MPs who serve a foreign state or its proxies are double agents. A double agent is a spy pretending to serve one government while actually serving another. Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) provides compelling evidence that Chrystia Freeland is a double agent. World Economic Forum boldly states that Chrystia Freeland serves Germany through it’s proxy the WEF:
The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values
Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 25 January 2019 – The World Economic Forum announces that Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), join its Board of Trustees.
The Board of Trustees is the highest-level governance body of the World Economic Forum.
Chrystia Freeland is a double agent was made perfectly clear in April 2019 when she joined a Germany initiated and lead alliance to save the international world order, the UN, from destruction. The alliance serves Germany’s strategic interests.
“This, in a nutshell, is the mission of the Alliance for Multilateralism, which German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas first started promoting in summer 2018. The Alliance is not intended to be a new institution; it aims to support and strengthen existing organizations, in particular the United Nations” the United Nations Organization, April 30, 2020
Chrystia Freeland was officially and publicly outed as a double agent for Gemany in 2018 when Heiko Maas opened Germany’s Ambassadors Conference at the Federal Foreign Office together with Chrystia Freeland. Maas introduced Chrystia Freeland by stating:
We Germans in particular could have no interest in a jungle growing back in the world order
Heiko Maas introducing Chrystia Freeland as “We Germans” informed the conference attendees (and the World) that Chrystia Freeland was/is a German collaborator, a double agent.
Since WWII Germany has been trying to establish a World government under German control. Germany’s WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) relies on traitors like Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland assisting Germany acquire control of the United Nations Organization via a financial takeover.
In October 2019 the United Nations Organization declared that it was insolvent – “risks defaulting on payments to staff and vendors”. Germany is using the UN’s cash crisis to obtain control of the UN. Germany is attempting to acquire complete control of the UN by using debt financing. After all, Germany successfully reoccupied Europe using debt financing. EU states have surrendered their sovereignty to Germany in exchange for debt financing.
Chrystia Freeland poses a serious threat to the security of Canada. She is using her office to further Germany’s strategic interests. She is stealing $billions to fund Germany’s WWIII military campaign in Ukraine. Canada’s intelligence community knows she is a threat to the security of Canada. NSICOP launched an investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department. The investigation examined “the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada”.
OTTAWA, September 17, 2020 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two reviews of national security and intelligence activities. These reviews will be conducted over the next few months and concluded in 2021.
The Committee’s first review will examine the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada (GAC). GAC collects information on security issues, liaises with allied intelligence organizations and supports the work of the security and intelligence community through its missions abroad. As with the Committee’s previous reports of DND/CAF in 2018 and the CBSA in 2019, this review is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about GAC’s national security and intelligence activities. While GAC is a core member of the national security and intelligence community, its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent review and are not well known by the public or Parliament.
Justin Trudeau called a snap election just days after NSICOP delivered to him and “relevant ministers” its intelligence report regarding the investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department (January 2017- November 2019). NSICOP stated in a September 17, 2020 press release that the NSICOP investigation “is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about Global Affairs Canada’s national security and intelligence activities. … its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent investigation.”
It’s important to note that the NSICOP investigates matters of national security and intelligence. NSICOP investigates Parliamentarians – Members of Parliament and the activities of their departments.
Coincidentally, on August 11, 2021, the same day NSICOP delivered its “national security and intelligence report” to Justin Trudeau the House of Commons was debating NSICOP reporting its findings to the PM instead of to the House of Commons.
“Debate continues in the House of Commons over who should be able to see documents containing possible national security concerns” The Hill Times
House of Commons debated this major national security issue June 1, 2021. “In short, NSICOP is accountable to the government. Under our constitution, the government is accountable to this House. It is to this House that the government should deliver the documents.” House of Commons transcript
MPs were concerned that Justin Trudeau is covering up foreign governments’ espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Activities that are defined by CSIS as threats to the security of Canada.
Justin Trudeau redacted the NSICOP national security and intelligence investigation report regarding Chrystia Freeland when she headed Global Affairs Canada. Redacted the names of foreign states that are actively conducting espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. He didn’t redact China or Russia so which foreign states is Justin Trudeau protecting – assisting them to continue to conduct espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Top of the list is Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy, Germany.
While Chrystia Freeland was head of Global Affairs Canada she also served as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv (serves Ukraine’s political interests). Chrystia Freeland continued to serve Ukraine’s interests after she became Finance Minister. Resigned from her position as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Board of Trustees effective May 16, 2021. However, in her letter of resignation she stated “Rest assured you can count on my continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, reforms, and democracy.”
Freeland’s letter of resignation is prima facie evidence that Chrystia Freeland intends on continuing to commit offences of: frauds on the government, conflict of interest and criminal breach of trust to further/bankroll Ukraine’s interests while she serves as finance minister – a MP in Canada’s Parliament.
Evidence of Chrystia Freeland committing the offence of criminal breach of trust – the funneling of $billions to Ukraine, can be found in the Government of Canada’s financial reports – “Monthly Official International Reserves”. Freeland transfers $billions to Ukraine using a well known money laundering method called placement. Freeland transfers $billions to the IMF and the IMF transfers the $billions to Ukraine.
Freeland’s money laundering is disguised as currency swaps or Global bonds. Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland disguised the transfer of $billions to Germany in January 2020 to finance Germany and the Who’s planned and lead COVID-19 biological attack as a $3 billion global bond.
“During January, Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond” Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020
More information available regarding Chrystia Freeland funneling $3.6 billion to Germany in January 2020 is provided in NCIO briefing:
Swiss numbered accounts for COVID-19 biological attack co-conspirators likely triggered collapse of Credit Suisse
Investigators already know that the Credit Suisse demise was caused by bank account holders withdrawing $billions from Credit Suisse beginning in 2022. That was reported by the mass media in late 2022.
“The bank also saw a sharp acceleration in withdrawals in the fourth quarter, with outflows of more than 110 billion Swiss francs”
Coincidentally, 2022 was the year Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack ended. It stands to reason that Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack collaborators would start to withdraw their bribe money from Credit Suisse in the fourth quarter of 2022 and/or first quarter of 2023. Another plausible scenario is that Germany and its proxy, the World Economic Forum double crossed its COVID-19 collaborators. They withdrew from Credit Suisse the bribe money they paid to their COVID-19 collaborators. After all, who’s going to report to the police that their bribe money was stolen.
In October of 2022 the German parliament approved a €200-billion energy relief plan in an attempt to avoid a recession in 2023. Germany didn’t have €200-billion so it is reasonable to suspect Germany took the money from Credit Suisse.
Credit Suisse collapse linked to Germany and the World Economic Forum