The World Economic Forum serves as a proxy for the German government. It serves Germany’s strategic interests. That was made abundantly clear throughout Germany and the WHO orchestrated COVID-19 biological warfare attack. Germany sponsored the heinous biological attack against the civilian population of the World in January 2020 at the World Economic Forum in Davos pursuant to and furtherance of Germany and the WHO’s objectives: 1) to obtain worldwide support of vaccinations and 2) to force world leaders to invest $billions in Germany made vaccines.

Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological attack with funds Germany obtained from Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau in January 2020. Documentation of the transfer of funds to Germany disclosed in Government of Canada financial report – “Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020”

Every World Economic Forum meeting in Davos since COVID-19 has been about facilitating the Great Reset.
“The pandemic represents a rare but narrow window of opportunity to reflect, reimagine, and reset our world” – Professor Klaus Schwab, Founder and Executive Chairman, World Economic Forum.
What most Canadians don’t understand is that the WEF initiated Great Reset is Germany’s attempt to form its WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) – a World government (the United Nations Organization) under German control.

WEF’s Davos Agenda, the Great Reset, relies on corrupt government officials like Chrystia Freeland betraying their own country by assisting WEF and our WWI and WWII enemy, Germany, form Neuordnung – rule the World.
Assisting the WEF, an agent of Germany, form a World government under German control amounts to treason.
46 (2) Every one commits treason who, in Canada,
(b) without lawful authority, communicates or makes available to an agent of a state other than Canada, military or scientific information or any sketch, plan, model, article, note or document of a military or scientific character that he knows or ought to know may be used by that state for a purpose prejudicial to the safety or defence of Canada;
(c) conspires with any person to commit high treason or to do anything mentioned in paragraph (a);
(d) forms an intention to do anything that is high treason or that is mentioned in paragraph (a) and manifests that intention by an overt act; or
46 (1) Every one commits high treason who, in Canada,;
Assisting Germany wage WWIII against Russia amounts to high treason because Freeland knows or ought to know that Germany instigated the Ukraine Russia proxy war to force NATO states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaigns.
A proxy war occurs when a major power instigates or plays a major role in supporting and directing a party to a conflict but does only a small portion of the actual fighting itself
Chrystia Freeland and Justin Trudeau are now assisting Germany prepare to levy a war against Canada by deploying Canadian Armed Forces troops to Ukraine to fight a war that Germany instigated against our WWII ally Russia. Trudeau and Freeland are assisting Germany, an enemy of Canada in 2 World Wars, wage its WWIII military campaign in Ukraine. The use of CAF personnel to wage war for an enemy of Canada is defined by Canada’s criminal code as high treason:
(c) assists an enemy at war with Canada, or any armed forces against whom Canadian Forces are engaged in hostilities, whether or not a state of war exists between Canada and the country whose forces they are.
Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland assisting Germany prepare to levy a war in Ukraine against Russia is high treason because the ultimate goal of Germany waging WWIII against Russia using CAF personnel and other NATO Waffen SS forces is World domination. Germany’s World domination agenda includes putting Canada under German control/rule – Neuordnung. It is a well known historical fact that NATO was formed using Nazi war criminals. NATO was originally formed to prevent Germany from initiating another World War.
The post WWII Brussels Treaty lead to the formation of NATO. Signatories of the Brussels Treaty agreed:
“To take such steps as may be held to be necessary in the event of a renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression”.
Other treaties were drafted to prevent Germany from starting another war of aggression.
Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany
September 12, 1990
The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence.
However, Germany turned NATO into its new Nazi Waffen SS forces. NATO is embedded with Nazi symbols. Its flag is embedded with the Nazi swastika. NATO headquarters was intentionally designed and built to form Nazi SS symbols because all who serve under the NATO banner serve Germany’s Fourth Reich EU as its new Nazi Waffen SS forces.

Germany attacked Russia first because US President Joe Biden supports Germany’s quest to form its WWII envisioned Neuordnung.
Joe Biden stated his intention to betray the USA by assisting Germany create a World government under German control in this CSPAN video:
Least we forget that Germany started WWII by initiating war in Eastern Europe. Germany used Ukraine and Ukrainians to wage WWII, first against Poland and Russia and then against Allied Forces from France, Britain, the USA and Canada. Never forget that Ukraine assisted Germany kill Canadian, British, and American troops and millions of Russian and European civilians as 14th Waffen SS Division “Galicia”.

Government of Canada has documented proof that thousands of Ukrainians did in fact “volunteer” to serve in Germany’s 14th Waffen SS Division. Government of Canada documents informs Canadians that the Ukrainian 14th Waffen SS commited atrocities/war crimes for Germany in Poland and against their own people.

The Germany instigated war in Ukraine is the renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression. The stark reality is Germany is waging WWIII with the traitorous assistance of Joe Biden, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland. Germany is waging WWIII using NATO and countries that defeated it in 2 World Wars.