Why Ukraine conspired with Germany to start Germany’s WWIII military campaign

Russia’s Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline was to begin pumping Russian natural gas to Germany and its Fourth Reich EU this past summer. The newly built pipeline would have delivered natural gas to Europe by bypassing Ukraine. Ukraine stood to lose $billions in transfer fees because of Nord Stream 2.

Beginning in 2022 the Nord Stream 2 pipeline was to double the volume of natural gas exported directly to Germany via a network beneath the Baltic Sea, bypassing an existing route through Ukraine. Before the Ukraine Russia war began the EU got 41% of its gas from Russia.

The pipeline was completed in 2021. The BBC reported 10 September 2021:

The Russian energy company Gazprom says it has completed construction of the Nord Stream 2 natural gas pipeline from Russia to Germany. … The loss of transit fees would hit Ukraine’s economy hard. … The Ukrainian presidency opposed Nord Stream 2

Kyiv-based economist Aleksey Kushch

The termination of [gas] transit is not so much a blow to the economy, but a blow to [Ukrainian] political elites. That’s why we are witnessing this neurotic response of the authorities instead of a pragmatic search for ways to compensate for the losses

Another motive is Ukraine’s debt payments to the IMF. Ukraine had/has no money to pay its debt payments. It’s using the war to obtain $billions from Canada, US, the UK, and other states to pay its debt and bankroll its corrupt politicians. In 2022 Ukraine owed $142 million in debt payments to the IMF in February. In March, Ukraine owed $480 million. Total of $1.686 billion Ukraine must pay the IMF in 2022. The Ukraine government was banking on the IMF and foreign governments wiping its massive multi $billion debts off the books because of the war it and Germany provoked. No such luck. The IMF requires Ukraine to continue to make its debt payments during the war.

July 14 (Reuters) – The International Monetary Fund expects Ukraine to continue to service its foreign debt, an IMF spokesman said on Thursday as speculation grows that Kyiv could default on its debt as its battle against Russia’s invasion rages on.

The very corrupt Ukrainian government is using the war Ukraine and Germany instigated to obtain $billions. The money Ukraine obtains from corrupt and traitorous (assists an enemy) foreign politicians like Chrystia Freeland and Joe Biden isn’t going to assist Ukraine’s civilians. $billions are being embezzled by Ukraine’s corrupt politicians for their own personal use. The Kyiv Post reported in 2021 that the corrupt Ukrainian government is responsible for making Ukraine a failed state.

“Corruption lies at the core of Ukraine’s poverty, lack of transparency, and dormant economic potential. Ukrainian state budget annually loses over $37 billion due to this curse of inefficiency.” Kyiv Post, March 11, 2021

Why Pope Francis condones the Germany provoked war in Ukraine

Every World War is waged by Germany for the Pope (a.k.a. the Crown). Pope Pius XII recruited Germany to wage WWII to defend the “Roman” Catholic faith. Germany slaughtered Jews in Europe and attacked Russia for the Pope (Pius XII). The Pope recruited Germany to wage WWII. Vatican website provides ample evidence to support this.

“as the German people return to religion, bend the knee before Christ, and arming themselves against the enemies of God, again resume the task God has laid upon them.”

… “We grant to you, as a pledge of Divine help, as a support in your difficult resolutions, as a comfort in the struggle, as a consolation in all trials, to You, Bishops and Pastors of the Faithful, priests, Religious, lay apostles of Catholic Action, to all your diocesans, and specially to the sick and the prisoners, in paternal love, Our Apostolic Benediction.”

Given at the Vatican on Passion Sunday, March 14, 1937.


The Popes have for centuries turned to the German monarchies to wage its wars in Europe. The German monarchies included the UK’s 1919 abolished German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy. Stated in 2017 in Vatican City’s …

From Zachary to Leo III, successive Popes turned to the powerful Frankish and Germanic monarchs, particularly Charlemagne, who was known as the “father of Europe ”, seeking protection against the invading Lombards, Normans and Saracens; in doing so, they invented the Christian West. Thus, from its earliest beginnings, the papacy had close ties to the European events that would influence the world order for centuries to come.

Pope Francis condoned/supports the Germany provoked war in Ukraine because of one reason. Russia does not recognize the authority of the Pope.

The Eastern Orthodox Church is opposed to the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal supremacy. 

It is the position of the Eastern Orthodox Church that it has never accepted the pope as de jure leader of the entire church. All bishops are equal “as Peter“, therefore every church under every bishop (consecrated in apostolic succession) is fully complete (the original meaning of catholic).

Contrary to popular opinion, the word catholic does not mean “universal”; it means “whole, complete, lacking nothing.” … Thus, to confess the Church to be catholic is to say that She possesses the fullness of the Christian faith. To say, however, that Orthodox and Rome constitute “two lungs” of the same Church is to deny that either Church separately is catholic in any meaningful sense of the term. This is not only contrary to the teaching of Orthodoxy, it is flatly contrary to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, which considered itself truly catholic.

Germany waged World Wars are essentially modern day papal crusades. All waged to revive the Popes’ Holy Roman Empires (Reich’s).