he and Honey Sherman hosted Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser.

Accordingly, the Office of Lobbying Commissioner had the RCMP investigate Justin Trudeau for violating the Lobbying Act. Because the Lobbying Commissioner implicated Barry Sherman by having the RCMP investigate Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser Barry Sherman filed a lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner and REDACTED third party defendant Justin Trudeau.

The lawsuit was filed because the Lobbying Commissioner concealed that Justin Trudeau was the one who broke federal laws, not Barry Sherman. The Lobbying Commissioner concealed Justin Trudeau’s Lobbying Act offence by redacting Justin Trudeau’s name.

“There is basis to conclude that the private interests of (REDACTED) were advanced to a high degree, and that a sense of obligation was created by Mr. Sherman’s contribution to the 2015 election campaigns,”

The above statement informs Canadians that the REDACTED name wasn’t Barry Sherman because his name is included “unredacted” in the statement above. The REDACTED name could only be either 2015 election campaign candidates Michael Levitt or Justin Trudeau because the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser that was being investigated by the RCMP was for Liberal candidates Michael Levitt and Justin Trudeau. Phil McIntosh, director of investigations at the Office of the Lobby Commissioner stated:

“while conducting the administrative review, the directorate found evidence indicating that Mr. Sherman engaged in political activities that risk creating a sense of obligation on the part of one or more public office holders” through the fundraising event held at his home on Aug. 26, 2015.

We know Justin Trudeau was the subject of the RCMP investigation because:

1) the Canadian Jewish News reported August 21, 2015, 5 days before Barry and Honey hosted the 2015 election campaign fundraiser for Justin Trudeau that:

“Sherman said he spent an hour with Trudeau last week, discussing various issues, including Israel. He felt Trudeau fully appreciates the threats facing Israel, including “the existential war facing the west from extremists.”

A reasonable person would therefore conclude that the private interests of Justin Trudeau (REDACTED) were discussed/advanced prior to Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 pay-for-access election campaign fundraiser.

2) the Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying initiated the investigation based on a tape recorded interview with Barry Sherman on Nov 3, 2016.

“A few days before the fundraiser, an investigator from the commissioner’s office visited Apotex headquarters in Toronto, where Sherman agreed to a tape-recorded interview. During the conversation, he openly discussed the other fundraiser held at his house on August 26, 2015, which featured then-Liberal candidate Michael Levitt, now an MP, along with Trudeau. Sherman said his wife Honey organized the logistics, … ” Macleans

Justin Trudeau tried to quash the Apotex/Bernard Sherman lawsuit just days before the targeted murders by giving the Lobbying Commissioner $400,000 to fight the lawsuit.

The Lobbying Commissioner receiving access to a “special purpose allotment of $400,000 for third party legal fees associated to legal challenges” eliminated Michael Levitt as the name of the person the Lobbying Commissioner REDACTED.

Despite having received $400,000 in misappropriated public funds the Lobbying Commissioner couldn’t quash the Apotex lawsuit and a court order requiring her to unredact Justin Trudeau‘s name – the third party and “a defendant” in the Apotex lawsuit.

Because the Lobbying Commissioner failed to quash the Apotex/Bernard Sherman lawsuit Justin Trudeau had her removed as the Lobbying Commissioner on the day of the targeted murders – December 13, 2017.


On December 13, 2017 Justin Trudeau committed the offence of obstruction of justice by having both the Lobbying Commissioner and the Conflict of Interest and Ethics Commissioner removed and appointed new ones.

Both Commissioners were removed during ongoing investigations by the 2 Commissioners into Justin Trudeau’s wrongdoings. Justin Trudeau was being investigated by the removed Commissioners for “accepting prohibited gift or other advantage” from lobbyists.

It is imperative Canadians know and realized that the Apotex lawsuit threatened Justin Trudeau’s political career. The lawsuit could have resulted in Justin Trudeau losing his seat in the House of Commons.

Canada Elections Act


477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected, during the period that

(a) begins on the day on which they are deemed to have become a candidate; …

gift or other advantage means

(a) an amount of money if there is no obligation to repay it; and

(b) a service or property, or the use of property or money, that is provided without charge or at less than its commercial value.

Corrupt practice

(2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who

(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);

Consequences of corrupt practices

(3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is an illegal practice or a corrupt practice under this Act shall, in addition to any other punishment for that offence prescribed by this Act, in the case of an illegal practice, during the next five years or, in the case of a corrupt practice, during the next seven years, after the date of their being so convicted, not be entitled to

(a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons

Justin Trudeau went to great lengths to quash the Apotex lawsuit (Federal Court Number T-761-17 APOTEX INC. ET AL v. KAREN SHEPHERD ET AL. Nature of the proceeding  S. 18.1 Application for Judicial Review) days before Barry & Honey Sherman were murdered.

Obstruction of justice is committed when the accused (Justin Trudeau) wilfully attempts to obstruct, pervert or defeat the course of justice in an existing or proposed judicial proceeding. The most extreme form of obstruction is the killing of a witness or a plaintiff in a judicial proceeding.

On December 13, 2017 “Apotex lawsuit plaintiff Barry Sherman” and his wife Honey Sherman were targeted and killed.

Motives for the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman:

1) Terminate the RCMP investigation of Justin Trudeau for accepting a prohibited gift (26 Aug 2015 campaign fundraiser) from registered government lobbyist (registered 24 Aug 2015) Barry Sherman.

2) Terminate an Apotex/Bernard Sherman lawsuit in which Justin Trudeau (REDACTED) was a third party defendant.

Booster shots used to prolong COVID-19

The WHO is using a technique they used in developing genocide vaccines for Africa, India and Asia to prolong COVID-19. The technique was used in test trials (WHO conducted medical experiments) for vaccines the WHO developed to prevent births in underdeveloped countries. The technique they used is vaccine booster shots. Vaccine booster shots maintains the presence of antibody titers. Maintaining the presence of antibodies is essential for the WHO and Germany to prolong COVID-19. COVID-19 tests were developed by Germany for the WHO to only detect the presence of antibodies. They don’t detect the virus itself.

Government of Canada website:

COVID-19 “tests do not detect the virus itself. Instead, they detect the antibodies produced in response to an infection. Serology tests are also known as antibody tests.”

“Serological tests are not appropriate for diagnosing COVID-19.”

A 1994 Immunology report “A vaccine that prevents pregnancy in women” informs you that booster injections are used in order to maintain antibody titers:

Immunization consisted of three primary injections of the vaccine at 6-week intervals. Booster injections were given subsequently as and when necessary in order to maintain a antibody titers above 50 ng/ml (hCG bioneutralization capacity) to those desiring to continue in the study.

COVID-19 would die out naturally simply by stop injecting the World’s civilian population with COVID-19 vaccine booster shots. The first SARS epidemic that originated in China died out naturally in 2003. There have been no outbreaks of SARS since 2003. No outbreaks of SARS in the past 20 years. Why not? No vaccines or vaccine booster shots were developed or administered in China or anywhere else in the World.

The Government of Canada website provides compelling evidence to support the assertion that people are testing positive for COVID-19 in 2023 and 2024 because of the COVID-19 vaccine booster shots.

“If you have a positive serology test result, it’s likely that you previously had a COVID-19 infection and that you developed an antibody response to the virus. It may also indicate that you developed antibodies in response to vaccination.”

The 1994 WHO sponsored immunology report states:

Reversibility. The response to the vaccine was reversible; antibody titers declined in all cases in the absence of booster injections.

Anti-fertility Vaccines, 1989 National Library of Medicine publication.

The principle of anti-hCG vaccine is to induce antibodies which can bind to hCG and render it biologically inactive.”

Oxford Academic publication:

“The study of Talwar et al. also provided evidence that the circulating anti-hCG antibodies prevented pregnancy in 1224 cycles, and that booster injections were required to maintain antibody titers.”


UK’s 1919 abolished monarchy aided Nazi Germany throughout WWII

A November 10, 2022 CBC documentary suggested that the Duke of Windsor – Edward VIII, was a traitor during WWII. The CBC reported that UK’s 1919 abolished monarch actively collaborated with Nazis Germany prior to and during the Second World War.

The CBC unearthed documents that showed that the Duke of Windsor may have passed war secrets to Nazi Germany throughout WWII. Edward’s treachery were covered up by the British government after the war because Edward wasn’t the only 1919 abolished royal who collaborated with Nazi Germany. Kraut George VI also collaborated with Nazi Germany. So did George VI’s father, George V.

Kraut George V aided his German cousins in WWI. George V assumed the fake name/alias Windsor in 1917 to conceal the fact that he and his family were German (Krauts). After the Armistice George V aided Adolf Hitler rise to power.

After neo-Nazi Edward VIII was forced to abdicate George VI assumed the throne under color of law and color of right. The UK government used and has been using color of law and color of right (defined as abuse of power) since 1919 to deceive the British and Canadian people by keeping the UK’s illegitimate German monarchy in power. In 1919 all German monarchies were forever abolished, including the UK’s German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha monarchy.

In August 1919, at the beginning of the Weimar Republic (1919–1933), Germany’s first democratic constitution officially abolished royalty and nobility, and the respective legal privileges and immunities appertaining to an individual, a family or any heirs. All German nobility as a legally defined class were forever abolished including the UK’s German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha monarchy and Germany’s House of Hanover – the monarchy that all UK monarchies derive their legitimacy from.

Article 109: All Germans are equal before the law. Men and women have the same fundamental civil rights and duties. Public legal privileges or disadvantages of birth or of rank are abolished. Titles of nobility shall be regarded merely as part of the name and may no longer be bestowed. Titles may only be bestowed when they indicate an office or profession; academic degrees are not affected hereby. Orders and decorations shall not be conferred by the state. No German shall accept titles or orders from a foreign government.

Abolish means to end the observance or effect of (something, such as a law) : to completely do away with (something) : annul (to declare or make legally invalid or void)

If someone in authority abolishes a system or practice, they formally put an end to it.

Academic Law Dictionary:

abolish: verb abate, abolere, abrogate, annihilate, annul, cancel, declare null and void, delere, delete, deprive of force, destroy, disannul, discontinue, disestablish, dispense with, dispose, dissolve, eliminate, eradicate, exstinguere, exterminate, extinguish, extirpate, invalidate, negate, nullify, obliterate, override, overrule, overturn, prohibit, quash, raze, render null and void, …

Collins dictionary of law. W. J. Stewart. 2001


to terminate the legal effect of some provision or doctrine.

In law, void means of no legal effect. An action, document or transaction which is void is of no legal effect whatsoever: an absolute nullity — the law treats it as if it had never existed or happened.

That means there is no lawful line of succession. Lawful line of succession ended when the UK’s German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha and Germany’s House of Hanover monarchies were both forever abolished (made legally invalid or void) in 1919.


Edward VIII wasn’t the only UK royal to assist Canada and the UK’s WWII enemy. There are declassified documents in Ottawa and London that shows Kraut George VI funneled military secrets to Adolf Hitler through Edward during WWII. Edward was living in exile in Portugal during WWII. He was acting as a liaison between Kraut George VI and Adolf Hitler.

There are documents on Canada’s Parliament Hill that showed that both George VI and the Duke of Windsor assisted Nazi Germany during WWII. Operation Overlord was delayed for a year so that Adolf Hitler could prepare for the Allied D-Day invasion of Nazi Germany occupied France.

American, British and Canadian forces were ready in 1943 to launch a full scale invasion of the coast of France. However, Kraut George VI delayed the liberation of Nazi Germany occupied Europe.

The majority of Canadians, Americans and Britains have yet to know that the Allied liberation of Europe was planned for April 1943 – 1 year before D-Day. A large cross Channel landing called Operation Roundup was planned for April 1943. In 1943 the beaches of Normandy weren’t fortified. The 1 year delay gave Adolf Hitler time to fortify the beaches.

“In fact, the German Army in the West was weaker in the summer of 1943 than it was in mid 1944, while Germany’s overall war production in 1944 was 50 percent greater than in 1943 and 126 percent greater than in 1942. In other words, the Allies faced a stronger and better prepared enemy in 1944 than they would have in 1943 under any circumstances.” U.S. Navy Institute

There were documents on the Parliament Hill Precinct in 1984 – the year CSIS was formed (July 16, 1984). Officially formed 16 days after PM Pierre Trudeau was forced to resign. Pierre Trudeau officially resigned 40 years ago on June 30, 1984.

Duke of Windsor implicated in the murder of Kraut George V

Edward VIII, explicitly told the king’s physician, Lord Dawson, that they did not want King George’s life needlessly prolonged if his condition was fatal. There was no explicit command to commit a killing, but the way was left clear for Dawson to “do the right thing”, and he clearly understood this. He actually telephoned his wife an hour before killing George to get her to tell the Times to hold back its front page for the desired formal announcement. It was premeditated.

Related NCIO briefing

It is treason to pledge allegiance to and serve Kraut Charles

Report on Germany funded and developed COVID-19 tests provides ample evidence that millions were intentionally misdiagnosed for financial gain

Published on: December 9, 2022

The tests the WHO used and still uses today to claim millions were infected with and/or died of COVID-19 were designed, developed and distributed worldwide without having SARS-CoV-2 virus isolates or original patient specimens.

The COVID-19 tests that were/are used worldwide to diagnose COVID-19 infection don’t detect the SARS-CoV-2 itself.

Government of Canada website:

COVID-19 “tests do not detect the virus itself. Instead, they detect the antibodies produced in response to an infection. Serology tests are also known as antibody tests.”

“Serological tests are not appropriate for diagnosing COVID-19.”

Yet, the WHO, Justin Trudeau‘s minority government and governments worldwide used and are still using those bogus tests to test for/diagnose COVID-19 infection. Because those tests don’t detect SARS-CoV-2 millions were intentionally misdiagnosed so that Germany and the insolvent UN could obtain $billions.

Germany funded COVID-19 test developers stated in a January 2020 published report why the tests don’t detect SARS-CoV-2 and why millions were intentionally misdiagnosed as testing positive for COVID-19.

Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

published on 23 Jan 2020

Background: The ongoing outbreak of the recently emerged novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) poses a challenge for public health laboratories as VIRUS ISOLATES ARE UNAVAILABLE while there is growing evidence that the outbreak is more widespread than initially thought, and international spread through travellers does already occur.

Aim: We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings WITHOUT HAVING VIRUS MATERIAL AVAILABLE.

Methods: Here we present a validated diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.

“In the present case of 2019-nCoV, virus isolates or samples from infected patients have so far not become available to the international public health community. We report here on the establishment and validation of a diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV screening and specific confirmation, designed in absence of available virus isolates or original patient specimens. Design and validation were enabled by the close genetic relatedness to the 2003 SARS-CoV, and aided by the use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

Development of the bogus COVID-19 tests was funded by European Union DG Research through projects Prepare (GA602525), Compare (GA643476), and EVAg (GA653316); by European Union DG SANCO through EVD-LabNet, as well as by the German Ministry of Research through projects RAPID (01KI1723A) and DZIF (301-4-7-01.703).

Germany funded, developed and deployed these bogus COVID-19 test to make $billions. To intentionally misdiagnose a patient for financial gain is a criminal offence – health care fraud.

Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain the human herpes virus protein ORF10

Herpes test kit that can prove Germany added SARS-CoV-2’S unique human herpes virus protein ORF10 to its COVID-19 mRNA vaccines.

There is material evidence that supports the assertion that Germany’s mRNA vaccines are biological weapons – used by Germany to infect the World’s population with SARS-CoV-2’s unique human herpes virus protein ORF10.

On August 12, 2021 Europe’s drug regulator EMA published new updates on the safety of mRNA vaccines after it investigated a possible link between mRNA vaccines and a skin reaction called erythema multiforme. Erythema multiforme is a hypersensitivity reaction usually triggered by infections, most commonly herpes simplex virus (HSV).

The human herpes virus protein ORF10 is the only protein that is present exclusively in SARS-CoV-2 and not in SARS or any other human coronaviruses.

The WHO’s COVID-19 Global literature on coronavirus disease suggested the severity of COVID-19 is enhanced by the human herpes virus protein ORF10.

“Could the severity of COVID-19 be enhanced by ORF10 accessory proteins?” …

“uniqueness of ORF10 and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulence” the World Heath Organization

Since 1972 the WHO/UN has called for/recommended virologists develop the means to prolong virus/coronavirus infections. Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3):

An attempt should be made to see if viruses can in fact exert selective effects on immune function. e.g. by depressing (to diminish the activity, strength, or yield of) 7S (IgG) versus 19S (IgM) antibody, or by affecting T cell function as opposed to B cell function. The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, …

Virologists did that by genetically engineering/modifying the SARS coronavirus. The human herpes virus protein ORF10 was encoded into the SARS coronavirus to make the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2.

A 2003 patent informs us when the herpes virus protein ORF10 was added to the SARS virus by virologists to create the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The 2003 Patent US-2006257852-A1 assigned to CHIRON CORP (US), which was acquired by Novartis (Switzerland) on April 20, 2006 specifically names the ORF10 protein – a protein that is exclusively found in SARS-CoV-2 genome and not in SARS-CoV, being used/encoded in the fusion protein of the patented novel SARS coronavirus.

2021 published study “SARS-CoV-2 ORF10 suppresses the antiviral innate immune response by degrading MAVS through mitophagy” informs you why Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccine ingredients includes a bioengineered or synthesized component of SARS-CoV-2, the viral protein that causes COVID-19 – ORF10.

“ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In our study, overexpression of ORF10 promoted the degradation of MAVS and the replication of SARS-CoV-2. Consistent with these results, when ORF10 was knocked down by shRNA, MAVS was not degraded and viral replication was weakened, suggesting that ORF10 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 replication via degradation of MAVS.” 

ORF10 was included because it facilities/causes new SARS-CoV-2 infections. Causing new SARS-CoV-2 infections generates more vaccine sales for Germany.

Related NCIO briefing:

Germany informed World that its COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are biological weapons