Be prepared. We are expecting the use of ionosphere heaters to fabricate climate change and cause widespread blackouts to facilitate the theft of $billions

We are expecting the widespread and systematic misuse of ionosphere heaters throughout 2023. Germany is using and will be using its EISCAT ionosphere heaters to fabricate severe climate change and cause widespread blackouts in the US, the UK, Canada and other non-EU nations to facilitate the theft of $billions for Germany’s Fourth Reich EU and the UNO (United Nations Organization). Ionosphere heaters are already being used for electronic warfare. The unseasonably cold weather this spring in Canada and the US was caused by ionosphere heaters. They are fabricating climate change so that Germany’s WWII envisioned World government under German control can obtain $billions.

Bernard J. Eastlund’s US patent US4686605AMethod and apparatus for altering a region in the earth’s atmosphere, ionosphere, and/or magnetosphere, states:

Weather modification (climate change) is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device … A moving plume could also serve as a means for supplying a space station or for focusing vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the earth.”

Bernard J. Eastlund’s patent was used by BAE to build the HAARP Alaska ionosphere heater.

Bernard J. Eastlund described in “Jet Stream Solar Power Satellite” how an orbital/satellite ionosphere heater can alter the path of the jet stream (upper atmosphere wind patterns).

ionosphere heater “can change the direction of a jet stream. It does this by triggering turbulence in the flowing air which decreases the flow velocity of an edge region of the flow and generating a pressure differential that changes the direction of the bulk air flow.“

Ionosphere heaters like HAARP Alaska, the US Air Force’s orbital HAARP, the X-37B, the SBX-1 and Germany’s EISCAT are all capable of altering the path of the jet stream and of focusing vast amount of sunlight on selected portions of the earth to fabricate climate change.

The UNO (United Nations Organization) is involved in these ionosphere heater operations. It’s motivated by greed. The UNO wants national leaders to give more money to the UNO. The UNO wants $500 billion a year.

“Sustainable Development Goal (SDG) Stimulus to scale up affordable long-term financing for all countries in need, by at least $500 billion a year.” UNO, April 2023

What the UNO wants is unattainable. National government leaders cannot justify handing over $billions to a non-governmental organization (NGO). The UNO is a non-governmental organization. A NGO is a group that functions independently of any government. They have no governing power. The UNO uses bribery of our elected officials and fraud to further the “organization’s” NWO (UNO/One World government) agendas.

The UN/UNO’s WHO conspired with Germany to plan and lead the COVID-19 bioterrorism attack to obtain $billions for the insolvent UNO and $billions more for our WWI and WWII enemy by investing $billions in Germany made vaccines. COVID-19 became a biological attack when national leaders began vaccinating their people with Germany’s mRNA vaccines. Germany’s vaccines ingredients includes a bioengineered or synthesized component of SARS-CoV-2, the viral protein that causes the COVID-19 – ORF10. ORF10 was included because it facilities/causes new SARS-CoV-2 infections.

“ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In our study, overexpression of ORF10 promoted the degradation of MAVS and the replication of SARS-CoV-2. Consistent with these results, when ORF10 was knocked down by shRNA, MAVS was not degraded and viral replication was weakened, suggesting that ORF10 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 replication via degradation of MAVS.” 2021 published study “SARS-CoV-2 ORF10 suppresses the antiviral innate immune response by degrading MAVS through mitophagy”

The WHO’s motive for conspiring with Germany to plan and lead COVID-19 was made abundantly clear in October 2019. The UNO publicly declared that it was insolvent in October 2019.

In a statement issue by his Spokesperson, the Secretary-General said he had written to Member States, “about the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.”

Insolvent meaning: unable to pay debts owed.
synonyms: bankrupt, unable to pay one’s debts, ruined, collapsed, defaulting

US President Joe Biden is assisting Germany and the UNO fabricate climate change. The SBX-1 is currently deployed in the Pacific Ocean. The SBX-1 ionosphere heater left Hawaii in March 2023. Its position can’t be tracked because its current deployment is classified. They are using the cover story that it is being used to monitored North Korean ICBM activity. However, it and Germany’s EISCAT are capable of fabricating climate change (by pushing the jet stream off course), setting of earthquakes and of causing widespread communications blackouts in a targeted area.

On April 27, 1997 at the University of Georgia former U.S. Secretary of Defense, William Cohen spoke about weapons of mass destruction. At the “Conference on Terrorism, Weapons of Mass Destruction, and U.S. Strategy“, Cohen asserted that:

“Others are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”

The US Navy’s SBX-1 ionosphere heater was deployed because US President Joe Biden is an advocate of Germany’s WWII envisioned World government under German control.


Joe Biden was installed as President of the United States by a German government lead coup. The coup was part of German Foreign Minister Heiko Maas lead “American Strategy”. Germany initiated the coup after US President Donald Trump threatened to withdraw US troops and financial support from NATO – Germany’s new Waffen SS. Germany feared POTUS Trump would exit the US from NATO in a second term.

“U.S. President Donald Trump has dedicated himself not to maintaining and nurturing the liberal international order on which Germany’s current peace and prosperity are founded, but rather to destroying this order. Consequently, the Federal Republic now needs something that was previously unnecessary: an America strategy” German Marshal Fund, article was originally published in the Berlin Policy Journal

The Germany lead coup was assisted/facilitated by Microsoft’s Bill Gates who on election day remotely accessed Dominion Voting machines and uploaded an executable malware program. Microsoft assisted Germany in sabotaging and rigging the election by conducting a software update during the election. The unscheduled update was used to upload an executable malware.

By default, Windows 10 updates your operating system automatically. That means unless you changed the setting manually, Bill Gates’ Microsoft can/will automatically access your Windows 10 computer system and upload and install computer code (set of instructions) whenever Microsoft wants and without your knowledge or consent. That is exactly what happened during the 2020 United States presidential election.

Dominion Voting Sys “uploaded something last night, which is not normal & it caused a glitch” Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election.

Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia secretary of state’s office told reporters during a news conference on Nov. 3 that the problem was probably a dataset that had been uploaded to the systems, but that the state didn’t know for certain. Microsoft’s voting machine tampering on election day affected 28 states.

Kraut Charles will no doubt assist his German cousins facilitate the theft of $billions during a ionosphere heater caused blackout. In 2020 Kraut Charles went to Berlin Germany to reaffirm his loyalty and allegiance to the German Reich.

Kraut Charles told the German Parliament 15 November 2020

It is, therefore, my heartfelt belief that the fundamental bond between us will remain strong: we will always be friends, partners and allies.”

He is and will always be an ally of Germany because he is German (a Kraut). His father and mother were German. Mountbatten is an alias, a fake name Phillip assumed to conceal the fact that he too was German. Kraut Charles’ father was born Philippos Schleswig-Holstein Sonderburg-Glucksburg. Both George V and George VI were Germans. Both Kraut George V and Kraut George VI assisted Germany wage 2 World Wars. Kraut George V started using the “English” alias Windsor in 1917 to conceal the fact that he and his family were German. At the start of WWI Kraut George V ruled Britain as a German monarch. At the start of and during WWI Kraut George V held the ranks of German military officers. Kraut George V’s ranks in the German military included:

  • Admiral of the Imperial “German” Navy,
  • “German” Field Marshal,
  • Colonel-in-Chief of 1st Guard Dragoon Regiment &
  • Colonel-in-Chief of Kürassier Regiment Graf Getzler No 8 (German 15th Division).

Germany’s proxy the World Economic Forum warned the World during its COVID-19 bioterrorism attack that a comprehensive cyber attack is coming.

Germany informed us July 8, 2020 via its proxy, the World Economic Forum that they are planning and preparing a comprehensive cyber attack. The attack’s main target is the World’s banking system. Germany’s WWII money laundering bank, BIS, will utilize Microsoft Windows’ backdoors and “zero-day” exploits to steal $billions for Germany and its Fourth Reich EU. BIS will target the World’s banking system to facilitate a Germany EU bail-in = theft of US, UK, Canadian and Asian bank deposits/savings.

Germany’s proxy the World Economic Forum claimed the comprehensive cyber attack will be worse than COVID-19. The only reason why Klaus Schwab would know about such an attack is that he’s part of the Germany planned and lead comprehensive cyber attack.

“We all know, but still pay insufficient attention, to the frightening scenario of a comprehensive cyber attack could bring a complete halt to the power supply, transportation, hospital services, our society as a whole. The COVID-19 crisis would be seen in this respect as a small disturbance in comparison to a major cyberattack.” Klaus Schwab

Germany is planning on orchestrating a widespread blackout using its EISCAT ionosphere heater.

“If less than total black-out of transmission is desired (e.g., scrambling by phase shifting digital signals), the density of the plasma (Ne) need only be at least about 106 per cubic centimeter for a plasma originating at an altitude of from about 250 to about 400 km and accordingly less energy (i.e., electromagnetic radiation), e.g., 108 joules need be provided. Likewise, if the density Ne is on the order of 108, a properly positioned plume will provide a reflecting surface for VHF waves and can be used to enhance, interfere with, or otherwise modify communication transmissions. It can be seen from the foregoing that by appropriate application of various aspects of this invention at strategic locations and with adequate power sources, a means and method is provided to cause interference with or even total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth.BAE HAARP Alaska ionosphere heater patent US4686605A

The US Navy’s SBX-1 ionosphere heater being redeployed in March 2023 informs us US President Joe Biden has committed the US electronic warfare assets to assisting Germany fabricate climate change and/or facilitate a comprehensive attack against the US, Canada and World’s banking system.

Germany is intent on using the ionosphere heater(s) to cause communications blackouts and steal $billion from the US, the UK, Canadian and Asian banks. Blame a comprehensive cyber attack for the loss of $billions in uninsured bank deposits. However, spectrogram data will show us that it won’t be a comprehensive cyber attack that will cause the widespread blackouts. Ionosphere heater transmissions will cause the widespread blackouts.

Be vigilant and monitor the SOS ENATTOS – E.G.O. ELF Monitoring station data. Look for EISCAT transmitting 50 Hz for prolong periods.

You can also use the Laurentian University Radio Observatory’s Live data from Sudbury, Ontario, Canada to detect ionosphere heater’s climate changing operations.

Be prudent and monitor the activity at BIS headquarters. The entire BIS staff will be needed to steal $billions for Germany in such a comprehensive cyber attack on the World’s banking system. BIS will be used because it is the only bank that is directly linked to the computers of all central banks. BIS has instantaneous access to data of the global “electronic” monetary system. BIS can trigger global banking system crashes remotely using Microsoft Windows’ backdoors and Microsoft OS security token client software.

In 2016 Justin Trudeau made it possible for Germany and its bankrupt/insolvent Fourth Reich EU to steal $billions from Canadian deposits. Mechanism buried in Justin Trudeau’s March 22, 2016 Budget under Chapter 8 in section titled “Introducing a Bank Recapitalization ‘Bail-in’ Regime.”

“To protect Canadian taxpayers in the unlikely event of a large bank failure, the Government is proposing to implement a bail-in regime that would reinforce that bank shareholders and creditors are responsible for the bank’s risks—not taxpayers.” Budget 2016 – Chapter 8 – Tax Fairness and a Strong Financial Sector

When you deposit money into your bank savings or chequing account, you in effect are … a “​creditor” to the bank since the bank now owes you that money.

How Bill Gates and Microsoft Windows will be involved in Germany’s comprehensive cyberattack on the World’s banking system

On February, 11 2021 the Federal Reserve announced that all Federal Reserve banks’ PC that are used to access FedLine Advantage must meet Microsoft Windows OS’ hardware and software requirements.

Based on the Microsoft OS that is currently in use (10 or 8.1), the PC being used to access FedLine Advantage must meet that OS’ hardware requirements. (Hardware Requirements: 10, 8.1) as well as an additional three (3) requirements. The PC in use must also have a USB 2.0 compliant port (Can you put a thumb drive in?), this is required due to the FedLine security token mentioned above comes as a USB device. The PC must also have an Ethernet network adapter and Microsoft Windows compatible printer.

There are five (5) software requirements that must be met regardless of whether Microsoft Windows 10 or 8.1 is in use. First, (1) Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader 10.0 or higher must be installed. An (2) Anti-virus software and (3) personal firewall software should also be in place. As a refresher this refers to a firewall for the local computer only rather than the entire network. And finally (4) Federal Reserve Bank-supplied FedLine Advantage Connection Utility software and (5) Federal Reserve Bank-supplied USB token hardware and token client software.

Fedline Network Requirements:

In addition to these requirements, specific network access requirements also exist for FedLine Advantage users. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) communications protocol utilizing port 80 (World Wide Web HTTP) and port 443 (HTTP protocol over Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer) (Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic).

The last requirement “Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic” will make it possible for BIS to remotely access/attack all Federal Reserve banks. Making ports available for network traffic allows BIS to initiate a comprehensive run on deposits of any central bank in the US, the UK, Canada and the World.

Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum informed us that the Microsoft operating system will be used to facilitate Germany’s comprehensive attack against the World’s banking system.

“The cyber equivalent of COVID-19 would be a self-propagating attack using one or more “zero-day” exploits, techniques for which patches and specific antivirus software signatures are not yet available. Most likely, it would attack all devices running a single, common operating system or application.” the World Economic Forum

Federal Reserve banks use a single, common operating system, Microsoft Windows. The Microsoft operating system is plagued with “zero-day” exploits. The Bank of Canada uses Windows Enterprise server platform and Windows Learn.

3 gasoline engine car parts could revolutionize the electric car industry by eliminating the need to charge or recharge

92 years ago Nikola Tesla proved beyond a reasonable doubt that electric cars don’t need to be charged or recharged to travel great distances. Electric cars don’t need very expensive battery packs either.

Nikola Tesla removed the gasoline motor from a 1931 Pierce Arrow and replaced it with a 80 horsepower AC electric motor and drove the electric motor powered car at speeds of up to 90 mph. Since then it has been a mystery as to how he was able to power the Pierce Arrow using a 6 foot aerial antenna connected to a very small circuit box, 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high.

Unlike today’s electric cars there were no very expensive battery packs used. There was just one 12 volt Willard battery. The tune-up manual for the Pierce Arrow stated that the Pierce Arrow battery was a Willard Type WJ 4-15. Capacity – 128 Amp hour (20 hr. rate).

For decades inventors and scientists have been trying to figure out what that mystery box was. Solving that mystery can revolutionize the solar, wind and electric car industry. What they were concentrating on, in their research, was a complicated solution, whereas the solutions was staring them in the face every time they looked at their gas combustion engine car or truck. The mystery was solved since the very first gas combustion engine was built.

Dallas Morning News

The Electric Auto that almost triumphed: Power Source of ‘31 car still a mystery

by A.C. Greene,

January 24th, 1931

It is a mystery car once demonstrated by Nikola Tesla, developer of alternating current, that might have made electrics triumphant.

Supported by the Pierce-Arrow Co. and Westinghouse in 1931, he took the gasoline engine from a new Pierce-Arrow and replaced it with an 80-horsepower alternating-current electric motor with no external power source. From the electric motor trailed two very thick cables, which connected with the dashboard. In addition, there was an ordinary 12-volt storage battery. (”There was a 12-volt Willard battery installed in the car, but it was for the lights only and much too small to run the car. In any case.”) The motor was rated at 80 horsepower. Maximum rotor speed was stated to be 30 turns per second (1800 rpm). A 6-foot vertical antenna rod was fitted into the rear section of the car.

At the appointed time, Nikola Tesla arrived from New York City and inspected the Pierce-Arrow automobile. He then went to a local radio store and purchased a handful of tubes (12 radio vacuum tubes), wires and assorted resistors. A box measuring 24 inches long, 12 inches wide and 6 inches high was assembled housing the circuit. The “power receiver” was then placed into the dashboard of the car and its wires connected to the antenna and to the air-cooled, brushless motor. Two rods 1/4” in diameter stuck out of the box about 3” in length. Tesla began making adjustments on the “power receiver”

Mr. Tesla got into the driver’s seat, pushed the two rods in and stated, “We now have power”. He put the car into gear and it moved forward! This vehicle, powered by an A.C. motor, was driven to speeds of 90 m.p.h. and performed better than any internal combustion engine of its day! One week was spent testing the vehicle. Several newspapers in Buffalo reported this test. When asked where the power came from, Tesla replied, “From the ethers all around us”. Several people suggested that Tesla was mad and somehow in league with sinister forces of the universe. He became incensed, removed his mysterious box from the vehicle and returned to his laboratory in New York City. His secret died with him!

Or did it?

A nephew of Nikola Tesla stated that “under the hood, there was a brushless electric motor, connected to the engine. The engine was said to measure 40” long by 28” diameter. However, some of these figures may be estimates. Tesla would not divulge who made the motor.

Take note that he stated that there were 2 electric motors in the engine compartment. “A brushless electric motor” was “connected to the engine”, a 80 horsepower brushless electric motor. That’s significant because it starts to unravel the mystery as to how Nikola Tesla powered the Pierce Arrow with only one 12 volt Willard battery installed in the car.

“There was a voltmeter which was used to measure output of the receiver. Dr Tesla commented that the receiver had enough reserve power so that you could drive the car next to a house, connect the wiring, and light up the whole house.  …

Tesla’s nephew drove this vehicle without other fuel for an undetermined long interval. Mr. Savo drove a distance of 50 miles through the city and out to the surrounding countryside. The car was tested to speeds of 90 mph, with the speedometer rated to 120.

After a time, and with increasing distance from the city itself, Dr. Tesla felt free enough to speak. Having now become sufficiently impressed with the performance of both his device and the automobile. Dr. Tesla informed his nephew that the device could not only supply the needs of the car forever, but could also supply the needs of a household “with power to spare”.

There is no mention in the Dallas Morning News article or by any witnesses that Nikola Tesla removed the alternator of the Pierce Arrow. It just stated that the gas combustion engine was removed and replaced with an 80 horsepower AC electric motor.

Alternators are used in all gas combustion engine automobiles to charge the battery and to power the electrical system when the engine is running. Even the Ford Model T automobiles from 1919 to 1927 had a 12 volt negative ground Delco style alternator.

It is entirely plausible that Tesla made use of the alternator to continuously recharge the Pierce Arrow’s single 12 volt automotive battery and supply sufficient power to the 80 horsepower AC electric motor.

There’s no mentioning that Tesla removed the Pierce Arrow’s ignition coil either. An ignition coil converts 12 volts to 30-40 kVs using a transitor or in Tesla’s case vacuum tubes.

Ignition coils existed back in the 1930s too. We know there was an ignition coil installed in the Pierce Arrow before it was converted into an electric motor car. The tune-up manual stated that the 1931 Pierce Arrow ignition coil was a Delco-Remy 526-B ignition coil. The Pierce Arrow tune-up manual also stated that it was mounted on the dash. A 12 volt battery wire also enters the dash and is connected to the key ignition.

That’s a significant finding because:

The “power receiver” was then placed into the dashboard of the car and its wires connected to the antenna and to the air-cooled, brushless motor.

An ignition coil (also called a spark coil) is an induction coil in an automobile’s ignition system which transforms the battery’s low voltage to the thousands of volts needed to create an electric spark in the spark plugs to ignite the fuel. It is also entirely plausible that Nikola Tesla used the Pierce Arrow’s ignition coil to transform the antenna and/or the 12 volt car battery’s low voltages to thousands of volts (kVs) needed to power the electric motor.

An AC electric motors requires more than 12 volts of AC current. So all Nikola Tesla needed to do is use the Pierce Arrow’s ignition coil to transform the battery’s 12 volts into the required voltage needed to power the 80 horsepower AC electric motor.

A reasonable person would conclude that the 50 amps 12 volt alternator was used to continuously recharge the Willard 12 volt battery (128 Amp. hour) so that the Delco-Remy ignition coil could simultaneously keep on producing the required voltage needed to power the 80 horsepower AC electric engine. As a result, an electric car owner would never have to stop to charge or recharge an electric vehicle. The electric car would charge or recharge itself while it was driven.

The Dallas Morning News reported that there was a battery in the vehicle but it wasn’t used as the source of power. That’s isn’t entirely true. The battery was involved in powering the vehicle. The vacuum tube is used to make a small AC signal voltage into a larger AC voltage, thus amplifying it. A vacuum tube is a “valve” for electricity. Vacuum tube amplification is using a small amount of electric charge to control a much bigger amount of electricity that travels through the vacuum in a tube. Vacuum tubes require a filament voltage of at least 6.3 volts to produce high AC voltages. In the early days of electronics, vacuum tube (called valves in British contexts) devices were powered by batteries.

Batteries provided the voltages required by vacuum tubes in early radio sets. Three different voltages were generally required, using three different batteries designated as the A, B, and C battery. The “A” battery or LT (low-tension) battery provided the filament voltage.

Therefore, 3 gasoline engine car parts, 1) a 12 volt battery, 2) an alternator and 3) an ignition coil could be repurposed to produce enough energy to power an electric car. Nikola Tesla proved it could be done 92 years ago

NATO was originally formed to protect Europe against Germany’s wars of aggression

NATO headquarters designed to take the shape of Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS insignia.

After WWII Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, signed the Brussels Treaty to create a collective defense alliance to protect Europe against Germany and its wars of aggression. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg anticipated that the defeated Germany would one day resume a policy of aggression.

It’s imperative Canadians know that the Brussels Treaty lead to the formation of NATO. Signatories of the Brussels Treaty agreed:

To afford assistance to each other, in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, in maintaining international peace and security and in resisting any policy of aggression;

To take such steps as may be held to be necessary in the event of a renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression;

That statement confirms emphatically that Germany was and is Europe’s enemy, not Russia. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg knew Germany remained a significant threat post WWII.

Other treaties were drafted in an attempt to prevent Germany from starting another war of aggression. One such treaty was signed in Moscow on 12 September 1990. The Treaty was signed by France, the Soviet Union, the United Kingdom, and the United States.

The treaty being negotiated and signed in 1990 confirms that even though 45 years had passed since Germany was defeated by Allied forces Germany still posed a significant threat to Europe.

The “Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany” imposed conditions and restrictions on the German governments in an attempt to prevent Germany from starting another World War after the reunification of Germany.

A declassified document from the US National Security Archives states the intent of signing the treaty:

With the signing of the Treaty on the Final Settlement. Germany would regain its full sovereignty. A pre-condition for this was the trust that war would never again emanate from German soil and that a dictatorship would never again arise there.

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

September 12, 1990


(3) The united Germany has no territorial claims whatsoever against other states and shall not assert any in the future.

(4) The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic shall ensure that the constitution of the united Germany does not contain any provision incompatible with these principles. This applies accordingly to the provisions laid down in the preamble, the second sentence of Article 23, and Article 146 of the Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany.


The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence.


(1) The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their renunciation of the manufacture and possession of and control over nuclear, biological and chemical weapons. They declare that the united Germany, too, will abide by these commitments. In particular. rights and obligations arising from the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons of 1 July 1968 will continue to apply to the united Germany.

“The Government of the Federal Republic of Germany undertakes to reduce the personnel strength of the armed forces of the united Germany to 370.000 (ground, air and naval forces) within three to four years. This reduction will commence on the entry into force of the first CFE agreement. Within the scope of this overall ceiling no more than 345,000 will belong to the ground and air forces which, pursuant to the agreed mandate, alone are the subject of the Negotiations on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe.”

The Germany provoked war in Ukraine violated both the Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany and Germany’s own constitution. The Germany provoked war in Ukraine was “undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war”.

Because of the conditions and restrictions imposed in 1990 by France, Russia, the UK and the USA that Germany reduce the personnel strength of the armed forces of the united Germany to 370.000 Germany is intent on using NATO forces as its new Waffen SS to levy its WWIII military campaign in Europe and against Russia.

It is important to remember that Germany waged war against Europe and against Russia with the assistance of Ukraine. Ukrainians volunteered to serve Germany as Waffen SS Galacia.

Government of Canada Publication “WAR CRIMINALS IN CANADA” confirmed that Ukrainians volunteered to serve Germany as Waffen SS Galacia.

a few undeniable facts must nevertheless be faced and dealt with. The so-called Galicia Division had been formed under the name “14th SS Volunteer Division Galicia”. When its training was finished and just before it was sent to the Eastern front, in the spring of 1944 the Division received a new name: “14.Waffengrenadierdivision der SS (gal. Nr. I).”‘”

It is an acknowledged fact that the members of the Division were volunteers who had enlisted in the spring and summer of 1943.

Ukrainians who served in 14th SS Division Galacia helped Nazi Germany commit atrocities in Poland, Europe, the USSR and in Ukraine.

NATO headquarters designed to take the shape of Nazi Germany’s Waffen SS insignia.
German soldiers crossing the Soviet border in Lviv Oblast of Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941

The Government of Canada has containers of material evidence that proves Ukraine & Ukrainians did in fact serve Nazi Germany and the Ukrainians 14th Waffen SS Division did commit war crimes during WWII.

Government of Canada Archives contain records of Ukrainians war crimes. WAR CRIMES including THE UKRAINIAN 14TH WAFFEN-SS DIVISION SERIES

Containers 7, 33, 35, 36 contains material evidence that shows that Ukraine was an enemy of Canada during WWII. Container files prove Ukrainians waged WWII as Nazi Germany’s 14th Waffen – SS Volunteer Grenadier Division.

Container 35, files 13, 16, 18 contain material evidence on the atrocities committed by Ukrainians who served Nazi Germany in the Ukrainian 14th Waffen SS Division.

Container 36, file 5 contain “list of (Ukrainian) participants in the mass execution of Jews in Slavuta in 1942, now living in Canada and the U.S.”

One Ukrainian who assisted Germany commit atrocities (war crimes) in Poland and Ukraine is the grandfather of Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland. Freeland’s grandfather wrote propaganda articles for Nazi Germany that were written to trick Polish and Ukrainian Jews into boarding trains that were used to transport Jews to Germany’s death camps in Poland. Guards at those death camps included Ukrainians.

The US and UK governments knew in 1944 that Germany would start World War III

Justin Trudeau facing an impending conviction for accepting a prohibited gift from a registered lobbyist during the 2015 election campaign got Barry and Honey Sherman killed

If Barry and Honey Sherman hadn’t been targeted and killed Justin Trudeau would have been convicted of accepting a prohibited gift or other advantage during the 2015 election campaign from registered lobbyist Barry Sherman. The penalty for such a conviction was Justin Trudeau losing his seat in the House of Commons.

“Section 502 of the Canada Elections Act sets out other situations in which a conviction automatically results in the loss of the right to sit in the House of Commons. Under section 502(3), any person who is convicted of an illegal practice listed in section 502(1) (e.g., knowingly exceeding the election expenses limit) or a corrupt practice listed in section 502(2) (e.g., accepting prohibited gift or other advantage) becomes ineligible to sit in the House of Commons for five years (in the case of an illegal practice) or seven years (in the case of a corrupt practice).” Parliament of Canada

A Government of Canada document (screenshot below) provides prima facie evidence that Barry Sherman was a registered lobbyist when he hosted the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser for election candidate Justin Trudeau. Barry Sherman registered to lobby the Government of Canada 2 days before the fundraiser on August 24, 2015.

Canada Elections Act

Corrupt practice

(2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who

(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);

Consequences of illegal, corrupt practices

(3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is an illegal practice or a corrupt practice under this Act shall, … not be entitled to

(a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons

When Barry and Honey Sherman were targeted and killed the RCMP were investigating Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser to determine for the Lobbying Commissioner if the fundraiser violated the Lobbying Act. The Government of Canada document is very compelling evidence that proves Barry Sherman was a registered lobbyist when he hosted the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser for Justin Trudeau. The document guaranteed that Justin Trudeau would have been convicted of accepting a prohibited gift or other advantage from registered lobbyist Barry Sherman. Justin Trudeau was about to be convicted for accepting a prohibited gift (“providing food or refreshments at a reception constitutes a gift.” Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada) from registered lobbyist Barry Sherman but the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman thwarted the impending conviction.

The only person who had motive to have Barry and Honey Sherman targeted and killed was Justin Trudeau. Their murders meant Justin Trudeau averted a conviction and losing his seat in the House of Commons.

It’s important to note that Justin Trudeau was convicted just 7 days after the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman for accepting prohibited gift or other advantage from anithert registered lobbyist – Aga Khan.

Justin Trudeau didn’t lose his seat in the House of Commons because Justin Trudeau didn’t accept the prohibited gifts from registered lobbyist Aga Khan during an election campaign.

It’s imperative Canadians and Toronto Police homicide detectives know and understand that Barry Sherman was never in legal jeopardy for hosting the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser for election candidate Justin Trudeau. Lobbying the Government of Canada is legitimate.

However, any elected or appointed government official who accepts a gift or other advantage from a registered lobbyist is breaking federal laws.

Despite it being illegal for registered lobbyist Barry Sherman to offer 2015 election candidate Justin Trudeau a gift or other advantage Barry Sherman faced no severe punitive measures for hosting Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser. Lobbyist Barry Sherman (Apotex) had a right to communicate with elected government officials. However, Justin Trudeau faced severe punitive measures because of the RCMP investigation of the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser.

A conviction for accepting the prohibited gift or other advantage meant Justin Trudeau would have lost his job. Justin Trudeau wouldn’t be Prime Minister of Canada today or throughout COVID-19. German collaborator Chrystia Freeland wouldn’t be Deputy Prime Minister or the Finance Minister either.

Twitter provided compelling evidence that Germany conducted foreign influenced activities in Canada

Twitter provided ample evidence that Germany conducted foreign influenced operations in Canada during COVID-19. Germany targeted NCIO’s affiliate PRESS Core and its editor Paul W Kincaid.

Germany tried to get Twitter to suspend PRESS Core’s Twitter account @presscoreca claiming that @presscoreca informing its 9000+ followers that COVID-19 was planned and that the biological attack was sponsored by Germany to obtain “worldwide support for vaccinations” was a violation of German law.

The above screenshot of an email from Twitter on September 18, 2020 provides compelling evidence that Germany is guilty of foreign influenced/interference activities within Canada.

The email from Twitter informs us that it was the German government who filed the complaint in an attempt to have Twitter suspend PRESS Core’s Twitter account @presscoreca.

The email also shows you Germany’s first attempt to manipulate the media failed:

“We have investigated the reported content and could not identify any violations of the Twitter Rules or German law.” Twitter, Sept 18, 2020

The Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act defines Germany’s activities as threats to the security of Canada.

threats to the security of Canada means:

(b) foreign influenced activities within or relating to Canada that are detrimental to the interests of Canada and are clandestine or deceptive or involve a threat to any person,

CSIS July 2021 publication “Foreign Interference Threats to Canada’s Democratic Process”

“Broadly speaking, foreign interference includes attempts to covertly influence, intimidate, manipulate, interfere, corrupt or discredit individuals, organizations and governments to further the interests of a foreign country.”

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians’ 2019 Annual Report p. 77. stated that foreign interference activities are a “clear threat to the security of Canada”.

The Committee believes there is ample evidence that Canada is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities. *** (*** indicates redaction or deletion of information by Justin Trudeau) The PRC, the Russian Federation, other states. *** (*** indicates more redaction and deletion by Justin Trudeau)”

“The Committee believes that these states target Canada for a variety of reasons, but all seek to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives. They target ethnocultural communities, seek to corrupt the political process, manipulate the media, and attempt to curate debate on postsecondary campuses. Each of these activities poses a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the country’s sovereignty: they are a clear threat to the security of Canada

Germany was redacted by Justin Trudeau in the national security and intelligence investigation report on foreign interference.

Germany failed in its first attempt to have Twitter suspend @presscoreca but succeeded in a second attempt with the assistance of German collaborator/double agent Chrystia Freeland. The last tweet before being suspended was a retweet by @presscoreca informing its 9,680 followers that Chrystia Freeland was violating federal laws.

A backup of @presscoreca tweets is available on the PRESS Core website.

MP Chrystia Freeland continues to violate federal conflict of interest and breach of trust laws

An economically powerful Germany constitutes a military threat to world security

German soldiers crossing the Soviet border in Lviv Oblast of Ukraine during Operation Barbarossa on 22 June 1941

It’s about time Canadians realize that Germany is once again an enemy of Canada. The Germany and the WHO devised and lead COVID-19 biological attack was/is part of Germany’s WWIII war strategy. The vaccines that Germany manufactured and distributed are biological weapons. Designed to weaken Germany’s main WWIII adversaries, Canada, the US and the UK.

Germany provoked the war in Ukraine to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaigns as Germany’s new Waffen SS. Germany is prohibited by treaties from forming a large military force. It is Germany’s intent to use NATO forces to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaigns.

During WWII Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King , UK Prime Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt realized that Germany constituted a military threat to world security if it gained financial control of Europe.

Canadian Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King , UK Prime Winston Churchill and US President Franklin Delano Roosevelt secretly met in Quebec City to discuss and initiate measures to prevent Germany from starting WWIII.

During the second 1944 Quebec Conference (codenamed “OCTAGON”) the US government recommended that a program of large-scale reparations must be rejected to prevent Germany from starting WWIII.

Roosevelt Papers

Briefing Book Prepared in the Treasury Department

top secret

Program To Prevent Germany From Starting a World War III

2. If liberated Europe becomes economically dependent on Germany for reparations, her economic dependence cannot be broken off when reparations cease. The rest of Europe would continue to be dependent on Germany as a source of supply and as a market. These economic ties would also mean political ties. Germany would be right back where she was in the Thirties when she was able to dominate the rest of Europe economically through her industrial power and to exert her economic power to achieve political domination.

An economically powerful Germany ipso facto constitutes a military threat to world security.

Their efforts were in vain because of the UK’s German monarchy, Kraut George VI.  George VI assisted Germany throughout WWII and after WWII he assisted Germany gain financial control of Europe. The UK’s German monarchy, George VI helped Germany rebuild and gain financial control of Europe by enacting the Income Tax Act while Parliament was prorogued. The income tax dollars that were unlawfully obtained from Canadians were funneled to Germany.

Income tax dollars were unlawfully obtained because the Income Tax Act (1948) never legally received Royal Assent. Bills/Acts which have not received Royal Assent “before prorogation” are “entirely terminated”, dies.

Screenshot of Canada’s House of Commons website states:

Parliament was prorogued on June 30, 1948. Technically, and legally the Income Tax Act bill died and could not receive royal assent on June 30, 1948. That means there was/is no “law” to tax Canadians?

The Governor General refused to be a part of it.

“The deputy of the governor general will be acting for His Excellency in proroguing parliament, and it is desirable that due notice should be given to him as to the time to be present.” …

I should like to congratulate hon. members upon the way they have expedited the business of the house so as to make possible prorogation by June 30.” PM Mackenzie King

Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King is quoted saying that most MPs had already left Parliament because Canada’s Parliament was prorogued on June 30, 1948.

On the orders of the day: Mr. JOHN T. HACKETT (Stanstead) : Mr. Speaker, I should like to ask the Prime Minister whether any request has come from the government of the United Kingdom for assistance in flying in supplies to overcome the Berlin blockade?

Overcoming the Berlin blockade was the sole reason for Kraut George VI imposing the Income Tax Act. Canada wasn’t the beneficiary of the new source of government funding. Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy was.

The Income Tax Act was illegally enacted to provide much needed funding for Canada’s WWII enemy. Kraut George VI rushed the Act through Parliament when it was prorogued because of the ongoing “Berlin blockade”.

We know that the Berlin blockade was being addressed by Kraut George VI when the Income Tax Act was illegally enacted. The day Parliament was prorogued a MP asked the Prime Minister:

whether any request has come from the government of the United Kingdom for assistance in flying in supplies to overcome the Berlin blockade

At the time Kraut George VI was the unlawful head of the UK government. Unlawful because all German monarchies were forever abolished in 1919. In 1919 the UK’s monarchy was German. It’s been German since Queen Anne died in 1714. The assistance Kraut George VI wanted from the Canadian government to overcome the Berlin blockade was financial assistance. He obtained it via the Income Tax Act.


US President Roosevelt and UK Prime Minister Churchill knew that Germany would start WWIII if it gained financial control of Europe. Roosevelt and Churchill met secretly in Quebec City, Canada in 1944 to discuss measures to prevent Germany from starting WWIII. The Quebec Conference was held September 11–16, 1944.

The US government initiated a “Program To Prevent Germany From Starting a World War III”. The program was discussed during the 1944 Quebec Conference. The first measures that were discussed to prevent Germany from starting WWIII was the demilitarization of Germany.

Section II of the top secret US briefing book revealed that to prevent Germany from starting WWIII Germany couldn’t be allowed to gain financial control of Europe.

The US government recommended that a program of large-scale reparations must be rejected for the following reasons:

2. If liberated Europe becomes economically dependent on Germany for reparations, her economic dependence cannot be broken off when reparations cease. The rest of Europe would continue to be dependent on Germany as a source of supply and as a market. These economic ties would also mean political ties. Germany would be right back where she was in the Thirties when she was able to dominate the rest of Europe economically through her industrial power and to exert her economic power to achieve political domination.

3. An economically powerful Germany ipso facto constitutes a military threat to world security.

The US government knew that soon after Germany gained economic control of Europe Germany would resume a policy of aggression. Germany reoccupied Europe with the assistance of the UK’s 1919 abolished German monarchy. The Kraut in Canada funneled $billions in illegally obtained tax dollars to Germany to assist Canada’s enemy rebuild and reoccupy Europe under the guise of the EU.

Global warming invented to bankroll Germany’s Fourth Reich EU

“In searching for a new enemy to unite us, we came up with (invented) the idea that pollution, the threat of global warming, would fit the bill” Vatican think tank Club of Rome – founded by Accademia dei Lincei, Rome, Italy

The sole purpose of Pope Francis devised climate change hoax – Laudato Si was to obtain $1 trillion a year to save/revive the bankrupt EU. That failed because non-EU nations wouldn’t sign the Pope Francis pledge to give the EU $1 trillion a year.

A European Parliament report informed the World what the Paris Agreement, Climate Action, Climate Change and the carbon tax are all about –  bankroll Germany’s Fourth Reich EU.

Climate Change is entirely about the

CREATION OF NEW MONEY BY THE ECB, together with the central banks of EU states outside the Eurozone,

The European Parliament funded and published paper “Green Money: Reclaiming Quantitative Easing, Money Creation for the Common Good” made Pope Francis and Germany’s climate change agenda and their Green initiatives perfectly clear.

Europe’s economies have still not recovered from the 2008 financial crash. Austerity policies have failed to secure prosperity and employment opportunities, despite some success in calming the finance sector.

… both the EU and member state governments have generally proved very reluctant to use significant government spending on public services, infrastructure, or welfare benefits as a way out of the crisis. Amongst the consequences, we still see disastrously high rates of unemployment in many EU countries, with figures for Spain and Greece around 25%.

Looked at a different way, this continuing economic crisis could also be seen as an opportunity. The immediate need for economic revival should be put together with the more long-term need to restructure economies to fit them for what has been called “the great transition” – the historic shift from carbon-intensive and resource-intensive industrial production to smarter and greener ways of working and living.

The obvious principal body for the purpose of creating the money necessary for green QE is the European Central Bank, working alongside the central banks of the EU member states outside the Eurozone (which include those of the UK, Sweden, and Poland).

There would be no need for the ECB and the national banks to co-ordinate activity on the lending and expenditure of the EIB. All that would be needed is initial agreement on the amounts of money to be created and contributed by each bank. The EU already has formulae to determine member state contributions to funding, and some modification of these could be applied.

The role of the central banks would simply be the creation of the money, through their power of direct credit creation, necessary for the programme to work. In doing so, they would be using monetary policy to avoid economies falling into recession and the possibility of negative or very low inflation.

In order to comply with the provisions of the Maastricht Treaty, the role of the ECB and the other central banks in this programme would have to be strictly limited to the creation of the money necessary to finance it (the EU).

It’s the reason why Justin Trudeau started dismantling Canada’s oil industry. Justin Trudeau is an agent of the globalist cartel seeking to bankroll Germany’s EU via the EU’s QE (money creation) program.

$billions secretly funneled to the IMF to bankroll Germany’s Fourth Reich EU

Germany and and the EU gets most of its funding from the IMF. The IMF administers a pool of money from which IMF members can borrow when they are in trouble. Resources for IMF loans to Germany and EU states are provided by IMF member countries. Money for IMF loans came from non-EU states like Canada, US, and the UK.

foreign currency funding activities of the government. Foreign reserves are managed under an asset-liability matching framework. Therefore, when a foreign currency liability matures, assets are used to repay the principal, leading to a decrease in reserves. During January, Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond and a global bond of €2 billion (US$2,227.6 million) matured. Canada bills increased by US$58.1 million to a level of outstanding bills of US$1,964.5 million. An equivalent of US$556.7 million in cross-currency swaps was raised while US$571.3 million in cross-currency swaps and US$250 million in medium-term notes matured during the month.

Since COVID-19 the majority of “secret” EU bailout funds are coming from the US Federal Reserve and its Primary Dealers. The $trillions Joe Biden earmarked for the US COVID-19 recovery was secretly diverted to the EU using the Fed’s Primary Dealers. The Fed did the very same thing in 2009 under cover of another staged pandemic – the Swine Flu pandemic.

The 2009 Swine Flu pandemic was actually caused by the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus (causes moderate flu-like symptoms) which Secret Service agent and biological weapon expert Marc S Griswold took from Fort Detrick to Mexico aboard Barack Obama’s Air Force One April 16, 2009.

The 2009 Swine Flu pandemic vaccine produced and administered wasn’t for the swine flu virus or the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus, it was for / contained the avian (bird) influenza A (H1N1) virus. The 2009 Swine Flu pandemic vaccines contained a live avian influenza virus. The vaccine was intentionally made to be a biological weapon. To cause healthy people to became sick and even die while the US Fed (during the Barack Obama and Joe Biden administration) and its Primary Dealers (included Canada’s top 5 banks) embezzled $14.5 trillion and funneled the stolen money to the EU to bankroll the newly formed EU.

The Treaty of Lisbon is an international agreement that amends the two treaties which form the constitutional basis of the European Union (EU). The Treaty of Lisbon, which was signed by the EU member states on 13 December 2007 and entered into force on 1 December 2009. Coincidentally, the start date of the staged Great Recession/bank bailouts began in December 2007 and ended in June 2009.

No statute of limitations for Justin Trudeau’s sexual exploitation of a 17 year old WPGA student

WPGA yearbook provides prima facie evidence that Justin Trudeau had close contact with convicted child sex offender (child pornography, child exploitation) Christopher Charles Ingvaldson at West Point Grey Academy. Justin Trudeau and Christopher Ingvaldson were both teachers and roommates when Justin Trudeau had a tryst with a 17 year old WPGA student. Because they were roommates Christopher Charles Ingvaldson knows who the 17 year old WPGA student was. He’s a  witnesses who can get Justin Trudeau indicted for statuatory rape (sexual exploitation).

In June of 2010 Justin Trudeau’s WPGA coworker and roommate Christopher Ingvaldson was caught and charged during an international police sting of a child porn ring that spanned three countries and used Facebook.

When Justin Trudeau’s West Point Grey Academy coworker and roommate Christopher Charles Ingvaldson was charged as a sex offender there were no plaintiffs. He was charged as a result of the police sting. Police don’t need plaintiffs only a witness and/or reasonable suspicion a person has committed a crime to lay charges.

Because there is no statute of limitations for sexual assault (statuatory rape) the police can charge Justin Trudeau if a witness, witnesses or a confidential informant provides the police with information that Justin Trudeau committed the offence of sexual exploitation while teaching at WPGA.

Material witness replying to @presscoreca June 22, 2020 on Twitter

“Sophie said she & Justin are not getting divorced. This is all just based on a tryst Justin had with a student after his father died. She was 17, but the legal age was 14 in Canada at the time. The age of consent was raised to 16 in 2008 by Stephen Harper. It’s nonsense.”

Justin Trudeau having a tryst with a 17 year old student is a criminal offence of statutory rape. Statutory rape makes it unlawful to have sex with a minor under the “age of consent.”

You now know why in 2018 PM Justin Trudeau didn’t want anyone investigating the 2000 groping incident.

Justin Trudeau says there is no need to conduct an investigation into an allegation that he inappropriately touched a female reporter in British Columbia

A U.K. Conservative MP was arrested in May of 2022 on suspicion of rape and sexual assault offences.

A spokesman for Scotland Yard said: “A man was arrested on suspicion of indecent assault, sexual assault, rape, abuse of position of trust and misconduct in a public office.”

The alleged sexual offences were committed between 2002 and 2009 in London. The alleged sexual offences began 20 years ago.

That means Justin Trudeau could also be charged and arrested today on suspicion of sexual assault, rape, and abuse of position of trust for the tryst that Justin Trudeau had with a 17 year old WPGA student. The RCMP have a witness and her witness testimony is available on Twitter. The witness has made it appear that her source of information is Justin Trudeau’s wife, Sophie.

A second tweet by the material witness on the same day she confirmed that Justin Trudeau sexually assaulted a 17 year old WPGA student implies she knows Sophie and that she talked to Sophie directly. In the second tweet to @presscoreca the material witness again emphasized that “Sophie said she & Justin ARE NOT getting divorced”.

“Sophie is staying at Harrington Lk. It was tough, quarantined with 3 kids 24/7. Sophie said she & Justin ARE NOT getting divorced. Dealing with Canada’s Covid-19 crisis caused them stress.”

The material witness informed at least 2 Twitter account holders that Justin Trudeau had a tryst with a female WPGA student. The material witness informed the two in a Twitter reply. The two Twitter accounts have since been suspended.

One of the two informed Twitter accounts was PRESS Core – @presscoreca. The material witness was replying to a tweet that Justin Trudeau and Sophie were separated. It was confirmed via Twitter on October 21, 2019 (2019 federal election day) that Justin Trudeau and Sophie were separated.

No immunity from arrest or prosecution for MP Justin Trudeau

The Parliament of Canada website informs Canadians and Ontario police officers that Justin Trudeau can be charged and imprisoned for sexual assault, rape, and abuse of position of trust.

Freedom from arrest has been confined to civil cases and does not entitle a Member to evade criminal law.

Any incident of a criminal nature in which a Member has been charged is not a matter where immunity from arrest will protect that Member. Matters of a criminal nature would include treason, felonies, all indictable offences, …

Members cannot claim freedom from arrest or imprisonment on a criminal charge. A Member of the House of Commons is in exactly the same position as any other citizen if he or she is suspected of, charged with, or found guilty of a crime, provided that it is unrelated to proceedings in Parliament.

The offences are unrelated to proceedings in Parliament. The deplorable offences were committed over 20 years ago when Justin Trudeau was a teacher at WPGA.

Material witness in 2020 confirmed that Justin Trudeau committed statuatory rape at WPGA

The 2019 federal election campaign rumors were apparently true that Justin Trudeau sexually assaulted a student when he was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy (WPGA). A woman named Barbara replied to PRESS Core on Twitter that she had spoken with Sophie Trudeau about a rumor of Sophie and Justin Trudeau getting a divorce. In the reply Barbara confirmed that Justin Trudeau had sexually assaulted a WPGA student.

Barbara replying to @presscoreca June 22, 2020 on Twitter

“Sophie said she & Justin are not getting divorced. This is all just based on a tryst Justin had with a student after his father died. She was 17, but the legal age was 14 in Canada at the time. The age of consent was raised to 16 in 2008 by Stephen Harper. It’s nonsense.”

Justin Trudeau having a tryst (a private romantic rendezvous between lovers) with a 17 year old student is a criminal offence of statutory rape. Statutory rape makes it unlawful to have sex with a minor under the “age of consent.”

Statutory Rape in Canada is defined as any sexual contact with a person under the age of consent. Under statutory rape laws, a person who has sex with a person under a certain age known as “the age of consent” risks criminal charges and a jail or prison sentence, even if the younger person is a willing partner.

There are many different scenarios where the age of consent would be raised to the age of 18. Some of these situations may arise in relationships of trust or authority between, for example, a teacher and student, an employer and employee, a coach and player, etc.

When Justin Trudeau had a tryst with a 17 year old student Justin Trudeau was a teacher at WPGA. He was a teacher at WPGA when his father, Pierre Trudeau, died on September 28, 2000. The law states that the age of consent is raised to 18 years of age when:

The older party is in a position of authority or a position of trust over the other party.

In Canada there’s no statute of limitations for statuatory rape. Section 3(4)(l) of the BC Limitation Act holds that:

“a cause of action based on sexual assault” is not “governed by a limitation period and may be brought at any time“.

Section 271 of the Criminal Code sets out the offence of sexual assault. This offence replaced the more stringent offence of “rape” which no longer appears in Canada’s Code.

271. Sexual assault

Everyone who commits a sexual assault is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 10 years or, if the complainant is
under the age of 16 years, to imprisonment for a term of not more than 14 years and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of one year; or

(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction and is liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than 18 months or, if the complainant is under the age of 16 years, to imprisonment for a term of not more than two years less a day and to a minimum punishment of imprisonment for a term of six months.

The punishment for this crime is not only imprisonment but also carries a criminal record, which can affect an offender’s future prospects. In Justin Trudeau’s case a criminal record for statuatory rape would mean Justin Trudeau couldn’t be a MP or Prime Minister of Canada.

A second tweet by Barbara on the same day she confirmed that Justin Trudeau sexually assaulted a 17 year old WPGA student implies she knows Sophie and that she talked to Sophie directly. In the second tweet to @presscoreca Barbara  again emphasized that “Sophie said she & Justin ARE NOT getting divorced”.

“Sophie is staying at Harrington Lk. It was tough, quarantined with 3 kids 24/7. Sophie said she & Justin ARE NOT getting divorced. Dealing with Canada’s Covid-19 crisis caused them stress.”

During the 2019 federal election campaign a female accuser claimed 2019 election campaign candidate Justin Trudeau had sexually assaulted a female student while Justin Trudeau was a teacher at West Point Grey Academy. The person Justin Trudeau bribed to keep quiet was accusing Justin Trudeau of committing the offence of “statutory rape”.

No evidence has ever been found or presented that would verify that the female accuser was a student at WPGA. There is evidence that Justin Trudeau’s female accuser wasn’t a WPGA student. That female person knew Justin Trudeau personally and she used the 2019 federal election campaign to blackmail Justin Trudeau into paying her $2.25 million.

Blackmail is the crime of threatening to reveal embarrassing, disgraceful or damaging information about a person to the public, family, spouse or associates unless money is paid to purchase silence.

To avoid a criminal investigation and criminal charges Justin Trudeau paid $millions to obtain a NDA and silence the person accusing Justin Trudeau of committing “statutory rape” at West Point Grey Academy.

Justin Trudeau offering/paying a bribe during the 2019 election campaign warrants an investigation by Elections Canada. Elections Canada need only to serve Justin Trudeau’s BMO trust fund and/or the Trudeau Foundation with a financial warrant to obtain evidence that a bribe was paid during the 2019 federal election campaign. Look for a multi-million dollar transfer on Oct 9, 2019 or soon thereafter.

A conviction of “offering bribe” could result in Justin Trudeau losing his seat in the House of Commons and Justin Trudeau being barred from campaigning in any election for the next 7 years.

“A person found guilty of any corrupt electoral practice under the Canada Elections Act within the previous 5 years is disqualified from seeking election.”

The 2019 federal election campaign was held within “the previous 5 years”.

Furthermore, in Canada there is no statute of limitations on bringing a criminal charge for sexual assault. A student/child who was the victim of statuatory rape could report it after reaching adulthood. The 17 year old WPGA student who had a tryst with Justin Trudeau could one day decide to bring a criminal charge for sexual assault against Justin Trudeau.

Teachers face serious consequences for having sex with a 17 year old student. Even 20 years after Justin Trudeau had a tryst with a 17 year old WPGA student.

If Justin Trudeau were convicted today and sentenced to two years or more in prison he would automatically lose his seat in the House of Commons. Parliament of Canada website states:

Section 750(1) of the Criminal Code,11 which applies to members of both the Senate and the House, stipulates the following:

Where a person is convicted of an indictable offence for which the person is sentenced to imprisonment for two years or more and holds, at the time that person is convicted, an office under the Crown or other public employment, the office or employment forthwith becomes vacant.

Parliamentarians automatically lose their seat if they fall within the terms of this section.

Why Germany’s double agents Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are still in office

Germany’s double agents Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are still in office because Germany has an ally controlling Canada and the Canadian government using color of law and color of right.

Color of law refers to the appearance of legal authority or an apparently legal right that may not exist. The term is often used to describe the abuse of power under the guise of state authority, and is therefore illegal

This German ally assisted Germany wage 2 World Wars against the UK, Canada, the USA and Europe and assisted Germany wage the COVID-19 bioterrorism and biological warfare/war attack against Canada and the World’s civilian population.

The German ally and collaborator is the 1919 abolished German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy. Germany’s ally in Canada and the UK manufactured and assumed the English name/alias House of Windsor July 17, 1917 to continue to unlawfully rule the UK and Canada under color of law and color of right.

Since the death of Queen Anne the UK’s monarchy has been German. The UK’s illegitimate monarchy became a German monarchy when Queen Anne died on August 1, 1714. As a result, the Germany born Elector George Louis of Hanover was proclaimed king of Great Britain in absentia. He was proclaimed king of Great Britain in absentia because he was living in Germany at the time. He didn’t speak a word of English. He was the only possible heir to the throne and the first German to ascend an English throne. He was the German King of Great Britain and Ireland from 1 August 1714 and also ruler of the Electorate of Hanover within the Catholic Church’s Holy Roman Empire from 23 January 1698 until his death in 1727. Since then only German blooded monarchs and their German blooded children have been crowned king or queen of England

It’s imperative Canadians know that at the beginning of WWI and during WWI, George V ruled the UK as the German “Saxe-Coburg & Gotha” monarchy and he also served as high ranking officers in the German military. George V’s ranks in the German military included:

  • Admiral of the Imperial “German” Navy,
  • “German” Field Marshal,
  • Colonel-in-Chief of 1st Guard Dragoon Regiment &
  • Colonel-in-Chief of Kürassier Regiment Graf Getzler No 8 (German 15th Division).

Note that George V held the German military rank of Colonel-in-Chief of Kürassier Regiment Graf Getzler No 8 (German 15th Division). Thousands of Canadian soldiers were killed, wounded or went missing fighting the German soldiers of George V’s German 15th Division in these WWI battles: the Great Retreat, 1st Marne, Battle of Somme, German spring offensive, Oise-Aisne, Meuse-Argonne.

More than 24,000 of our soldiers were killed, wounded or went missing on the Somme. The fallen from this battle were among the more than 66,000 Canadians and Newfoundlanders who lost their lives in the First World War

George V stopped using his German “Saxe-Coburg & Gotha surname in 1917 because he feared that once the British people realized that he was German and he had conspired with his German cousins to wage WWI they might target and kill him and his family.

“The decision to adopt Windsor as the family name came amid strong anti-German feeling during the first world war. But the turning point was public anger at air raids over London, and in particular the bombing of a school in the East End.”

“On 13 June 1917, the Germans began daylight raids on Britain and in one of the first attacks 18 children were killed when a bomb fell directly onto Upper North Street School in Poplar. German Gotha bombers carried out the strike – by coincidence, the same name as the royal family.”

The featured image at the beginning of this briefing is of George V appearing wearing a German uniform in Berlin together with Kaiser Wilhelm II during a visit to Germany in 1913 for the wedding of the Kaisers only daughter, Princess Victoria Louise. During an official state visit the UK’s monarchy chose to wear a German uniform. That speaks volumes as to who he and the UK monarchy serves – our enemy, Germany.

What’s often forgotten is that the UK’s monarch during WWI was the first cousin of Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II. Both George V and Kaiser Wilhelm II were grandchildren of Queen Victoria. Victoria married her first cousin German Prince Albert Saxe-Coburg & Gotha. Queen Victoria’s mother was German princess Victoria of Saxe-Coburg-Saalfeld. Queen Victoria’s first language was German.

As a small child, Victoria was looked after and taught by her German governess, Baroness Lehzen. For the first three years of her life, she spoke only German. When she met Albert at 17 they spoke German together and even when his English gradually improved, they continued to use their native tongue (German) when together.