Published on: May 11, 2023
Foreign interference activities by Germany influenced the 2015 federal election. Donations to the Trudeau Foundation during the 2015 federal election campaign were made to promote and influence one specific 2015 election campaign candidate – Justin Trudeau.
A $928,000 gift to the Trudeau Foundation from European Climate Foundation founder and EU climate change lobbyist McCall MacBain to 2015 federal election candidate Justin Trudeau was offered to obtain $2.65 billion from the Government of Canada.
The gift, $428,000 in 2015 (Justin Trudeau was a 2015 federal election candidate) & another $500,000 donation in 2016 by McCall MacBain (was the concurrent Chair of the Trudeau Foundation and the Chair of the European Climate Foundation) is defined by the Canadian Security Intelligence Service Act as Foreign Influenced Activities, which is another term for Foreign Interference.
“Foreign interference includes harmful activities undertaken by foreign states, or those acting on its behalf, that are clandestine, deceptive, or involve a threat to any person to advance the strategic objectives of those states to the detriment of Canada’s national interests.” Public Safety Canada
Both Justin Trudeau and McCall MacBain broke the law during the 2015 federal election campaign. The gifts constitutes a bribe.
McCall MacBain indirectly paid a member of Parliament almost a $1 million to influence (solicit) Justin Trudeau to pledge, in his official capacity as Prime Minister of Canada, $2.65 billion to climate change. Just one month after being elected Justin Trudeau pledged $2.65 billion to climate change.

The Conflict of Interest Act & Canada Elections Act prohibited the 2015 election candidate MP Justin Trudeau and the Trudeau Foundation from accepting the $928,000 gift from EU climate change lobbyist McCall MacBain.
Elections Canada
Prohibition on using foreign funds
“A third party must not use funds from a foreign entity to pay for regulated activities. It must not circumvent, or attempt to circumvent, the prohibition or collude with any other person or entity for that purpose.”
A foreign entity includes:
a corporation or entity organized outside Canada that does not carry on business in Canada, or whose only activity in Canada is to influence electors to vote or refrain from voting, either in general or for a particular candidate or registered party in the election.
During the 2015 federal election the Trudeau Foundation was a third party and McCall MacBain’s European Climate Foundation was a foreign entity.
Evidence supporting the charge that a foreign entity did in fact donate a gift of $928,000 to the Trudeau Foundation to influence Justin Trudeau in his official capacity as Prime Mister of Canada was first made known in the National Post article “Money began to rain on Trudeau Foundation once Justin took over Liberals, analysis shows” In that article it was confirmed that,
“one in six donors have affiliations with organizations currently lobbying the government”.

The largest donors in 2015, when Justin Trudeau was a 2015 election candidate, and in 2016, soon after Justin Trudeau became Prime Minster and pledged $2.65 billion to the climate change fund (European Climate Foundation a benefactor), where made by the European Climate Foundation. The foreign entity was founded by McCall MacBain in 2008. The foundation’s aims are to promote/lobby for the EU and its climate and energy policies.
Foreign donations to the Trudeau Foundation jumped from $53,000 in the 2014 fiscal year to $535,000 in 2016 — a ten-fold increase, because of just one donor, the EU’s climate change lobbyist McCall MacBain and his Switzerland-based European Climate Foundation.
The EU and its climate change lobbyist McCall MacBain have been responsible for the majority of the increase in foreign donations and they were the largest foreign donors of 2015 federal election campaign candidate Justin Trudeau. The Switzerland-based foundation donated prohibited gift of $428,000 in 2015 and another prohibited gift of $500,000 in 2016. A red flag was raised by statement of fact foreign “gifts to the foundation have increased significantly since Justin Trudeau’s April 2013 election as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada”.
“A National Post analysis of the Trudeau Foundation’s public disclosures has found that gifts to the foundation have increased significantly since Justin Trudeau’s April 2013 election as leader of the Liberal Party of Canada. The amount of money contributed to the foundation by foreign donors has grown each year since Trudeau claimed the party’s leadership. Moreover, a significant proportion of the charity’s donors, directors and members have ties to companies and organizations that are actively lobbying the federal government.”
Foreign interference activities by the EU using its climate change lobbyist McCall MacBain continued after the 2015 federal election.
On September 9, 2016 the Trudeau Foundation reported it had received the largest gift in the Foundation’s history. A record $1 million was donated to the Trudeau Foundation by the Foundation’s Chair McCall MacBain. However, the $1 million donation was never reported in any annual reports.
The original article reporting the receipt of $1 million gift stated the following:
The largest gift in the Foundation’s history | Fondation Trudeau

An investigation would find that during the 2015 federal election the Trudeau Foundation engaged in prohibited “Conduct that is illegal or contrary to public policy”. The Trudeau Foundation engaged in foreign interference activities for Germany’s EU.
The Trudeau Foundation’s Annual Reports provides proof the Trudeau Foundation never reported (concealed) the $1 million donation from McCall MacBain. How many other major donations from foreign donors were made to the Trudeau Foundation (beneficiary Justin Trudeau) during a federal election but were hidden from the CRA, the Office of Commissioner of Lobbying, from the Office of the Ethics Commissioner, from the Commissioner of Canada Elections, from the Government of Canada and from the Canadian public?
The evidence informs Canadians that MP Justin Trudeau ‘wittingly’ took part in German government foreign interference activities during the 2015 federal election. Justin Trudeau continued to facilitate Germany’s foreign interference activities after being elected.
NOTE: Within 1 year the EU’s climate change lobbyist McCall MacBain donated almost $2 million to the Trudeau Foundation. MP/PM Justin Trudeau is a beneficiary of the Trudeau Foundation. House committee or the RCMP need to ask why the donations were made in 3 installments. Reasonable suspicion all 3 donations were for Justin Trudeau – payments for taking and giving the EU climate change lobbyist $2.65 billion.
McCall MacBain paid Justin Trudeau a down payment of $428,000 in 2015 to pledged $2.65 billion in federal funds once he was elected & another $500,000 in 2016, after Justin Trudeau completed the heist. The $1 million that the Trudeau Foundation received from McCall MacBain but never reported in its annual reports was the result of Justin Trudeau wanting more money for stealing $2.65 billion.
Justin Trudeau’s Candidate Campaign Returns Part 2a – Statement of Contributions Received for the 42nd general election ( October 19, 2015 ) shows Justin Trudeau declared the he received only $700 in donations from 1 donor. Where did Justin get the money to cover his election campaign expenses? Election expenses surely exceeded piddly $700 donation.
It is abundantly clear that foreign entries and governments, including China and Germany, used the Trudeau Foundation to indirectly and illegally contribute $millions to Justin Trudeau’s 2015 election campaign.
This is the reality that Justin Trudeau, and a lot of Canadians refuse to acknowledge or accept. Only 26,391 Canadians voted for Justin Trudeau in the 2015 election. Only 1 person contributed to his election campaign.