Human smuggling facilitated in eastern Canada

Published on: August 28, 2023

It’s a criminal offence to falsify immigration documents to assist a foreign national enter Canada irregularly. It’s an offence to demand and/or accept payment(s) for assisting a foreign national obtain work and/or permanent residency in Canada. However, in Canada foreign nationals are entering Canada irregularly and they’re paying as much $1000 a month to help them get permanent residency.

While most migrants and refugees arrive in Canada legally, there are others who try to take shortcuts around our country’s immigration system using human smugglers.

Human smuggling occurs when you willingly pay someone to help you enter Canada irregularly. Human smugglers assist foreign nationals enter Canada irregularly by any of the following methods or a combination of them:

Using stolen passports

Forging fake travel documents or visas

Presenting false documentations to acquire a work visa to Canada

Human smuggling is illegal in Canada. Section 117 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act (IRPA) defines human smuggling and its consequences.

Human Smuggling and Trafficking

Organizing entry into Canada

117 (1) No person shall organize, induce, aid or abet the coming into Canada of one or more persons knowing that, or being reckless as to whether, their coming into Canada is or would be in contravention of this Act.

Penalties — fewer than 10 persons

(2) A person who contravenes subsection (1) with respect to fewer than 10 persons is guilty of an offence and liable

(a) on conviction on indictment

(i) for a first offence, to a fine of not more than $500,000 or to a term of imprisonment

A Moncton area motel that the New Brunswick government (Premier Blaine Higgs) used to secretly quarantine Chinese students during COVID-19 was used to help well to do South Korean nationals enter Canada irregularly. One South Korean confided that she was paying the motel owner $1000 per month to help her get permanent residency. When she realized what she had just said she claimed the $1000 a month was for taxes on income despite the fact she only worked 8-12 hours a week for $13 an hour pay rate. No one pays $1000 in taxes each month on a $624 per month income.

On December 5th, 2020 a South Korean family was brought in after midnight (1:12AM). It would appear that the Atlantic Motel owner turned off the motel’s exterior lights so that other Atlantic Motel guests couldn’t see or witness what was going on outside.

Reasonable suspicion other South Koreans paid the Atlantic Motel owner to help them get permanent residency. The South Korean Atlantic Motel owner paid off the 3/4 million dollar mortgage for the motel in just 4 years. 2 of the 4 years wasn’t very busy due to COVID-19. A reasonable person would therefore conclude that part of the mortgage was more than likely paid using proceeds of a crime – human smuggling.

A RCMP officer from the Shediac RCMP major crimes unit said he was looking into this in 2021. Cst Carl Champagne of the Shediac NB RCMP had the full name of at least one person who paid the Moncton area motel owner $1000 a month to help her get permanent residency as well a bank account number that was suspected of being used for making human smuggling payments.

That Moncton New Brunswick area motel was recently sold June 9, 2023 for $965,000. No mortgage was obtained for the purchase of the motel. The cash purchase of the motel was made by a recent college graduate. A student whose former job was a cook for Boston Pizza. The East Indian college graduate obtained a mortgage for the motel “after” the Atlantic Motel was bought for $965,000 cash. Motel purchaser and owner posted on his Facebook page that he is a “volunteer at Atlantic Motel”.

Government of Canada states:

The former South Korean owners went back to South Korea after they sold the motel for $965,000 as did the woman who said she paid the motel owner $1000 a month to help her get permanent residency. The former owner of the motel made plans to move back to Calgary Alberta after he sold the motel. He was looking into buying a liquor store in Calgary. Will more than likely continue to help South Koreans enter Canada irregularly.

They died in vain because Justin Trudeau’s minority government is assisting Germany wage WWIII

Sorry my friend, you fought and died in vain. The US, Canada, France and UK governments dishonor your sacrifice by aiding & abetting Germany (Canada’s WWII and WWII enemy) and NATO (Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS) initiate and wage its WWIII military campaign against Russia in Ukraine.

Nazi swastika embedded in the NATO flag.
NATO HQ purposely designed to form the Nazi Germany SS insignia

The Flags of Germany’s Fourth Reich include the European Union flag and the NATO (Germany’s new Waffen SS) flag. 

Rest in peace knowing there are still some who honor your sacrifice by continuing your fight against all of the odious apparatuses of Nazi rule.

“Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous states have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail. … we shall never surrender” Winston Churchill, 4 June 1940 Britain’s House of Commons

Germany attempting to establish a World government under German control is an odious apparatus of Nazi rule. The United Nations Organization (UNO) rule base system of government isn’t about governing according to the rule of law it has always been about putting the World under German rule (control of or dominion over an area or people) .

The EU is another odious apparatus of Nazi rule. The EU is Germany reoccupied Europe. Germany controls/rules it.

The WHO has always been an odious apparatus of Nazi rule. The WHO continued Nazi Germany’s concentration camp medical experiments immediately after WWII. The WHO subjected WWII survivors and refugees to vaccine medical experiments (See above screenshot). The WHO lead the Germany sponsored and orchestrated COVID-19 biological warfare attack and Germany and the WHO (UN’s eugenics agency) conducted mRNA vaccine medical experiments on the World’s civilian population.

The WHO has been researching and developing sterilization vaccines for the developing World since 1972. The WHO targeting the developing World provides ample evidence that the WHO is the UN’s eugenics agency. The stated purpose of developing infertility vaccines is birth control. Birth control prevents births. The UN’s own rules defines the crime of genocide as:

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group”

World Bank’s “Special Programme of Research, Development and Research Training in Human Reproduction”

Note that the first victims of Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack were the World’s senior citizens. They were specifically targeted for they were the ones who witnessed Germany’s WWII atrocities. They were the last remaining survivors of Germany’s WWII. They were WWII veterans who defeated Germany and prevented Britain, Canada and the USA from being placed under Nazi Germany rule.

COVID-19 made it abundantly clear that the UN and its WHO are a criminal organization


Published: April 14, 2024

There is significant evidence available showing that the SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan China was a WHO simulation exercise.

The SARS-CoV-2 outbreak in Wuhan China coincided with a WHO pandemic simulation exercise. The WHO conducted a pandemic simulation exercise 5 Dec 2019 – just days before the WHO reported that the novel SARS-CovV-2 outbreak had begun.

The WHO simulation exercises used various means to make the fictional outbreak appear real. WHO SimEx utilized “fake press articles” to make their fictional coronavirus outbreak appear real. Quote from the WHO website:

“A simulation exercise is more effective and efficient when a simulated scenario is used that is close to reality. The scenario is a pre-planned storyline that drives an exercise, as well as the stimuli used to achieve exercise objectives. The scenario is designed to stimulate exercise participants to respond to certain events and can be presented through various means, including through fake press articles, face to face through actors, audio/visual material including video clip, etc.”

The WHO conducted “21 epidemic and pandemic simulation exercises (SE) in 2020”. Screenshot of the WHO website also informs you that the WHO conducted pandemic simulation exercises throughout Europe in 2019.

Data from the WHO’s “epidemic and pandemic” simulation exercises where used to exaggerate the extent of COVID-19.

The COVID-19 plandemic was devised and staged by Germany and the WHO. They used pandemic simulation exercise videos depicting “a novel fictitious coronavirus outbreak” to recruit co-conspirators at the 2017 G2O Summit in Hamburg, Germany.

To assist the WHO orchestrate the largest medical fraud scheme in history the WHO used tests that were developed using synthetic DNA or RNA material that were provided by Germany. COVID-19 tests were designed and developed to detect the presence of antibodies, not SARS-CoV-2 itself. The tests the WHO used to test for COVID-19 and to declare a global health emergency didn’t and couldn’t detect SARS-CoV-2 because they were developed by Germany without having SARS-CoV-2 material.

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

“diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

The synthetic DNA or RNA material for COVID-19 tests was provided by Germany.

“All oligonucleotides were synthesised and provided by Tib-Molbiol (Berlin, Germany).” Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

The WHO thereafter instructed world leaders to “assume” that all new cases of respiratory illnesses were COVID-19. The WHO also instructed health officials to falsify medical records and death certificates. Instructed health officials to report all new cases of influenza, bronchitis, TB, and the common cold as COVID-19.

Public Health Ontario’s “Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports” provides material evidence that Ontario Premier Doug Ford falsified medical records to assist Germany and the WHO/UN prolong their COVID-19 bioterrorism attack against Canada and Canadians.

Influenza infections occur annually, worldwide. Influenza infections don’t just vanish or skip a year or two. The Ontario government’s Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports provides ample material evidence that medical records were falsified – pursuant to Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 bioterrorism demands

Nikola Tesla proved beyond any reasonable doubt that electric cars don’t need expensive battery packs or be plugged in to be recharged

Published on: September 12, 2023

Electric cars don’t need very expensive battery packs and they don’t need to be plugged in to be recharged. Nikola Tesla successfully demonstrated in the 1930s that an electric car can be powered and driven using 3 mass produced automobile parts.

  1. A single 12 volt battery
  2. an alternator and
  3. an ignition coil

Nikola Tesla removed the gas engine from a Pierce Arrow and replaced it with a 80 horsepower AC electric motor. Tesla then built a power receiver using 12 vacuum tubes, some wires and resistors. Tesla installed the compact power receiver in the dash of the Pierce Arrow and then connected the receiver to an antenna mounted on the rear of the car and to a 80 horsepower AC electric motor. This was reported by the Dallas Morning News.

Dallas Morning News

The Electric Auto that almost triumphed: Power Source of ‘31 car still a mystery

by A.C. Greene,

January 24th, 1931

It is a mystery car once demonstrated by Nikola Tesla, developer of alternating current, that might have made electrics triumphant.

Supported by the Pierce-Arrow Co. and Westinghouse in 1931, he took the gasoline engine from a new Pierce-Arrow and replaced it with an 80 horsepower alternating current electric motor with no external power source. From the electric motor trailed two very thick cables, which connected with the dashboard. In addition, there was an ordinary 12-volt storage battery. (”There was a 12-volt Willard battery installed in the car, but it was for the lights only and much too small to run the car. In any case.”) The motor was rated at 80 horsepower. Maximum rotor speed was stated to be 30 turns per second (1800 rpm). A 6-foot vertical antenna rod was fitted into the rear section of the car.

At the appointed time, Nikola Tesla arrived from New York City and inspected the Pierce-Arrow automobile. He then went to a local radio store and purchased a handful of tubes (12 radio vacuum tubes), wires and assorted resistors. A box measuring 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high was assembled housing the circuit. The “power receiver” was then placed into the dashboard of the car and its wires connected to the antenna and to the air-cooled, brushless motor. Two rods 1/4” in diameter stuck out of the box about 3” in length. Tesla began making adjustments on the “power receiver”

Mr. Tesla got into the driver’s seat, pushed the two rods in and stated, “We now have power”. He put the car into gear and it moved forward! This vehicle, powered by an A.C. motor, was driven to speeds of 90 m.p.h. and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day! One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported this test. When asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, “From the ethers all around us”. Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and somehow in league with sinister forces of the universe. He became incensed, removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in New York City. His secret died with him!

A nephew of Nikola Tesla later reported:

under the hood, there was a brushless electric motor, connected to the engine. The engine was said to measure 40” long by 28” diameter.

Take note that he reported that there were 2 electric motors in the engine compartment. “A brushless electric motor” was “connected to the engine” – a 80 horsepower brushless electric motor. That’s significant because it starts to unravel the mystery as to how Nikola Tesla powered the Pierce Arrow with only one 12 volt battery installed in the car.

We know that there was only one 12 volt battery in the car because the Dallas Morning News reported that there was just one 12 volt battery. The tune-up manual for the Pierce Arrow states that the Pierce Arrow’s battery was a Willard Type WJ 4-15. Capacity – 128 Amp hour (20 hr. rate).

There is no mention in the Dallas Morning News article or by any witnesses that Nikola Tesla removed the alternator of the Pierce Arrow. It just stated that the gas combustion engine was removed and replaced with an 80 horsepower AC electric motor.

Alternators are used in all gas combustion engine automobiles to charge the battery and to power the electrical system when the engine is running. Even the Ford Model T automobiles from 1919 to 1927 had a 12 volt negative ground Delco style alternator.

An alternator was the brushless electric motor that Tesla’s nephew reported was connected to the engine. Nikola Tesla made use of the alternator to continuously recharge the Pierce Arrow’s “single” 12 volt Willard battery.

There’s no mentioning that Tesla removed the Pierce Arrow’s ignition coil either. An ignition coil converts 12 volts to 30-40 kVs using a transistor or in Tesla’s case, vacuum tubes.

Ignition coils existed back in the 1930s too. We know there was an ignition coil installed in the Pierce Arrow before it was converted into an electric motor car. The tune-up manual stated that the 1931 Pierce Arrow ignition coil was a Delco-Remy 526-B ignition coil. The Pierce Arrow tune-up manual also stated that it was mounted on the dash. A 12 volt battery wire also enters the dash and is connected to the ignition switch.

The Pierce Arrow tune-up manual stating and confirming that the Pierce Arrow was equipped with an ignition coil and that it was mounted on the dash is a significant finding because Nikola Tesla’s

“power receiver” was then placed into the dashboard of the car and its wires connected to the antenna and to the air-cooled, brushless motor.

An ignition coil (also called a spark coil) is an induction coil in an automobile’s ignition system which transforms the battery’s low voltage to the thousands of volts needed to create an electric spark in the spark plugs to ignite the fuel. It is entirely plausible that Nikola Tesla used the Pierce Arrow’s ignition coil to transform the 12 volt car battery’s low voltage into thousands of volts (kVs) needed to power the electric motor.

An AC electric motors requires more than 12 volts of AC current. So all Nikola Tesla needed to do is use the Pierce Arrow’s ignition coil to transform the Willard battery’s 12 volts into the required voltage needed to power the 80 horsepower AC electric motor.

A reasonable person would therefore conclude that the 50 amps 12 volt alternator was used to continuously recharge the Willard 12 volt battery (128 Amp. hour) so that the Delco-Remy ignition coil could simultaneously keep on producing the required voltage needed to power the 80 horsepower AC electric engine. As a result, an electric car owner would never have to stop to charge or recharge an electric vehicle. The electric car would charge or recharge itself while it was driven.

The Dallas Morning News reported that there was a battery in the vehicle but it wasn’t used as the source of power. That’s isn’t entirely true. The battery was involved in powering the vehicle. Vacuum tubes were used to make a small AC signal voltage into a larger AC voltage, thus amplifying it. A vacuum tube is a “valve” for electricity. Vacuum tube amplification uses a small amount of electric charge to control a much bigger amount of electricity that travels through the vacuum in a tube. Vacuum tubes require a filament voltage of at least 6.3 volts to produce high AC voltages. In the early days of electronics, vacuum tube (called valves in British contexts) devices were powered by batteries.

Batteries provided the voltages required by vacuum tubes in early radio sets. Three different voltages were generally required, using three different batteries designated as the A, B, and C battery. The “A” battery or LT (low-tension) battery provided the filament voltage.

Therefore, 3 automobile parts,

1) a single 12 volt battery,

2) an alternator and

3) an ignition coil

could be repurposed to produce enough energy to power any electric car today. Nikola Tesla proved it could be done 92 years ago.

Step-up Power Pack designed by Paul W Kincaid. Designed to be to be easily serviced or reconfigured to increase or decrease the energy storage capacity of each Step-up Power Pack ™

Another mass produced electrical component can be used instead of a 12 volt car battery or be added to ensure that the electric car motor is continuously provided with the sufficient power to operate optimally. A super capacitor.

“One of the best features of supercapacitors is fast charging and discharging time that makes them suitable for many applications requiring rapid charge/discharge cycles and high-power bursts such as automobiles, buses, trains, cranes, and elevators.” ScienceDirect

Supercapacitors also have a much longer lifespan than batteries. A regular battery can handle around 2000-3000 charge and discharge cycles, while supercapacitors can usually sustain more than 1,000,000.

The power source of Nikola Tesla’s 1931 Pierce Arrow car has been solved – a single 12 volt battery.

Donate an electric car without the battery packs installed and it will be proven, once again, that a single 12 volt battery can power an electric car.

New Brunswick Canada has the potential to become a major hydrogen gas electric energy hub

Published on: Jun 6, 2023

New Brunswick Canada has the means & opportunity to produce hydrogen gas fuel and electrical energy indefinitely. Southern New Brunswick Canada could potentially become a major hydrogen gas electric energy hub. The clean energy project could potentially be worth $billions for the New Brunswick economy and create a lot of good long term jobs. No fracking. No chemicals used. No toxic tailing ponds. No pollution. Just clean hydrogen gas and electrical energy.

New Brunswick Canada is sitting on an energy gold mine. The energy that can be produced is hydrogen gas fuel. Hydrogen gas fuel can be produced from the existing flooded Sussex and Norton NB PotashCorp mine shafts to produce clean hydrogen gas fuel from the potash brine water. The hydrogen gas can then be used to fuel on-site gas generators and produce electrical energy or the hydrogen gas can be distributed throughout Canada and the US as fuel for vehicles, barbecues or home heating.

The above mage is a hydrogen fuel cell designed by Paul W Kincaid. It’s the primary hydrogen gas producing component for producing hydrogen gas for electrical energy generation from potash mine brine water.

Designs and project proposal was submitted to Irving Oil & the mayors of Sussex & Norton NB Nov 10, 2018. Sent them following email. No one responded.

Several hydrogen fuel generation stations could be built above the flooded underground potash mine shafts from Sussex to Norton NB. Because the potash mine shaft flooding will continue unabated hydrogen gas and electrical energy could be produced in New Brunswick indefinitely.

Hydrogen fuel generation station designed by Paul W Kincaid of Moncton NB

Hydrogen gas fuel can also be produced offshore in the Bay of Fundy or anywhere along Canada’s East Coast. Platforms can be built and towed offshore and used to convert seawater into hydrogen gas fuel using a simple method called electrolysis (cold fission).

In electrolysis of water a very small electrical current is passed between two electrodes submerged in water. Electrolysis of water will begin with a minimum of 1.2 volts and will increase in rate as the voltage is increased. Hydrogen gas accumulates at the cathode (negative electrode) and oxygen gas at the anode (positive electrode). Sources of electrical current that can be used in the electrolysis of water – car battery (12 volts) or a solar panel. Solar panels can be used on a offshore hydrogen gas platforms to produce hydrogen gas fuel.

In 2008 I produced the above video and posted it on YouTube Feb. 23, 2011 and on my websites to demonstrate just how easy it is to produce hydrogen gas from water. My H2O fuel cell was designed to use sea water. A custom made signal generator was used to split the water into hydrogen and oxygen. The signal generator was powered by just 4.5 volts.

Toronto Police know who murdered Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraisers

The Toronto Police know who had Barry and Honey Sherman targeted and killed. Toronto Police know it was a contracted murders.

“Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders said he has had to be careful with what he said about the case because he knows “for a fact” that the Shermans’ killers are watching his televised remarks” Toronto Star

Toronto Police investigation files were sealed because Justin Trudeau and RCMP are involved.

Toronto Police acted on a working theory for the December 13, 2017 “targeted murders” of Justin Trudeau‘s Aug 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry & Honey Sherman. Production orders were served on BMO Financial Group, CIBC and TD Bank on Feb 15, 2018. Why? To establish 1) who paid Barry & Honey Sherman’s murderers, 2) who were the murderers and 3) how much were the hitmen paid to target and kill Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraisers.

Production orders served on BMO made Justin Trudeau a viable and a prime suspect. BMO manages “Justin Trudeau’s Blind Trust”.

Justin Trudeau was/is a suspect the day Toronto Police confirmed that Barry and Honey Sherman were indeed targeted. Justin Trudeau was/is a suspect because Barry and Honey Sherman hosted Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraiser the Lobbying Commissioner and the RCMP were investigating when Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered. Justin Trudeau was/is a suspect because of an Apotex lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner over her and the RCMP’s investigation of Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign fundraiser put Justin Trudeau in legal jeopardy. RCMP were investigating to determine if Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser was a “prohibited gift or other advantage”. It was because Barry Sherman was a registered in-house lobbyist when he hosted Justin Trudeau’s fundraiser.

“In October 2016, then Commissioner Shepherd received information alleging that Dr. Bernard Sherman, founder of Apotex Inc. and a registered in-house (corporation) lobbyist, was in breach of the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct because of his participation in the organizing and hosting of fundraising events for the Liberal Party of Canada.” Lobbying Commissioner 2017-2018 Annual Report

That means Justin Trudeau violated both the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act. Justin Trudeau faced a slap on the wrist for violating the Lobbying Act. However, Justin Trudeau would have “automatically” lost his seat in the House of Commons after being convicted of accepting a prohibited gift from in-house lobbyist Barry Sherman.

(2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who

(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);

Consequences of illegal, corrupt practices

(3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is … a corrupt practice, during the next seven years, after the date of their being so convicted, not be entitled to

  • (a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons

A Government of Canada document (screenshot below) provides prima facie evidence that Barry Sherman was a registered lobbyist when he hosted the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser for election candidate Justin Trudeau. Barry Sherman registered to lobby the Government of Canada 2 days before the fundraiser on August 24, 2015.

RCMP were involved in the targeted murders because of their ongoing investigation of Justin Trudeau’ and his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser. The Lobbying Commissioner confirmed that the RCMP were investigating Justin Trudeau and his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser when Barry and Honey Sherman were murdered.

“In 2017-18, the Office referred two files to the RCMP for investigation” Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada’s Annual report 2017–18

The RCMP investigation no doubt involved the wiretapping of the Sherman residence. RCMP install wiretaps by surreptitious entry or “effect such entry by overcoming force a property owner is normally entitled to assert, to prevent anyone, including the police, from entering the premises without permission.”

“The power so granted would go much further than authorizing surreptitious entry and would allow the police to act openly and utilize whatever means to achieve entry they found most expedient. Thus, access could be obtained by forcing doors or windows or through trickery or coercion. Further, if police acting under Part IV.1 are implicitly authorized to make entry, s. 25 of the Code would permit them to effect such entry by overcoming force a property owner is normally entitled to assert, to prevent anyone, including the police, from entering the premises without permission” SPREME COURT OF CANADA, Wiretap Reference, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 697, Date: 1984-12-20

A person was seen entering and exiting the Sherman residence on December 14, 2017. Toronto Police stated that “the person” was interviewed. However, the person’s identity wasn’t made public because “the person” was a RCMP.

“I can tell you we knew who the person was, why they were there, (the person) was interviewed,” then Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders

There is evidence that showed responding Toronto Police officers that the crime scene was staged. Staged to make the targeted murders look like it was a murder suicide. The bodies of Barry & Honey Sherman were found propped up. Restraints that were used by their murderers caused restraint markings on the wrist of both Barry and Honey Sherman. The restraints were removed from the bodies and from the crime scene. If the bodies were found with restraints on their wrists the Toronto Police would have conducted a double homicide investigation immediately, on December 15, 2017.

There is evidence that implicates RCMP officers in the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman. No forced entry = surreptitious entry. There is physical evidence that both Barry and Honey Sherman were handcuffed. Both bodies had restraint marks on their wrists. Restraint marks provides evidence that the murderers handcuffed Barry and Honey Sherman but removed the restraints and took them with them.

Crime scene evidence indicates that Honey Sherman’s lip & nose were bloody. Both active and retired police officers know how Honey Sherman’s lip and nose could have been injured. Bloody lip & nose are injuries that are frequently sustained by resisting being arrested/handcuffed by a police officer.

“if police acting under Part IV.1 are implicitly authorized to make entry, s. 25 of the Code would permit them to effect such entry by overcoming force a property owner is normally entitled to assert, to prevent anyone, including the police, from entering the premises without permission” SPREME COURT OF CANADA, Wiretap Reference, [1984] 2 S.C.R. 697, Date: 1984-12-20

Toronto Police know who killed Barry & Honey Sherman because of RCMP wiretapping, the Sherman’s own HD video security cameras (image above) and their neighbors’ security cameras recorded the politically motivated assassinations of December 13, 2017. The targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman will likely and intentionally remain a cold case because the Prime Minister of Canada, Justin Trudeau and RCMP are involved.

Concealed means to end NATO Germany initiated and lead WWIII


One of 3 concealed weapons that were designed, developed and deployed in 2015 to target the German Chancellor and the Secretary General of Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS (NATO) during a Germany initiated and lead WWIII. Both are legitimate targets, now that “World War III has been declared” 2 years ago June 14, 2022

All members of a military’s command structure and everyone that reports to them – regardless of rank – are members of the “armed forces” and are considered combatants. Combatants are legitimate target during an armed conflict.

“The armed forces of a Party to a conflict consist of all organized armed forces, groups and units which are under a command responsible to that Party for the conduct of its subordinates, even if that Party is represented by a government or an authority not recognized by an adverse Party.” ICRC

That means NATO (Germany’s new Waffen SS) Secretary General Jens Stoltenber is now a legitimate target. He has directed and is directing attacks against Russia from Ukraine – a non-NATO state. German chancellor Olaf Scholz is a legitimate target too. Scholz is commander-in-chief of the Bundeswehr, the German armed forces, since the war in Ukraine began. Germany provoked and is leading Germany’s proxy war in Ukraine against Russia.

The concealed weapon can be attached to a drone or a news camera or podium, added to CCTV surveillance system or installed in a vehicle or a building’s wall, ceiling, ventilation system or elevator. Weapon was designed to be virtually undetectable. Prototypes and design specs to mass produce the concealed weapons were delivered to prearranged  drop sites in Montreal, Brampton and Toronto in 2015.

The decision to commission the development of the weapons was made in 2014, soon after Die Welt reported that the German military will lead a NATO rapid response force in Eastern Europe. The formation of the NATO rapid response force is part of a systematic and secretive military buildup by Germany in Eastern Europe, aimed solely at Russia.

Germany initiated plans for a Third World War in 2014. It has been Germany’s intent to use NATO as its new Nazi Waffen SS.

Joe Biden and Henry Kissinger informs Americans why there will likely be more attempts to assassinate President Donald Trump


“The illegal we do immediately. The unconstitutional takes a little longer. The New World Order cannot happen without U.S. participation, as we are the most significant single component. Yes, there will be a New World Order, and it will force the United States to change it’s perceptions.” ~ Henry Kissinger, World Affairs Council Press Conference, Regent Beverly Wilshire Hotel , April 19th 1994

The New World Order that Joe Biden and Henry Kissinger are talking about was envisioned by Nazi Germany’s Führer Adolf Hitler. The New World Order is a world government under German control. The U.S.A. under German control. The UN is and always has been the World government under German control.

Canadians and Americans fail to realize that the UN’s official name is the United Nations Organization (UNO). UNO is Italian and Spanish for One.

Joe Biden was installed as President of the UNITED STATES by Microsoft remotely hacking voting machines on election day to aid and abet the UNITED States’ WWI and WWII enemy form Germany’s WWII envisioned World government under German control.

During the 2020 United States presidential election Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election reported that Dominion Voting Sys “uploaded something last night, which is not normal & it caused a glitch”

Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia secretary of state’s office told reporters during a news conference on Nov. 3 that the problem was probably a dataset that had been uploaded to the systems, but that the state didn’t know for certain.

Microsoft and US election officials wanted Americans to believe that Dominion Voting Sys tampered with the voting machines. However, it was Microsoft’s voting machine tampering on election day that affected vote tallying in 28 states. Microsoft’s remote access/hacking gave Joe Biden the presidency.

Germany behind attempted assassination of President Donald Trump

Germany’s coup against President Donald Trump didn’t end when Microsoft rigged the 2020 United States presidential election for Germany to install Germany’s New World Order advocate Joe Biden.

In November 2018 Germany initiated its coordinated attack against U.S. President Donald Trump to keep Donald Trump from destroying Germany’s WWII envisioned World government under German control. The U.S. under German control. German policy paper informed Americans why Germany is intent on orchestrating another assassination attempt of President Donald Trump.

“U.S. President Donald Trump has dedicated himself not to maintaining and nurturing the liberal international order on which Germany’s current peace and prosperity are founded, but rather to destroying this order. Consequently, the Federal Republic now needs something that was previously unnecessary: an America strategy.” German Marshall Fund, November 14, 2018

Germany has foreign agents actively working inside the United States government and the U.S. intelligence community to assist Germany bring about a World government under German control. Germany has a foreign agent office in Washington DC.

The German Marshall Fund of the United States
1744 R St NW, Washington, DC 20009, United States

Germany’s foreign agents are working inside the White House and the U.S. Congress. Germany’s top foreign agent was Joe Biden. Joe Biden made that perfectly clear when he stated:


Germany has another foreign agent working in the White House. Germany recruited her in 2021. She’s VP Kamala Harris. GMF hosted Vice President Kamala Harris at the 16th edition of Brussels Forum, held under the theme “Reimagining Democracy“.

Germany is behind the soft coup against Joe Biden.

A soft coup, sometimes referred to as a silent coup or a bloodless coup, is an illegal overthrow of a government, but unlike a regular coup d’état it is achieved without the use of force or violence

Germany overthrew Joe Biden. Joe Biden was forced to quit by Germany’s foreign agents in the U.S. government. Germany intends on installing Kamala Harris as President of the UNITED STATES. However, to do that Germany will orchestrate either another assassination attempt against President Donald Trump or a major NATO Gladio false flag to rig the outcome of the 2024 United States presidential election.

Germany’s soft coup against President Joe Biden lead by German collaborator Nancy Polsi?

Nancy Polsi assisted Germany illegally overthrow a sitting U.S. President, Joe Biden to further Germany’s strategic interests in Ukraine. Polsi is guilty of treason and must be impeached for assisting an enemy of the UNITED STATES in 2 World Wars stage a soft coup to overthrow President Joe Biden.

Polsi was recruited by Germany in 2022 to further Germany’s strategic interests in Ukraine. Polsi has since then assisted Germany overthrow the President of the UNITED STATES. That is an impeachable offense.

UNITED STATES Constitution Article II, Section 4: The President, Vice President and all civil Officers of the United States, shall be removed from Office on Impeachment for, and Conviction of, Treason,

Nancy Polsi made her treasonous intentions know in 2022 when she met with German Chancellor Olaf Scholz in Berlin. They met once before, just days before Germany lead NATO (Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS) forces provoked Russia to invade Ukraine.

“We will persist until the guns are silent. … It requires substantial security support, humanitarian assistance, economic assistance — and sanctions, sanctions, sanctions that make sure that Russia feels the pain of this.”

“This war must be won,” Pelosi told reporters at a news conference in Berlin, alongside the leaders of the German, Ukrainian and European parliaments

Nancy Polsi assisted Germany stage a soft coup against President Joe Biden to aid and abet Germany continue it’s WWIII military campaign against Russia.


Germany provoked the Ukraine Russia war by attempting to obtain nuclear weapons grade uranium from Ukraine

If North Korea, Iran or Iraq were the ones conspiring to obtain Ukraine’s nuclear weapons grade plutonium 239 the whole World would have supported Russia’s invasion of Ukraine to prevent the acquisition and transfer of the nuclear bomb making Pu-239.

The Ukraine Russia war was provoked by Germany conspiring with Ukraine to produce nuclear weapons (bombs) with the plutonium-239 (PU-239) stored at Chernobyl. PU-239 is the reason why the Russian military targeted and seized control of the Chernobyl nuclear power plant on the first day of the Germany provoked invasion and war. Russia invaded Ukraine to prevent our WWI and WWII enemy from obtaining Chernobyl’s nuclear weapons grade plutonium-239.

Ukraine’s nuclear weapons grade plutonium-239 were stored at Chernobyl in DWCs. Each of the loaded DWCs contained 93 used fuel assemblies from Chernobyl’s aging storage facility. The double-walled canister (DWC) were loaded with the PU-239 into the Chernobyl nuclear power plant (ChNPP) site’s Interim Storage Facility (ISF-2) in 2020. The first fully loaded DWC was placed in storage on 18 November 2020.

Ukraine’s nuclear weapons grade PU-239 double-walled canister (DWC)

The primary target of the Russia invasion was Chernobyl. All major news medias reported that on the first day of the Germany provoked invasion.

Germany is prohibited from manufacturing nuclear weapons by the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons, commonly known as the Non-Proliferation Treaty or NPT and the Two Plus Four Treaty (Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany). Germany instigating/provoking the Ukraine Russia war is defined by the constitution of the united Germany as “unconstitutional and a punishable offence”.

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

September 12, 1990


The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence.


(1) The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their renunciation of the manufacture and possession of and control over nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. They declare that the united Germany, too, will abide by these commitments. In particular, rights and obligations arising from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1 July 1968 will continue to apply to the united Germany.

Germany had been trying to obtain nukes from France and the UK but France, the UK, the US and other nuclear states are barred from giving Germany control of their nukes. As a result, Germany has been trying since President Trump took office to initiate Germany’s “Nuclear Plan B” – build their own nuclear bombs.

Polish Institute of international Affairs reported that Germany & Ukraine partnered in 26 Aug 2020 to decommission Ukraine’s nuclear power plants.

Germany is involved in the energy transition process in Ukraine by providing it with financial and advisory support. It also promotes the German model (Energiewende), which is based on state-supported development of RES, increasing energy efficiency, and decommissioning nuclear and coal-fired power plants. A declaration on energy partnership signed on 26 August 2020 at the ministerial level sets the framework for German-Ukrainian energy cooperation.

Germany wanted the World to think that the Germany Ukraine energy partnership was a good thing. However, the partnership meant Germany (our WWI and WWII enemy) would recover and divert Plutonium-239 in Ukraine to Germany to make its own nuclear weapons/bombs. Germany agreed to give the bankrupt and failed state Ukraine $billions in exchange for the nuclear weapons grade Pu-239.

Late last year Germany’s defense minister threatened to use NATO’s nuclear arsenal against Russia. Germany’s overt threat caused Russia to mass troops along the Ukraine Russia border.

This is Germany’s torpedo tube launched IDAS missile developed by Diehl BGT Defense and ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems.

It’s currently being developed for the Type 209 and Type 212A submarine class of the German Navy.

The IDAS system comprises 4 missiles which are housed in a special launch canister in the torpedo tube.

The IDAS missile was developed by Germany to be tipped with tactical nuclear warheads. Nuclear warheads that Germany planned on making using Chernobyl Ukraine’s nuclear weapons grade plutonium 239.