The US and UK governments knew in 1944 that Germany would start World War III

Published on: July 8, 2023

The US government initiated a “Program To Prevent Germany From Starting a World War III”. The program was discussed during the 1944 Quebec Conference. The first measures that were discussed to prevent Germany from starting WWIII was the demilitarization of Germany.

Section II of the top secret US briefing book revealed that to prevent Germany from starting WWIII Germany couldn’t be allowed to gain financial control of Europe.

The US government recommended that a program of large-scale reparations must be rejected for the following reasons:

2. If liberated Europe becomes economically dependent on Germany for reparations, her economic dependence cannot be broken off when reparations cease. The rest of Europe would continue to be dependent on Germany as a source of supply and as a market. These economic ties would also mean political ties. Germany would be right back where she was in the Thirties when she was able to dominate the rest of Europe economically through her industrial power and to exert her economic power to achieve political domination.

3. An economically powerful Germany ipso facto constitutes a military threat to world security.

The US government knew that soon after Germany gained economic control of Europe Germany would resume a policy of aggression.

“A long range program should be put into effect for the purpose of controlling the strategic elements in the German economy for a prolonged period .. It is essential that the foregoing strategic elements in the German economy be controlled lest through their use, the Germans once again proceed to build up various aspects of their industrial and economic structure for future militaristic and aggressive purposes.”

(1)The Nazi regime is essentially the culmination of the unchanging German drive toward aggression.

(aGerman society has been dominated for at least three generations by powerful forces fashioning the German state and nation into a machine for military conquest and self-aggrandizement. Since 1864 Germany has launched five wars of aggression against other powers, each war involving more destruction over larger areas than the previous one.
(bAs in the case of Japan, the rapid evolution of a modern industrial system in Germany immeasurably strengthened the economic base of German militarism without weakening the Prussian feudal ideology or its hold on German society.
(cThe Nazi regime is not an excrescence on an otherwise healthy society but an organic growth out of the German body politic. Even before the Nazi regime seized power, the German nation had demonstrated an unequalled capacity to be seduced by a militarist clique offering the promise of economic security and political domination in exchange for disciplined acceptance of its leadership. What the Nazi regime has done has been to systematically debauch the passive German nation on an unprecedented scale and shape it into an organized and dehumanized military machine integrated by all the forces of modern technique and science.

(2) The dissolution of the Nazi Party will not, therefore, by itself ensure the destruction of the militaristic spirit instilled into the German people over generations and given an overwhelming impetus in the last decade. This will of necessity be an arduous process, and for a long time to come it would be gambling with the very destiny of civilization to rely on an unproven German capacity for self-regeneration in the face of its proven capacity for creating new weapons of destruction to be used in wars of aggression. Therefore, in addition to disarming and weakening Germany as a military power, the interests of world security will best be promoted by:

(aForcibly reducing Germany’s industrial capacity so that she will cease to be a major economic, military and political power.
(bStrengthening all Germany’s neighbors politically and economically relatively to Germany. The more powerful her neighbors, the more likely she is to realize the futility of the militarist philosophy from which aggression ensues.

Germany has done what Roosevelt and Churchill tried to prevent. Germany has gained financial control of Europe via the EU and Germany has started WWIII by instigating the Ukraine Russia war. Germany instigated the Ukraine Russia war to force NATO states to wage WWIII as Germany’s new Waffen SS military forces.

Other nations knew that the defeated Germany still posed a significant threat after WWII. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg, signed the Brussels Treaty to create a collective defense alliance. Britain, France, Belgium, the Netherlands, and Luxembourg anticipated that Germany would one day resume a policy of aggression. The Brussels Treaty lead to the formation of NATO. Signatories of the Brussels Treaty agreed:

“To take such steps as may be held to be necessary in the event of a renewal by Germany of a policy of aggression”.

Other treaties were drafted to prevent Germany from starting another war of aggression.

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

September 12, 1990


The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence.

Germany provoked the Ukraine Russia war by attempting to obtain nuclear weapons grade uranium from Ukraine

Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers broke the law by forcing public servants, the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers, and millions of other Canadians to be vaccinated – a medial treatment

Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers broke the law by forcing public servants, Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers, and millions of other Canadians to be vaccinated – a medial treatment. They are blatantly violating Canada’s Constitution – Canada’s supreme law. They are violating Canadians’ rights and freedoms to further the political and financial interests and agendas of a foreign state, Germany, and of the United Nations Organization (UNO). They are committing treason by assisting an enemy of Canada in 2 World Wars wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada.

Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.

Section 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

1. Everyone

“All individuals physically present in Canada will benefit from the protection of section 7 (Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 177 at page 202; Charkaoui (2007), supra, at paragraphs 17-18).”

2. Life, liberty and security of the person
(ii) Right to liberty

“Section 7 protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution (e.g. fines): R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. It may also include the ability to choose where one intends to live (Godbout, supra), as well as a protected sphere of parental decision-making for parents to ensure their children’s well-being, e.g., a right to make decisions concerning a child’s education and health (B.(R.), supra, at paragraph 80).” Canada’s Department of Justice, screenshot below

What that means is Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers cannot mandate/force any Canadian, including public servants, the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers to be vaccinated.

NB government website states medical treatment includes: identifying and responding to an illness, and prevention (such as immunizations ). NB government’s website also states, “your rights in New Brunswick” includes the right to refuse treatment.

Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers are committing treason because Germany (Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) sponsored/funded the COVID-19 biological warfare attack January 31, 2020. German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 million euros to force world leaders to support the UNO’s global vaccine efforts. The stated purpose of the COVID-19 biological warfare attack was made known at the 2020 World Economic Forum.

It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations

Germany, Bill Gates, Gavi, the World Economic Forum and Global Citizen all conspired to wage biological warfare against the World’s civilian population (offense of crimes against humanity) to force world leaders to invest in vaccines because “in order to achieve the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals … investments worth an additional $350 billion annually are needed.” Global Citizen, January 31, 2020

The COVID-19 biological warfare attack’s objective to obtain $350 billion annually for the UNO to bankroll the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals was made public months before a novel coronavirus made people sick in Wuhan China. The primary objective for the Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack was made public September 26, 2019. Screenshot below provides material to support charge that COVID-19 is a plandemic.



Because COVID-19 was planned and Germany sponsored/funded the coordinated COVID-19 biological attack to obtain $350 billion annually for the UN to bankroll the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers actions are deemed to be criminal – organized crime.

Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for profit.

Criminal organization: Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers being part of a group (Germany, Bill Gates, Gavi, the World Economic Forum, Global Citizen and the United Nations Organization), however organized, that is composed of three or more persons in or outside Canada and the group has as one of its main purposes or main activities the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offences that, if committed, would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of a material benefit, including a financial benefit ($350 billion annually), by the group or by any of the persons who constitute the group..