They died in vain because Justin Trudeau’s minority government is assisting Germany wage WWIII

Sorry my friend, you fought and died in vain. The US, Canada, France and UK governments dishonor your sacrifice by aiding & abetting Germany (Canada’s WWII and WWII enemy) and NATO (Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS) initiate and wage its WWIII military campaign against Russia in Ukraine.

Nazi swastika embedded in the NATO flag.
NATO HQ purposely designed to form the Nazi Germany SS insignia

The Flags of Germany’s Fourth Reich include the European Union flag and the NATO (Germany’s new Waffen SS) flag. 

Rest in peace knowing there are still some who honor your sacrifice by continuing your fight against all of the odious apparatuses of Nazi rule.

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. … we shall never surrender” Winston Churchill, 4 June 1940 Britain’s House of Commons

Germany attempting to establish a World government under German control is an odious apparatus of Nazi rule. The United Nations Organization (UNO) rule base system of government isn’t about governing according to the rule of law it has always been about putting the World under German rule (control of or dominion over an area or people) .

The EU is another odious apparatus of Nazi rule. The EU is Germany reoccupied Europe. Germany controls/rules it.

The WHO has always been an odious apparatus of Nazi rule. The WHO continued Nazi Germany’s concentration camp medical experiments immediately after WWII. The WHO subjected WWII survivors and refugees to vaccine medical experiments (See above screenshot). The WHO lead the Germany sponsored and orchestrated COVID-19 biological warfare attack and Germany and the WHO (UN’s eugenics agency) conducted mRNA vaccine medical experiments on the World’s civilian population.

The WHO has been researching and developing sterilization vaccines for the developing World since 1972. The WHO targeting the developing World provides ample evidence that the WHO is the UN’s eugenics agency. The stated purpose of developing infertility vaccines is birth control. Birth control prevents births. The UN’s own rules defines the crime of genocide as:

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”

World Bank’s “Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction”

Note that the first victims of Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack were the World’s senior citizens. They were specifically targeted for they were the ones who witnessed Germany’s WWII atrocities. They were the last remaining survivors of Germany’s WWII. They were WWII veterans who defeated Germany and prevented Britain, Canada and the USA from being placed under Nazi Germany rule.

The Ukraine Russia war is the start of Germany’s WWIII military campaign

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are guilty of high treason – levies war against Canada or does any act preparatory thereto. The Trudeau government and Canada’s intelligence community know that the Ukraine Russia war was instigated by Germany to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaign as Germany’s new Waffen SS.

Pope Francis stated publicly that Germany lead NATO forces provoked the Ukraine war.

A few months before Russia invaded Ukraine – to prevent Germany from obtaining nuclear weapons grade PU-239 from the neo-Nazi Ukrainian government, Germany threatened to use US nukes against Russia.

In an interview with Deutschlandfunk Germany’s Defence Minister Annegret Kramp-Karrenbauer (Christian Democrats, CDU) said, “We have to make it very clear to Russia that in the end … we are ready to use such means [nuclear weapons].”


“Ukraine was allegedly making plans to produce 8-10 nuclear bombs with the available plutonium with support from certain foreign powers, sources indicated to ET. Plutonium-239 is an isotope of plutonium. Plutonium-239 is the primary fissile isotope used for the production of nuclear weapons.” India’s Economic Times, February 26, 2022

Least we forget, never forget that Germany was Canada’s enemy in 2 World Wars. Both Germany and Ukraine were Canada’s enemy in WWII. Germany began to wage WWII in Eastern Europe. Germany waged WWII and committed atrocities (war crimes) against and in Poland, Ukraine and the USSR with the assistance of Ukraine.

Thousands of Ukrainians joined the Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS “Galacia” in WWII to help Germany wage WWII & occupy Europe. Ukrainians helped Germany commit atrocities in Poland, in the Soviet Union and in their our country during WWII. They volunteered to serve Nazi Germany as Waffen SS “Galacia” soldiers. Ukrainians served as guards in Germany’s death camps in Poland. Ukrainians soldiers and police who served Germany’s 14th Waffen SS mass murdered Polish, Ukrainian and Soviet civilians and Germany’s prisoners of war.

Canadians need to remember that both Ukraine & Germany were Canada’s enemies in WWII. In 1943, Germany established the Waffen SS Galacia, which was composed of thousands of Ukrainians. In April 1943, 5000 Ukrainian policemen joined/assisted Germany mass murder Ukrainians & Poles.

The Government of Canada has containers of material evidence that shows that Ukraine & Ukrainians did in fact serve Nazi Germany and Ukrainians did commit war crimes during WWII.

Government of Canada Archives contain files on Ukrainians’ war crimes. WAR CRIMES including THE UKRAINIAN 14TH WAFFEN-SS DIVISION SERIES

Containers 7, 33, 35, 36 contains material evidence that shows that Ukraine was an enemy of Canada during WWII. Container files prove Ukrainians waged WWII as Nazi Germany’s 14th Waffen – SS Volunteer Grenadier Division.

Container 35, files 13, 16, 18 contain material evidence on the atrocities committed by Ukrainians who served Nazi Germany in the Ukrainian 14th Waffen SS Division.

Container 36, file 5 contain “list of (Ukrainian) participants in the mass execution of Jews in Slavuta in 1942, now living in Canada and the U.S.”

One Ukrainian who assisted Germany commit mass murder in Poland and Ukraine is the grandfather of Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland. Freeland’s grandfather wrote propaganda articles for Nazi Germany that were written to trick Polish and Ukrainian Jews into boarding trains that were used to transport Jews to Germany’s death camps in Poland. Freeland’s grandfather was classified and investigated by the RCMP as a war criminal when he came to Canada. Canadian government “Commission of Inquiry” document “War Criminals in Canada” recorded that “war criminals were collaborators”. Collaborators like Chrystia Freeland’s grandfather were war criminals because they participated in or facilitated Germany’s war crimes during WWII. The members of the Ukrainian SS Galicia Division were war criminals.

MP Chrystia Freeland is a German double agent – a traitor

Chrystia Freeland being awarded Germany’s prestigious Warburg award for serving Germany’s interests. No other Canadian has ever received the German (Canada’s WWI, WWII enemy) award.

MPs who serve a foreign state or its proxies are double agents. A double agent is a spy pretending to serve one government while actually serving another. Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum (WEF) provides compelling evidence that Chrystia Freeland is a double agent. World Economic Forum boldly states that Chrystia Freeland serves Germany through it’s proxy the WEF:

The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 25 January 2019 – The World Economic Forum announces that Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, and Fabiola Gianotti, Director-General of the European Organization for Nuclear Research (CERN), join its Board of Trustees.

The Board of Trustees is the highest-level governance body of the World Economic Forum.

Chrystia Freeland is a double agent was made perfectly clear in April 2019 when she joined a Germany initiated and lead alliance to save the international world order, the UN, from destruction. The alliance serves Germany’s strategic interests.

“This, in a nutshell, is the mission of the Alliance for Multilateralism, which German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas first started promoting in summer 2018. The Alliance is not intended to be a new institution; it aims to support and strengthen existing organizations, in particular the United Nations” the United Nations Organization, April 30, 2020

Chrystia Freeland was officially and publicly outed as a double agent for Gemany in 2018 when Heiko Maas opened Germany’s Ambassadors Conference at the Federal Foreign Office together with Chrystia Freeland. Maas introduced Chrystia Freeland by stating:

We Germans in particular could have no interest in a jungle growing back in the world order

Heiko Maas introducing Chrystia Freeland as “We Germans” informed the conference attendees (and the World) that Chrystia Freeland was/is a German collaborator, a double agent.

Since WWII Germany has been trying to establish a World government under German control. Germany’s WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) relies on traitors like Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland assisting Germany acquire control of the United Nations Organization via a financial takeover.

In October 2019 the United Nations Organization declared that it was insolvent – “risks defaulting on payments to staff and vendors”. Germany is using the UN’s cash crisis to obtain control of the UN. Germany is attempting to acquire complete control of the UN by using debt financing. After all, Germany successfully reoccupied Europe using debt financing. EU states have surrendered their sovereignty to Germany in exchange for debt financing.

Chrystia Freeland poses a serious threat to the security of Canada. She is using her office to further Germany’s strategic interests. She is stealing $billions to fund Germany’s WWIII military campaign in Ukraine. Canada’s intelligence community knows she is a threat to the security of Canada. NSICOP launched an investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department. The investigation examined “the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada”.

OTTAWA, September 17, 2020 — The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) today announces two reviews of national security and intelligence activities. These reviews will be conducted over the next few months and concluded in 2021.

The Committee’s first review will examine the national security and intelligence activities of Global Affairs Canada (GAC). GAC collects information on security issues, liaises with allied intelligence organizations and supports the work of the security and intelligence community through its missions abroad. As with the Committee’s previous reports of DND/CAF in 2018 and the CBSA in 2019, this review is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about GAC’s national security and intelligence activities. While GAC is a core member of the national security and intelligence community, its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent review and are not well known by the public or Parliament.

Justin Trudeau called a snap election just days after NSICOP delivered to him and “relevant ministers” its intelligence report regarding the investigation of Global Affairs Canada when Chrystia Freeland headed that department (January 2017- November 2019). NSICOP stated in a September 17, 2020 press release that the NSICOP investigation “is intended to establish a baseline of knowledge about Global Affairs Canada’s national security and intelligence activities. … its national security and intelligence activities have never been subject to external independent investigation.”

It’s important to note that the NSICOP investigates matters of national security and intelligence. NSICOP investigates Parliamentarians – Members of Parliament and the activities of their departments.

Coincidentally, on August 11, 2021, the same day NSICOP delivered its “national security and intelligence report” to Justin Trudeau the House of Commons was debating NSICOP reporting its findings to the PM instead of to the House of Commons.

Debate continues in the House of Commons over who should be able to see documents containing possible national security concernsThe Hill Times

House of Commons debated this major national security issue June 1, 2021. “In short, NSICOP is accountable to the government. Under our constitution, the government is accountable to this House. It is to this House that the government should deliver the documents.House of Commons transcript

MPs were concerned that Justin Trudeau is covering up foreign governments’ espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Activities that are defined by CSIS as threats to the security of Canada.

Justin Trudeau redacted the NSICOP national security and intelligence investigation report regarding Chrystia Freeland when she headed Global Affairs Canada. Redacted the names of foreign states that are actively conducting espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. He didn’t redact China or Russia so which foreign states is Justin Trudeau protecting – assisting them to continue to conduct espionage and sabotage activities in Canada. Top of the list is Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy, Germany.

While Chrystia Freeland was head of Global Affairs Canada she also served as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv (serves Ukraine’s political interests). Chrystia Freeland continued to serve Ukraine’s interests after she became Finance Minister. Resigned from her position as a Trustee of the Aspen Institute Kyiv Board of Trustees effective May 16, 2021. However, in her letter of resignation she stated “Rest assured you can count on my continued support for Ukraine’s sovereignty, reforms, and democracy.

Freeland’s letter of resignation is prima facie evidence that Chrystia Freeland intends on continuing to commit offences of: frauds on the government, conflict of interest and criminal breach of trust to further/bankroll Ukraine’s interests while she serves as finance minister – a MP in Canada’s Parliament.

Evidence of Chrystia Freeland committing the offence of criminal breach of trust – the funneling of $billions to Ukraine, can be found in the Government of Canada’s financial reports – “Monthly Official International Reserves”. Freeland transfers $billions to Ukraine using a well known money laundering method called placement. Freeland transfers $billions to the IMF and the IMF transfers the $billions to Ukraine.

Freeland’s money laundering is disguised as currency swaps or Global bonds. Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland disguised the transfer of $billions to Germany in January 2020 to finance Germany and the Who’s planned and lead COVID-19 biological attack as a $3 billion global bond.

“During January, Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond” Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020

More information available regarding Chrystia Freeland funneling $3.6 billion to Germany in January 2020 is provided in NCIO briefing:

MP Chrystia Freeland attended the 2020 World Economic Forum to assist Germany bribe foreign public officials

Swiss numbered accounts for COVID-19 biological attack co-conspirators likely triggered collapse of Credit Suisse

Investigators already know that the Credit Suisse demise was caused by bank account holders withdrawing $billions from Credit Suisse beginning in 2022. That was reported by the mass media in late 2022.

“The bank also saw a sharp acceleration in withdrawals in the fourth quarter, with outflows of more than 110 billion Swiss francs”

Coincidentally, 2022 was the year Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack ended. It stands to reason that Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack collaborators would start to withdraw their bribe money from Credit Suisse in the fourth quarter of 2022 and/or first quarter of 2023. Another plausible scenario is that Germany and its proxy, the World Economic Forum double crossed its COVID-19 collaborators. They withdrew from Credit Suisse the bribe money they paid to their COVID-19 collaborators. After all, who’s going to report to the police that their bribe money was stolen.

In October of 2022 the German parliament approved a €200-billion energy relief plan in an attempt to avoid a recession in 2023. Germany didn’t have €200-billion so it is reasonable to suspect Germany took the money from Credit Suisse.

Credit Suisse collapse linked to Germany and the World Economic Forum

World War 3 military campaign was officially launched and declared by Germany provoking the war in Ukraine

Pope Francis publicly stated before Russia invaded Ukraine that NATO was provoking the war in Ukraine. “They (NATO) are barking at the gates of Russia. And they don’t understand that the Russians are imperial and they will not allow any foreign power to approach them.” On 24 February 2022, the war began.

Pope Francis implicated NATO to divert blame. He knows that it was Germany who provoked the war. Germany provoked the war to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s World War 3 military campaign as Germany’s new Waffen SS.

Time and again the German government has publicly declared that NATO serves Germany. That NATO is the “signature pillar of Germany’s peace and prosperity”. Germany staged a coup against US President Donald Trump after POTUS Trump threatened to withdraw the US from NATO. Germany feared POTUS Trump would exit the US from NATO in a second term.

“U.S. President Donald Trump has dedicated himself not to maintaining and nurturing the liberal international order on which Germany’s current peace and prosperity are founded, but rather to destroying this order. Consequently, the Federal Republic now needs something that was previously unnecessary: an America strategy” GMF, article was originally published in the Berlin Policy Journal

Germany initiated the coup against President Donald Trump with the aid of US Senator McCain. Germany gave McCain forged documents at the Halifax International Security Forum. US Senator McCain was recruited by the German Marshal Fund (GMF) to start a new Cold War and to assist Germany stage a coup against US President Donald Trump using the Trump-Russia dossier.

An independent investigation into the true purpose of the Halifax International Security Forum has found that the forum was established for Germany by the Crown in Canada, using Crown Corporation ACOA funding. The Halifax International Security Forum was established by the Crown in 2009 to support the Washington DC based, German Marshall Fund of the United States and their Cold War objectives and operations.

“With the generous support of the Canadian government, Halifax International Security Forum was founded in 2009 as part of the German Marshall Fund of the United States.” Halifax International Security Forum website webpage Our Mission

Since its inauguration in 2009 the Halifax International Security Forum (founding partners are the Crown’s Department of National Defence (DND) and the Atlantic Canada Opportunities Agency (ACOA)) has been organized by the German Marshall Fund of the United States (founded in 1972 by Chancellor of Germany Willy Brandt, Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1969 to 1974) and funded by the Crown in Canada to recruit top US and Canadian government officials to aid and abet Germany conduct a new Cold War against Russia. The forum, for all intents and purposes, is being used to turn top Canada US government officials into double agents. Their mission is to undermine and subvert both the Government of the United States of America and the Government of Canada, pursuant to and in furtherance of Germany’s strategic interests. Their objective is to wage a new Cold War against Russia.

The Halifax International Security Forum was used and organized by the Chancellor of Germany founded and funded German Marshall Fund of the United States shortly after the 2016 US presidential election to recruit US Senator John McCain to initiate the new Cold War. McCain was recruited by Germany’s proxy GMF to aid and abet Germany stage a coup against newly elected US President Donald Trump using the infamous Trump-Russia dossier. Senator McCain delivered the dossier to FBI Jim Comey. The dossier was commissioned (paid for) by the Crown and written by the Crown’s spy, MI6 counterintelligence agent Christopher Steele, to allege, without proof, Russia meddling in US 2016 election. The Crown “manufactured” the dossier for Germany to start the new Cold War against Russia and stage a coup against US President Donald Trump.

Why conduct a new Cold War now? Russia was the US, the UK and Canada’s ally in WWII. Russia helped the US, the UK and Canada defeat Germany and Italy (controlled by the Vatican) in WWII. The Crown feared another US, UK, Canada and Russia war alliance. Such a war alliance would be formed to liberate Europe once again from the Vatican Germany annexation and occupation of Europe called the EU. Both the first Cold War and the new Cold War were started by the Crown to prevent such a US, UK, Canada and Russia war alliance. A new Cold War was started by the Crown using the Crown commissioned Trump-Russia dossier because World War III had already begun and was officially declared in 2014.

On Sept 13, 2014 Pope Francis officially declared that World War III had begun. Pope Francis called it a “piecemeal” WWIII. “a third war, one fought piecemeal, with crimes (mainly treachery), massacres, destruction,”. Then again in 2016 Pope Francis declared:

“Let’s not be afraid to say this truth, The world is at war. It is perhaps not as organic, but it is organized and it is war. … but unlike the first two world wars, instead of happening all at once, this war is coming in stages.”

Why is there another World War? Pope Francis told you why: “There are economic systems that must make war in order to survive”. What economic systems is he referring to? The Fourth Reich EU and the Crown. I know, as did members of the Crown disbanded RCMP SERT (disbanded in 1993), who and what the Crown really represents.

The Crown is the reigning Pope’s corporate entity and international trademark. It is the Pope’s Latifundia (Mafia) economic system. It wages World Wars (WWI, WWII and WWIII) in order to form new Holy Roman Empires (Reichs). World War I was a war waged by the Crown (Pope) to establish the Vatican Germany Second Reich. World War II was a war waged by the Crown to establish the Vatican Germany Third Reich.

Piecemeal World War III is a war being waged now by the Crown to expand and protect the Vatican Germany Fourth Reich, internationally known as the EU.

Germany provoked Ukraine Russia war by attempting to obtain nuclear weapons grade uranium from Ukraine

Why Ukraine conspired with Germany to start Germany’s WWIII military campaign

NATO was originally formed to protect Europe against Germany’s wars of aggression

NATO headquarters designed to take the shape of Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS insignia.

After WWII Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, signed the Brussels Treaty to create a collective defense alliance to protect Europe against Germany and its wars of aggression. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg anticipated that the defeated Germany would one day resume a policy of aggression.

It’s imperative Canadians know that the Brussels Treaty lead to the formation of NATO. Signatories of the Brussels Treaty agreed:

To afford assistance to each other, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, in maintaining international peace and security and in resisting any policy of aggression;

To take such steps as may be held to be necessary in the event of a renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression;

That statement confirms emphatically that Germany was and is Europe’s enemy, not Russia. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg knew Germany remained a significant threat post WWII.

Other treaties were drafted in an attempt to prevent Germany from starting another war of aggression. One such treaty was signed in Moscow on 12 September 1990. The Treaty was signed by France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The treaty being negotiated and signed in 1990 confirms that even though 45 years had passed since Germany was defeated by Allied forces Germany still posed a significant threat to Europe.

The “Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany” imposed conditions and restrictions on the German governments in an attempt to prevent Germany from starting another World War after the reunification of Germany.

A declassified document from the US National Security Archives states the intent of signing the treaty:

With the signing of the Treaty on the Final Settlement. Germany would regain its full sovereignty. A pre-condition for this was the trust that war would never again emanate from German soil and that a dictatorship would never again arise there.

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

September 12, 1990


(3) The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future.

(4) The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic shall ensure that the constitution of the united Germany does not contain any provision incompatible with these principles. This applies accordingly to the provisions laid down in the preamble, the second sentence of Article 23, and Article 146 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.


The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence.


(1) The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their renunciation of the manufacture and possession of and control over nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. They declare that the united Germany, too, will abide by these commitments. In particular. rights and obligations arising from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1 July 1968 will continue to apply to the united Germany.

“The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany undertakes to reduce the personnel strength of the armed forces of the united Germany to 370.000 (ground, air and naval forces) within three to four years. This reduction will commence on the entry into force of the first CFE agreement. Within the scope of this overall ceiling no more than 345,000 will belong to the ground and air forces which, pursuant to the agreed mandate, alone are the subject of the Negotiations on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.”

The Germany provoked war in Ukraine violated both the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany and Germany’s own constitution. The Germany provoked war in Ukraine was “undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war”.

Because of the conditions and restrictions imposed in 1990 by France, Russia, the UK and the USA that Germany reduce the personnel strength of the armed forces of the united Germany to 370.000 Germany is intent on using NATO forces as its new Waffen SS to levy its WWIII military campaign in Europe and against Russia.

It is important to remember that Germany waged war against Europe and against Russia with the assistance of Ukraine. Ukrainians volunteered to serve Germany as Waffen SS Galacia.

Government of Canada Publication “WAR CRIMINALS IN CANADA” confirmed that Ukrainians volunteered to serve Germany as Waffen SS Galacia.

a few undeniable facts must nevertheless be faced and dealt with. The so-called Galicia Division had been formed under the name “14th SS Volunteer Division Galicia”. When its training was finished and just before it was sent to the Eastern front, in the spring of 1944 the Division received a new name: “14.Waffengrenadierdivision der SS (gal. Nr. I).”‘”

It is an acknowledged fact that the members of the Division were volunteers who had enlisted in the spring and summer of 1943.

Ukrainians who served in 14th SS Division Galacia helped Nazi Germany commit atrocities in Poland, Europe, the USSR and in Ukraine.

NATO headquarters designed to take the shape of Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS insignia.
German soldiers crossing the Soviet border in Lviv Oblast of Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941

The Government of Canada has containers of material evidence that proves Ukraine & Ukrainians did in fact serve Nazi Germany and the Ukrainians 14th Waffen SS Division did commit war crimes during WWII.

Government of Canada Archives contain records of Ukrainians war crimes. WAR CRIMES including THE UKRAINIAN 14TH WAFFEN-SS DIVISION SERIES

Containers 7, 33, 35, 36 contains material evidence that shows that Ukraine was an enemy of Canada during WWII. Container files prove Ukrainians waged WWII as Nazi Germany’s 14th Waffen – SS Volunteer Grenadier Division.

Container 35, files 13, 16, 18 contain material evidence on the atrocities committed by Ukrainians who served Nazi Germany in the Ukrainian 14th Waffen SS Division.

Container 36, file 5 contain “list of (Ukrainian) participants in the mass execution of Jews in Slavuta in 1942, now living in Canada and the U.S.”

One Ukrainian who assisted Germany commit atrocities (war crimes) in Poland and Ukraine is the grandfather of Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland. Freeland’s grandfather wrote propaganda articles for Nazi Germany that were written to trick Polish and Ukrainian Jews into boarding trains that were used to transport Jews to Germany’s death camps in Poland. Guards at those death camps included Ukrainians.

The US and UK governments knew in 1944 that Germany would start World War III

An economically powerful Germany constitutes a military threat to world security

German soldiers crossing the Soviet border in Lviv Oblast of Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941

It’s about time Canadians realize that Germany is once again an enemy of Canada. The Germany and the WHO devised and lead COVID-19 biological attack was/is part of Germany’s WWIII war strategy. The vaccines that Germany manufactured and distributed are biological weapons. Designed to weaken Germany’s main WWIII adversaries, Canada, the US and the UK.

Germany provoked the war in Ukraine to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaigns as Germany’s new Waffen SS. Germany is prohibited by treaties from forming a large military force. It is Germany’s intent to use NATO forces to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaigns.

During WWII Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King , UK Prime Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt realized that Germany constituted a military threat to world security if it gained financial control of Europe.

Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King , UK Prime Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt secretly met in Quebec City to discuss and initiate measures to prevent Germany from starting WWIII.

During the second 1944 Quebec Conference (codenamed “OCTAGON”) the US government recommended that a program of large-scale reparations must be rejected to prevent Germany from starting WWIII.

Roosevelt Papers

Briefing Book Prepared in the Treasury Department

top secret

Program To Prevent Germany From Starting a World War III

2. If liberated Europe becomes economically dependent on Germany for reparations, her economic dependence cannot be broken off when reparations cease. The rest of Europe would continue to be dependent on Germany as a source of supply and as a market. These economic ties would also mean political ties. Germany would be right back where she was in the Thirties when she was able to dominate the rest of Europe economically through her industrial power and to exert her economic power to achieve political domination.

An economically powerful Germany ipso facto constitutes a military threat to world security.

Their efforts were in vain because of the UK’s German monarchy, Kraut George VI.  George VI assisted Germany throughout WWII and after WWII he assisted Germany gain financial control of Europe. The UK’s German monarchy, George VI helped Germany rebuild and gain financial control of Europe by enacting the Income Tax Act while Parliament was prorogued. The income tax dollars that were unlawfully obtained from Canadians were funneled to Germany.

Income tax dollars were unlawfully obtained because the Income Tax Act (1948) never legally received Royal Assent. Bills/Acts which have not received Royal Assent “before prorogation” are “entirely terminated”, dies.

Screenshot of Canada’s House of Commons website states:

Parliament was prorogued on June 30, 1948. Technically, and legally the Income Tax Act bill died and could not receive royal assent on June 30, 1948. That means there was/is no “law” to tax Canadians?

The Governor General refused to be a part of it.

“The deputy of the governor general will be acting for His Excellency in proroguing parliament, and it is desirable that due notice should be given to him as to the time to be present.” …

I should like to congratulate hon. members upon the way they have expedited the business of the house so as to make possible prorogation by June 30.” PM Mackenzie King

Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King is quoted saying that most MPs had already left Parliament because Canada’s Parliament was prorogued on June 30, 1948.

On the orders of the day: Mr. JOHN T. HACKETT (Stanstead) : Mr. Speaker, I should like to ask the Prime Minister whether any request has come from the government of the United Kingdom for assistance in flying in supplies to overcome the Berlin blockade?

Overcoming the Berlin blockade was the sole reason for Kraut George VI imposing the Income Tax Act. Canada wasn’t the beneficiary of the new source of government funding. Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy was.

The Income Tax Act was illegally enacted to provide much needed funding for Canada’s WWII enemy. Kraut George VI rushed the Act through Parliament when it was prorogued because of the ongoing “Berlin blockade”.

We know that the Berlin blockade was being addressed by Kraut George VI when the Income Tax Act was illegally enacted. The day Parliament was prorogued a MP asked the Prime Minister:

whether any request has come from the government of the United Kingdom for assistance in flying in supplies to overcome the Berlin blockade

At the time Kraut George VI was the unlawful head of the UK government. Unlawful because all German monarchies were forever abolished in 1919. In 1919 the UK’s monarchy was German. It’s been German since Queen Anne died in 1714. The assistance Kraut George VI wanted from the Canadian government to overcome the Berlin blockade was financial assistance. He obtained it via the Income Tax Act.


US President Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Churchill knew that Germany would start WWIII if it gained financial control of Europe. Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly in Quebec City, Canada in 1944 to discuss measures to prevent Germany from starting WWIII. The Quebec Conference was held September 11–16, 1944.

The US government initiated a “Program To Prevent Germany From Starting a World War III”. The program was discussed during the 1944 Quebec Conference. The first measures that were discussed to prevent Germany from starting WWIII was the demilitarization of Germany.

Section II of the top secret US briefing book revealed that to prevent Germany from starting WWIII Germany couldn’t be allowed to gain financial control of Europe.

The US government recommended that a program of large-scale reparations must be rejected for the following reasons:

2. If liberated Europe becomes economically dependent on Germany for reparations, her economic dependence cannot be broken off when reparations cease. The rest of Europe would continue to be dependent on Germany as a source of supply and as a market. These economic ties would also mean political ties. Germany would be right back where she was in the Thirties when she was able to dominate the rest of Europe economically through her industrial power and to exert her economic power to achieve political domination.

3. An economically powerful Germany ipso facto constitutes a military threat to world security.

The US government knew that soon after Germany gained economic control of Europe Germany would resume a policy of aggression. Germany reoccupied Europe with the assistance of the UK’s 1919 abolished German monarchy. The Kraut in Canada funneled $billions in illegally obtained tax dollars to Germany to assist Canada’s enemy rebuild and reoccupy Europe under the guise of the EU.

Why Ukraine conspired with Germany to start Germany’s WWIII military campaign

Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline was to begin pumping Russian natural gas to Germany and its Fourth Reich EU this past summer. The newly built pipeline would have delivered natural gas to Europe by bypassing Ukraine. Ukraine stood to lose $billions in transfer fees because of Nord Stream 2.

Beginning in 2022 the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was to double the volume of natural gas exported directly to Germany via a network beneath the Baltic Sea, bypassing an existing route through Ukraine. Before the Ukraine Russia war began the EU got 41% of its gas from Russia.

The pipeline was completed in 2021. The BBC reported 10 September 2021:

The Russian energy company Gazprom says it has completed construction of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. … The loss of transit fees would hit Ukraine’s economy hard. … The Ukrainian presidency opposed Nord Stream 2

Kyiv-based economist Aleksey Kushch

The termination of [gas] transit is not so much a blow to the economy, but a blow to [Ukrainian] political elites. That’s why we are witnessing this neurotic response of the authorities instead of a pragmatic search for ways to compensate for the losses

Another motive is Ukraine’s debt payments to the IMF. Ukraine had/has no money to pay its debt payments. It’s using the war to obtain $billions from Canada, US, the UK, and other states to pay its debt and bankroll its corrupt politicians. In 2022 Ukraine owed $142 million in debt payments to the IMF in February. In March, Ukraine owed $480 million. Total of $1.686 billion Ukraine must pay the IMF in 2022. The Ukraine government was banking on the IMF and foreign governments wiping its massive multi $billion debts off the books because of the war it and Germany provoked. No such luck. The IMF requires Ukraine to continue to make its debt payments during the war.

July 14 (Reuters) – The International Monetary Fund expects Ukraine to continue to service its foreign debt, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday as speculation grows that Kyiv could default on its debt as its battle against Russia’s invasion rages on.

The very corrupt Ukrainian government is using the war Ukraine and Germany instigated to obtain $billions. The money Ukraine obtains from corrupt and traitorous (assists an enemy) foreign politicians like Chrystia Freeland and Joe Biden isn’t going to assist Ukraine’s civilians. $billions are being embezzled by Ukraine’s corrupt politicians for their own personal use. The Kyiv Post reported in 2021 that the corrupt Ukrainian government is responsible for making Ukraine a failed state.

“Corruption lies at the core of Ukraine’s poverty, lack of transparency, and dormant economic potential. Ukrainian state budget annually loses over $37 billion due to this curse of inefficiency.” Kyiv Post, March 11, 2021

There’s ample evidence to charge Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland with high treason and treason

Two intelligence reports provides ample evidence that Germany is Canada, the UK, the USA and Europe‘s enemy. These two intelligence reports provides ample evidence that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland have committed and are committing high treason and treason. Both assisted Germany, an enemy of Canada, wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada. Vaccines manufactured by Germany are biological weapons – contains SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10 and a modified spike protein that acts as a key to facilitate new coronavirus infections.

The WHO, CDC, Health Canada and Germany would have you believe that Germany’s vaccines instructing cells to make SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein is harmless yet they all know SARS-CoV-2 and all common human coronaviruses need the spike protein to invade cells to replicate and make you sick.

The WHO, CDC and other health authorities know and have repeatedly stated:

“the novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick. The spike protein binds to a protein on the surface of our cells called ACE2, triggering uptake of the virus particle and eventually membrane fusion.”

Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack was waged to obtain $billions for Canada’s enemy, Germany and the insolvent UN. The financial objectives of Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack was made known at the World Economic Forum in January 2020:

Government and police forensic labs can prove Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines are biological weapons by looking for SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10.

“Consistent with our observations, in the context of SARS-CoV-2 infection, ORF10 inhibited MAVS expression and facilitated viral replication. In brief, our results reveal a novel mechanism by which SARS-CoV-2 inhibits the innate immune response; that is, ORF10 induces mitophagy-mediated MAVS degradation by binding to NIX.” …

ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In our study, overexpression of ORF10 promoted the degradation of MAVS and the replication of SARS-CoV-2.”

Source : immunology study SARS-CoV-2 ORF10 suppresses the antiviral innate immune response by degrading MAVS through mitophagy

SARS-COV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10 was intentionally added to Germany’s COVID-19 vaccines to facilitate/cause new coronavirus infections. Causing new SARS like infections ensures Canada’s enemy, Germany obtains $billions in vaccine sales.

Germany’s COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer BioNtech informed you in a press release just how dangerous their vaccines are. Their labs use biological weapons agent handling safety protocols.

You only need decontamination chambers and hazmat suits if you’re handling/using infectious biological agents – “bioengineered or synthesized component” of a biological weapon:

“the term “biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing— (A) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human” US Code 18 USC § 178(1)

Germany’s mRNA vaccines contain 2 bioengineered or synthesized components of SARS-CoV-2. Germany’s vaccines contain SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein (a modified/mutated form) and the viral protein that made SARS-COV-2 a novel coronavirus, ORF10

Both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are guilty of high treason and treason because they are now assisting Canada’s enemy, Germany, wage Germany’s WWIII military campaign in Ukraine. The Germany and Ukraine provoked war in Ukraine is being waged for Germany and its Fourth Reich EU.

The US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128 informs us that German industrialists were given the task of building Germany’s Fourth Reich. The Fourth Reich was to be an economic empire. The EU is Germany’s Fourth Reich.

“The industrialists included representatives of Volkswagen, Krupp and Messerschmitt. Officials from the Navy and Ministry of Armaments were also at the meeting and, with incredible foresight, they decided together that the Fourth German Reich, unlike its predecessor, would be an economic rather than a military empire – but not just German.”

Numerous EU states know that the EU is Germany’s Fourth Reich. Italy was the first to publicly inform its citizens that the EU is the Fourth Reich (Quarto Reich). The UK exited the EU when the majority realized that the EU represented the “odious apparatus of Nazi rule”. France wanted to exit Germany’s Fourth Reich EU too but Germany and the WHO initiated and lead the COVID-19 biological attack to prevent France from exiting the German Fourth Reich EU. Mass nation wide protests throughout France calling for Frexit ended when Germany’s COVID-19 co-conspirator, the World Health Organization, imposed social distancing (banned protests and opposition) and travel restrictions.

Few people realize that the EU was originally called the European Economic Community (EEC). It was subsequently renamed the European Community (EC) upon becoming integrated into the first pillar of the newly formed European Union. The one thing that has remained the same is that Germany controls/rules the Fourth Reich EU.

The “Elimination of German Resources for War: Hearings Before a Subcommittee of the Committee on Military Affairs” provides evidence that during WWII Germany (Europe, the UK, the USA, the USSR (Russia) and Canada’s enemy) made plans to build Germany’s economic empire, the German Fourth Reich EU:

During the occupation of the remainder of Europe they took the opportunity to lay the ground work for an economic empire which involved in direct affiliations of business relationships, literally, hundreds of thousands of individuals in the liberated areas, including such countries as France, Belgium, Holland, Norway, Yugoslavia, and Austria.

This economic network grew with government supervision and was carefully planned as an important component in the German scheme for the maintenance of an overwhelming political and economic power. Old established investments, contractual rights, personnel, and other assets were used to serve the objectives of the state.

With the defeat of Germany these assets previously used in out-right war take on a new meaning. They are the means whereby the ground work for rebuilding a new German war potential can be developed beyond the reach of the Allied occupation forces.

Link to the above excerpt from the US government subcommittee hearing

The Parliament of Canada informs Canadians and Ontario police officers that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland can be charged and imprisoned for committing the criminal offences of high treason and treason.

Freedom from arrest has been confined to civil cases and does not entitle a Member to evade criminal law.

Any incident of a criminal nature in which a Member has been charged is not a matter where immunity from arrest will protect that Member. Matters of a criminal nature would include treason, felonies, all indictable offences, …

Members cannot claim freedom from arrest or imprisonment on a criminal charge. A Member of the House of Commons is in exactly the same position as any other citizen if he or she is suspected of, charged with, or found guilty of a crime, provided that it is unrelated to proceedings in Parliament.

… should the police arrest a Member outside the House on some criminal matter, the House of Commons is not entitled to intervene. In Canada, the administration of justice is a provincial responsibility. The Crown Attorney for the particular judicial district where the offence occurred would therefore prosecute any breach of the Criminal Code.

In Canada, the administration of justice is a provincial responsibility means Ontario police officers (OPP, Toronto Police Services, Ottawa Police and/RCMP) have jurisdiction and law enforcement authority to charge Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland with high treason and treason for assisting an enemy, Germany.

It is the Ontario police officers’ sworn duty to “be loyal to Canada, and uphold the Constitution of Canada”.

Ontario Police Services Act, oath or affirmation of office taken by a police officer, special constable or First Nations Constable:

I solemnly swear (affirm) that I will be loyal to Canada, and that I will uphold the Constitution of Canada and that I will, to the best of my ability, preserve the peace, prevent offences and discharge my other duties as (insert name of office) faithfully, impartially and according to law. So help me God

COVID-19 didn’t destroy Canada’s economy, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland did that by assisting Germany wage the COVID-19 biological warfare/war attack. COVID-19 didn’t violate Canada’s supreme law, the Constitution of Canada, Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland did by imposing measures that blatantly infringed on Canadians’ rights and freedoms.

Chrystia Freeland defined as a war criminal for financing and arming Ukraine government’s mercenaries

A war criminal is defined as a “person who has carried out an act during the conduct of a war that violates accepted international rules of war.” Chrystia Freeland is a war criminal because she is providing funding/financing and weapons for Ukraine’s illegal recruitment and use of mercenaries in the Germany Ukraine provoked war in Ukraine.

A Canadian civilian who is a Ukraine government paid mercenary informed me at a motel outside of Moncton NB that he was recruited and paid by the Ukraine government to fight and kill Russians in Ukraine. The Ukraine government’s mercenary operations aren’t restricted to killing Russian soldiers. He claims they (Ukraine government’s mercenaries) have the support of the Canadian government. He’s preparing to redeploy to Ukraine as a Ukraine government paid mercenary on November 14, 2022.

The Ukraine government paid mercenary is pictured in the above screenshot. He’s training to use his recently purchased night vision goggle that’s mounted on a tactical ballistic helmet he purchased online. That helmet has a Ukraine military patch and a Canadian flag patch. He was instructed by the Ukraine government to put the Canadian flag patch on his helmet and ballistic vest – to impersonate a Canadian Armed Forces soldier in battle = crime of perfidy. The mercenary doesn’t realize he’s going to lose his head/life if he uses that night vision goggle in combat. A camera (cell phone camera or CCTV) can detect the night vision goggle’s beam of light.

Chrystia Freeland provided funding and weapons to the Ukraine government are used to finance and arm mercenaries. Chrystia Freeland and the Ukraine government are war criminals because their actions violates “accepted international rules of war.”

UN Human Rights

“International law prohibits the use of mercenaries in armed conflict and certain peaceful situations.”

Hague Convention (V) Respecting the Rights and Duties of Neutral Powers and Persons in Case of War on Land

Art. 4. Corps of combatants cannot be formed nor recruiting agencies opened on the territory of a neutral Power to assist the belligerents.

Art. 5. A neutral Power (Canada) must not allow any of the acts referred to in Articles 2 to 4 to occur on its territory.


Neutral Persons

Art. 16. The nationals of a State which is not taking part in the war are considered as neutrals.

Art. 17. A neutral cannot avail himself of his neutrality

(a) If he commits hostile acts against a belligerent;

(b) If he commits acts in favor of a belligerent, particularly if he voluntarily enlists in the ranks of the armed force of one of the parties.

International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries, 4 December 1989

Affirming that the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries should be considered as offences of grave concern to all States and that any person committing any of these offences should be either prosecuted or extradited

Article 2

Any person who recruits, uses, finances or trains mercenaries, as defined in article 1 of the present Convention, commits an offence for the purposes of the Convention.

Article 5

States Parties (Ukraine) shall not recruit, use, finance (Chrystia Freeland) or train mercenaries and shall prohibit such activities in accordance with the provisions of the present Convention

Ukraine government committing war crimes by instructing paid mercenaries from Canada to display a Canadian flag patch when conducting military operations against Russian soldiers

Ukraine is violating international laws by employing mercenaries to fight the Germany provoked war against Russia.

I was informed by a mercenary living in the Moncton New Brunswick area motel that he’s preparing to go back to Ukraine to fight on November 14. I asked him if he was a Canadian Armed Forces soldier and he replied that he worked for the Ukraine government. That he is being paid by Ukraine to fight Russia. That confirms that Ukraine is illegally recruiting and employing mercenaries.

I noticed that this mercenary had a Canadian flag patch on his tactical helmet and ballistic vest. I asked him why he had that patch on the helmet and ballistic vest if he worked for and fought for the Ukraine government. I told him it was illegal to have that patch anywhere on his person if he wasn’t a member of the Canadian Armed Forces. He claimed Ukraine said it was all perfectly legal. He also stated he was given papers by the Ukraine government that claimed he was a Canadian soldier, which he wasn’t and he informed me that he wasn’t. He claims that paper protects him under the Geneva Convention. I told him he has no such protection. Employing mercenaries is illegal. Displaying the Canadian flag patch in battles or military operations in Ukraine is perfidy – a war crime.

Rule 10 of Canada’s Code of Conduct (2005) states:
Perfidy is a war crime.
Perfidy is defined as:
Acts inviting the confidence of adversaries and leading them to believe that they are entitled to protection or are obliged to grant protection under the Law of Armed Conflict, with intent to betray that confidence, constitute perfidy. In other words, perfidy consists of committing a hostile act under the cover of a legal protection (e.g., firing on a member of an opposing force who comes forward under the protection of a white flag).

Geneva Conventions Act

Article 39 — Emblems of nationality

1 It is prohibited to make use in an armed conflict of the flags or military emblems, insignia or uniforms of neutral or other States not Parties to the conflict

International Convention against the Recruitment, Use, Financing and Training of Mercenaries

Affirming that the recruitment, use, financing and training of mercenaries should be considered as offences of grave concern to all States and that any person committing any of these offences should be either prosecuted or extradited

Article 1

For the purposes of the present Convention,

  1. A mercenary is any person who:
    1. Is specially recruited locally or abroad in order to fight in an armed conflict;
    2. Is motivated to take part in the hostilities essentially by the desire for private gain and, in fact, is promised, by or on behalf of a party to the conflict, material compensation substantially in excess of that promised or paid to combatants of similar rank and functions in the armed forces of that party;
    3. Is neither a national of a party to the conflict nor a resident of territory controlled by a party to the conflict;
    4. Is not a member of the armed forces of a party to the conflict; and
    5. Has not been sent by a State which is not a party to the conflict on official duty as a member of its armed forces.

Canada’s LOAC Manual (1999) states:

It is prohibited to make use in armed conflict of flags or military emblems, insignia or uniforms of neutral or other states not parties to the conflict.

Ukraine paid mercenary has Canadian flag patch on the front off his tactical vest too. That’s a very serious crime. He’s impersonating a Canadian Armed Forces soldier during Ukraine military operations against Russian forces and Russian civilians living in Ukraine.