Germany’s motive for having Bill Gates & World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players stage COVID-19 – force World to bailout insolvent Germany EU and UN Organization

A number of news articles since April 2019 provided the World with Germany’s motive for paying Bill Gates and World Economic Forum’s Event 201 players a 600 million Euros during the 2020 World Economic Forum in Davos Switzerland to stage and lead COVID-19 plandemic.

The official stated purpose for staging COVID-19 plandemic was provided when German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 Million Euros for Global Vaccine Efforts January 31, 2020 – Brexit Day , the day UK officially left Germany’s EU

“It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations.” Global Citizen

However, COVID-19 plandemic was staged as a distraction while $billions is being embezzled by the Justin Trudeau / Chrystia Freeland, Joe Biden and Boris Johnson governments to bankroll the insolvent UN and Germany’s EU. Before the COVID-19 plandemic both the UN and Germany’s EU (Germany reoccupied Europe) desperately needed $billions to avoid bankruptcy. Before the COVID-19 plandemic the UN and Germany EU stated publicly that they were insolvent.

The first news articles that publicly confirmed that the UN was on the verge of collapse was in April 2019 when major news medias reported that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland were overtly conspiring with Germany (Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) to form a coalition  “aimed at saving the international world order from destruction” National Post, April 15, 2019

The UN Organization publicly stated / confirmed 6 months later that it was insolvent:

The United Nations is running a deficit of $230 million, Secretary General Antonio Guterres said on Monday, and may run out of money by the end of October. In a letter intended for the 37,000 employees at the UN secretariat and obtained by CBS News’ Pamela Falk, Guterres said unspecified “additional stop-gap measures” would have to be taken to ensure salaries and entitlements are paid.” CBS News October 2019

Then in February 2020 Germany publicly admitted that its EU was insolvent too.

Excerpt: “A summit of EU leaders seeking to fill a €75bn hole in the bloc’s budget left by Brexit dramatically collapsed after Angela Merkel led major contributors in rejecting a proposal that would have left them paying billions more.

The UK’s departure has left EU states struggling to fund plans over the next seven years to tackle the climate emergency, aid poorer regions and continue to subsidise farmers through the common agricultural policy.The Guardian 21 February 2020

Least we forget, this isn’t the first time Germany waged biological warfare against Canada, USA, England and Europe. The German army was the first to use weapons of mass destruction, both biological and chemical, during the First World War/WWI.

First dose of Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine candidate cause of SARS-CoV-2 variants. Part of BioNTech strategy to prolong Germany’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack

Unlike traditional vaccines that have been used for decades against diseases such as measles and polio, COVID-19 vaccines do not contain a weakened or inactive form of the virus itself. Instead, they use messenger RNA (mRNA) to instruct / program the immune system to recognize and react to a component of the coronavirus that is key to its ability to make us sick. BioNTech stated in a SEC filing that the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine candidate was chosen from one of four vaccine candidate variants based on three distinct (different / a variant) mRNA formats.

In April 2020, we initiated a first-in-human clinical trial program for our BNT162 vaccine program to prevent COVID-19, which includes four vaccine candidate variants based on three distinct (different / a variant) mRNA formats. We are co-developing BNT162 with Pfizer Inc., or Pfizer, worldwide (ex-China) and with Shanghai Fosun Pharmaceutical (Group) Co., Ltd, or Fosun Pharma, in China.

BioNTech SE Quarterly Report for the Three and Nine Months ended September 30, 2020

Pfizer-BioNTech admitted in another SEC filing they may have chosen the wrong messenger RNA (mRNA). By choosing the wrong coded message they caused the body’s immune system to produce a different set of antibodies – a variant. A variant is defined as “a form or version of something that differs in some respect from other forms of the same thing or from a standard.”

In BioNTech SE’s SEC FORM 6-K filing BioNTech SE stated that it and Pfizer chose a “variant” and that:

We cannot guarantee that the BNT162 variant we chose to advance into late stage clinical development will perform better than any of the variants we did not choose to advance. Further, even if we demonstrate a sufficient safety profile for BNT162 we may not be able to demonstrate sufficient efficacy in subsequent trials to obtain regulatory approval.

Based on preclinical and clinical data observed to date, we and Pfizer have progressed our BNT162 program into a Phase 2b/3 trial which commenced in late July 2020. For the initial Phase 2b/3 trial, we selected our nucleoside-modified mRNA (modRNA) vaccine candidate variant targeting the 2P-mutated full spike protein, BNT162b2. Both BNT162b2 and our BNT162b1 vaccine candidate, which uses modRNA and encodes the receptor binding domain antigen, received Fast Track status from the FDA. On the basis of data collected and analyzed for BNT162b1 and BNT162b2, including the overall observed safety, tolerability and immunogenicity profiles for each vaccine candidate at different dose levels, along with input from the FDA, we selected BNT162b2 as our lead candidate to take into a Phase 2b/3 trial.

We cannot guarantee that the candidate variant that we selected will ultimately prove to be the optimal variant. We and Pfizer chose the variant to advance based on our scientific judgment in light of the preclinical and clinical data available to us at the time as to which variant has the best chance for success.


Why would Germany’s BioNTech develop four vaccine candidate variants based on three distinct (different / a variant) mRNA formats? BioNTech told you why in one of its “marketing” PowerPoint presentations. Due to waning immune response against the original strain – means COVID-19 crisis is over, Germany’s BioNTech manufactured and sold a mRNA that instructs our cells to produce / make a variant form of SARS-CoV-2 “spike” protein in order to make it appear that COVID-19 is still active. Classic case of the pharmaceutical industry manufacturing the disease as well as drugs.

The late medical journalist Lynn Payer addressed the issue in the early 1990s in her book Disease-Mongers: How Doctors, Drug Companies, and Insurers Are Making You Feel Sick. She wrote: “Disease-mongering—trying to convince essentially well people that they are sick, or slightly sick people that they are very ill—is big business…. Disease mongering is the most insidious of the various forms that medical advertising, so-called medical education, and information and medical diagnosis can take.” Arthur Caplan, Professor of Bioethics at the University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, told the popular American TV programme 60 Minutes, “If you want to stir up worry in the public, and you’ve got the advertising dollars to do it, you can turn almost anything into a disease.”

Germany informed us that they are planning and preparing a comprehensive cyberattack

“The cyber equivalent of COVID-19 would be a self-propagating attack using one or more “zero-day” exploits, techniques for which patches and specific antivirus software signatures are not yet available. Most likely, it would attack all devices running a single, common operating system or application.” Germany’s World Economic Forum, June 1, 2020

Germany’s World Economic Forum outright told you Germany is planning to stage the cyber attack using Bill Gates’ Microsoft Windows 10 – June 12, 2021 Microsoft confirmed 7 Windows 10 zero-days threats .

Purpose of Germany’s cyberattack is to cover up a Germany EU bail-in = theft of Canada, US, UK and World’s bank deposits/savings.

BIS, Germany’s WWII money laundering bank, is directly linked to the computers of all central banks. BIS has instantaneous access to data of the global “electronic” monetary sys. Can trigger global banking system crashes remotely using WIndows 10 back door and Microsoft OS security token client software to facilitate Germany EU’s bail-in/theft.

The US Federal Reserve will be complicit in Germany’s cyberattack. On February, 11 2021 the Federal Reserve announced that all Federal Reserve banks’ PC that are used to access FedLine Advantage must meet Microsoft Windows OS’ hardware and software requirements.

In addition to these requirements, specific network access requirements also exist for FedLine Advantage users. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) communications protocol utilizing port 80 (World Wide Web HTTP) and port 443 (HTTP protocol over Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer) (Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic).

This requirement “Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic” will make it possible for BIS to remotely access/attack all Federal Reserve Banks’ computers.

Imperative RCMP, police or national forensic lab test Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine

BioNTech SEC filing for Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine

It is imperative RCMP, police or national forensic lab(s) test Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. Test to determine whether or not Germany substituted the vaccine that the FDA approved with a vaccine that would and have caused Canadians to become sick. Canadians who have gotten the 2nd Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine have become ill. I personally know 3 people who became very sick immediately after getting the 2nd Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine. All three never got sick last year.

Canadians can’t trust Germany or the WHO. Germany and the WHO desperately needs $billions to avert economic collapse. Before COVID-19 both Germany’s EU and the UN publicly stated that they were insolvent.

A Europen Commission paper reported Germany’s COVID-19 vaccine manufacturer falsified data in order to obtain regulatory approval – needed to make $billions.


COVID-19 isn’t the first time a Germany manufacturer intentionally falsified data. Germany’s Volkswagen falsified emission reports. Volkswagen has been conspiring with Germany since WWII to form a Germany economic Empire – the EU.

A declassified three-page, US Military Intelligence report EW-Pa 128 (Red House Report), detailed how German industrialists were to work with the Nazi Party to rebuild Germany’s economy empire / the Fourth Reich EU. Volkswagen was specifically named as one of Germany’s co-conspirators.

Furthermore, Germany’s COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing partner Pfizer plead guilty and paid $2.3 billion in 2009 to settle civil and criminal charges that it had illegally marketed its painkiller Bextra. It was the largest health care fraud settlement and the largest criminal fine of any kind ever.

Pfizer “used advisory boards, consultant meetings and provided travel to lavish resorts to improperly promote Bextra to doctors and made misleading claims about the drug’s safety and efficacy” US Department of Justice


Pfizer also illegally promoted several other drugs, including antipsychotic drug Geodon, antibiotic Zyvox, and anti-epileptic drug Lyrica. Healthcare providers received payments for prescribing these drugs to patients for off-label use.

False claims were submitted to government healthcare programmes, bypassing the insurance programmes. The company had to pay approximately $1bn to Medicare, Medicaid, and other government insurance programmes under the settlement.


NSICOP found ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are under the influence / control of foreign states and entities

The National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians (NSICOP) briefing regarding  the National Security and Intelligence Committee of Parliamentarians Annual Report 2019. The NSICOP report was heavily redacted by Justin Trudeau because Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland were both implicated.

The NSICOP report briefing was made March 12, 2020 regarding a NSICOP national security investigation of the Trudeau government activities in 2019 when Chrystia Freeland joined Germany industrialist formed World Economic Forum and both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland  joined a Germany formed and lead alliance aimed at saving the international world order / UN from destruction.

NSICOP found and stated in the above video that there is ample evidence that both Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are under the influence / control of foreign states. Justin Trudeau redacted Germany and Germany EU states like insolvent Ukraine.  Chrystia Freeland has been serving Ukraine’s national interests, bailing out and bankrolling Ukraine’s neo-Nazi government and providing Ukraine with CAF troops and 45 RCMP officers and government funding (gave $45 million to Ukraine in 2019) while she served as Foreign Affairs Minister (Global Affairs Canada), Finance Minister and Deputy Prime Minister.

Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland are using the Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack as a distraction while Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland misappropriate / steal $billions and funnel our tax dollars to insolvent Germany, the EU, Ukraine and the UN (a.k.a. Intentional World Order, Liberal International Order and New World Order).

RCMP Director General Cameron J Ortis was arrested 9 days after Liberal MP David McGuinty presented Justin Trudeau with NSICOP’s 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada and 1 day after Justin Trudeau called 2019 federal election. Arrested September 12, 2019 and charged on September 13, 2019. At the time of his arrest, Ortis was the Director General of the RCMP’s National Intelligence Co-ordination Centre (NICC) for more than three years, a position which gave him access to sensitive and highly-classified information. Ortis no doubt provided NSICOP with damning evidence for that report – “the (NSICOP) Committee heard testimony from dozens of officials from the Canadian security and intelligence community, reviewed thousands of pages of documentation, both classified and open source, and deliberated at great length.”

Excerpt from NSICOP’s 2019 annual report on foreign states’ interference activities in Canada that was presented to PM Justin Trudeau on September 3, 2019 –  8 days before Justin Trudeau called 2019 federal election on September 11, 2019:

The Committee believes there is ample evidence that Canada is the target of significant and sustained foreign interference activities. *** (*** indicates a state name – Germany / EU, was redacted by Justin Trudeau) The PRC, the Russian Federation, other states. *** (*** indicates more redaction by Justin Trudeau)

The Committee believes that these states target Canada for a variety of reasons, but all seek to exploit the openness of our society and penetrate our fundamental institutions to meet their objectives. They target ethnocultural communities, seek to corrupt the political process, manipulate the media, and attempt to curate debate on postsecondary campuses. Each of these activities poses a significant risk to the rights and freedoms of Canadians and to the country’s sovereignty: they are a clear threat to the security of Canada.

RCMP Ortis was arrested and charged to cover up NSICOP finding and reporting that Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freedom are moles – agents of influence assisting foreign states and and their entities.

COVID-19 vaccines developed to assist Germany and the WHO prolong COVID-19

“The possibility should be looked into that the immune response to the virus itself may be impaired if the infecting virus damages, more or less selectively the cells responding to the viral antigens. If this proves to be the case, virus-induced immunodepression might conceivably be highly instrumental in prolonging certain virus infections, such as murine leukemia, hepatitis, … ” WHO, From the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

The WHO / UN essentially directed virologists to develop ways to impair natural immune responses and prolong virus infections.

COVID-19 vaccines were developed to do just that – prolong SARS-CoV-2 infections. At least 2 vaccines were developed for the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), the causative agent of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) based on a modified vaccinia virus.

“We developed two COVID-19 vaccines based on modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vectors expressing the entire SARS-CoV-2 spike (S) protein (MVA-CoV2-S)”  Spain virologist Mariano Esteban, from Madrid’s National Biotechnology Center, and by Felipe García, from the Clínic Hospital in Barcelona.

Spain’s experimental COVID-19 vaccines are based on genetic language, RNA, as are Moderna and Germany’s Pfizer-BioNtech vaccines. These vaccines introduce a genetic formula with instructions for human cells to produce the S proteins the novel coronavirus needs and uses to gain entry to our cells and once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick.

The vaccinia virus “function by restricting the production of IFN by blocking the signaling pathways leading to transcription of IFN genes, stopping IFNs binding to their receptors, blocking IFN-induced signal transduction leading to expression of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs), or inhibiting the antiviral activity of ISG products. – Geoffrey L Smith, University of Cambridge January 2018

Immunological research provides evidence that COVID-19 mRNA vaccines manufactured based on a modified vaccinia virus increases infection:

“Ferrets vaccinated with a modified vaccinia virus Ankara (MVA) vaccine expressing full-length S protein had increased infection and hepatitis following challenge71,72. Antibodies to S protein were reported to induce acute lung injury in experimentally infected macaques on the basis of histological examination.”

Supreme Court of Canada Justice implicated UN and WHO in targeted murders of Barry & Honey Sherman

Supreme Court of Canada (SCC) Justice presiding over a SCC case involving the unsealing of Toronto Police Services files on the double homicide investigation of Barry and Honey Sherman implicated both the UN and the WHO in the targeted murders of Barry and Honey Sherman.

The murders were a very, very sophisticated crime, in my view, committed by a very sophisticated organization – at least it has those hallmarks.Supreme Court of Canada Justice Michael Moldaver, October 6, 2020 – multiple news sources: The Chronicle Herald and the Globe and Mail

The official / legal name for the UN is the United Nations Organization. The official name for the WHO is the World Health Organization.

Why are the UN and WHO suspects in the “targeted murders” of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman? The Shermans owned Apotex which manufactured and sold Hydroxychloroquine – a cheap, effective and a less toxic metabolite of chloroquine.

In conclusion, our results show that HCQ can efficiently inhibit SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro. In combination with its anti-inflammatory function, we predict that the drug has a good potential to combat the disease. ” research paper Hydroxychloroquine, a less toxic derivative of chloroquine, is effective in inhibiting SARS-CoV-2 infection in vitro, published March 18, 2020 – day Justin Trudeau announced the closure of Canada’s borders to most travelers during news conference outside Rideau Cottage about the measures Canada is taking to combatCOVID-19

“chloroquine is an effective pre & post-infection antiviral agent for SARS-CoV. A dose-dependant decrease in virus antigen-positive cells was observed starting at 0.1 μM chloroquine & 10 μM (Micrometre, also called micron, metric unit of measure for length equal to 0.001 mm, or about 0.000039 inch) completely abolished SARS-CoV infection. … Chloroquine, a relatively safe, effective and cheap drug used for treating many human diseases including malaria, amoebiosis and human immunodeficiency virus” Virology Journal 2005 studyChloroquine is a potent inhibitor of SARS coronavirus infection and spread“. Acknowledgements “This work was supported by a Canadian PENCE grant (T3), CIHR (Canadian Institutes of Health Research, is Canada’s federal funding agency for health research) group grant #MGC 64518, and CIHR grant #MGP-44363 (to NGS)” Virology Journal, Published 2005 Aug 22

“There is sufficient pre-clinical rationale and evidence regarding the effectiveness of chloroquine for treatment of COVID-19 as well as evidence of safety from long-time use in clinical practice for other indications.” Europe PMC paper ” A systematic review on the efficacy and safety of chloroquine for the treatment of COVID-19“.

Europe PMC is a service of the Europe PMC Funders’ Group, in partnership with the European Bioinformatics Institute ; and in cooperation with the National Center for Biotechnology Information at the U.S. National Library of Medicine (NCBI/NLM) .

Chloroquine was shown to inhibit in vitro replication of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero E6 cells in an effective concentration EC90 of 6.90 μM that can be easily achieved with standard dosing, due to its favourable penetration into tissues, including in the lung. This is substantially lower than the concentration detected in human plasma when the drug is prescribed to treat malaria at a dose of 25 mg/kg over 3 days. However, for COVID-19 patients, a lower dose such as 3.6 mg/kg that are often prescribed to treat rheumatoid arthritis has been suggested for long-term patients as the dose is similar to IC50 for SARS-CoV. It is to be noted that hydroxychloroquine (made by Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman who were targeted and murdered December 13, 2017 – 7 days before Justin Trudeau was convicted of violating federal ethics laws) showed greater efficacy than chloroquine, at least based on in vitro studies. Besides, hydroxychloroquine was shown to have minimal risk of toxicity such as retinopathy. Other recent studies also showed that hydroxychloroquine is a less toxic metabolite of chloroquine, as it is more soluble, and causes less side effects and therefore is safer. … both hydroxychloroquine and chloroquine can interfere with ACE2 receptor glycosylation and prevents SARS-CoV-2 binding to pneumocytes. Chloroquine could also possibly inhibit sialic acid biosynthesis thus limiting cell surface binding of SARS-CoV-2.

Biological Trace Element Research (2021) 199:550–558

Barry Sherman’s Apotex drug Hydroxychloroquine clearly threatened to prematurely end Germany and WHO’s COVID-19 biological warfare attack and defund the bankrupt / insolvent UN / WHO & Bill Gates’ lucrative multi $billion global vaccine agenda.

The Barry & Honey Sherman murders in 2017, coincided with Germany and the WHO initiating their planning and preparing for the COVID-19 biological attack.

The WHO and Germany initiated the COVID-19 plandemic during the G20 Germany 2017 summit. “By putting global health on the agenda of the G20, we affirm our role in strengthening the political support for existing initiatives and working to address the economic aspects of global health issues. We support the leading role of the World Health Organization (WHO), as the United Nations specialized agency for health, in global health cooperation. Furthermore, we seek to intensify global action and cooperation in order to address ever-evolving challenges and identify where the health sector can provide leadership and added value…. We conducted a simulation exercise during our meeting in Berlin in May 2017 in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), … The international community needs to fully support the WHO in order for the organization to be able to fulfill its role, including in capacity building and in preparing for and responding to health emergencies. In this respect, we acknowledge that WHO’s financial and human resource capacities have to be strengthened, including through adequate and sustainable funding for the Health Emergencies Programme and the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE).” Berlin Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers

Greater terrorist threat comes from deranged people who are willing to risk an out-of-control epidemic for the good of “the cause.”

Bill Gates, is for all intents and purposes, a drug dealer for the largest drug trafficking Organization in the World – the United Nations Organization

“We’re tempted to say that nobody in their right mind would ever use these things (bioweapons – infectious agents such as bacteria, viruses / coronaviruses and genetically engineered organisms), but not everybody is in their right mind! … In my opinion, the terrorist threat is very real, and it’s about to get worse.” Steven Block, a professor of biological sciences and applied physics at Stanford.

He argues that bioweapons offer terrorist groups and “rogue states” (Germany) an affordable way to counter the overwhelming military superiority of the United States and other nuclear powers

Although Block was concerned about the bioweapons buildup in Iraq and other nations, he believes a greater threat comes from terrorist groups (Bill Gates, World Economic Forum and event 201 players) willing to risk an out-of-control epidemic (COVID-19) and eager to suffer casualties for the good of “the cause” = save Germany’s bankrupt / insolvent EU and International World Order / UN from destruction. UN Secretary-General publicly stated/confirmed that the UN was insolvent in October 2019 in a letter written to Member States, “about the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.”, source

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, in every practical sense, were developed to make SARS-CoV-2 more transmissible and infectious

Coronaviruses are surrounded by a fatty membrane known as an envelope. In order to gain entry to the inside of the cell, enveloped viruses use spike proteins to fuse their own membrane to that of cells’ and take over the cell. “The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.” the CDC

Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make “spike protein” – lots of them.  2nd vaccine causes the making of more spike protein. The Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine uses modified messenger RNA (mRNA). “Specifically, the vaccine contains the mRNA of spike protein, which is located on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is what SARS-CoV-2 uses to invade host cells.” Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH, who specializes in infectious disease at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

The WHO, CDC and other health authorities know and have repeatedly stated that the “novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick. The spike protein binds to a protein on the surface of our cells called ACE2, triggering uptake of the virus particle and eventually membrane fusion.”

That means Germany’s COVID-19 vaccines were developed to make spike protein and give the SARS-CoV-2 virus the means to invade cells and cause millions of healthy people to become sick. SARS-CoV-2 can’t invade cells and make us sick without spike (S) protein. Germany’s Pfizer-BioNTech vaccines, in every practical sense, is making SARS-CoV-2 more transmissible and infectious.

The WHO, CDC, Health Canada  and Germany would have you believe that Germany’s vaccines that instruct cells to make SARS-CoV-2’s spike protein is harmless yet they all know SARS-CoV-2 needs the spike protein to invade cells to replicate and make you sick. Furthermore, “mRNAs are created as an exact copy (a clone) of the segment of DNA found along the genome corresponding to a protein-coding gene.” UMass Medical School “Specifically, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleoside-modified mRNA vaccine. The lipid coating of the nanoparticles binds to the cell membrane, facilitating entry of the (SARS-CoV-2) mRNA (genetic material) segment into the cell.” AMERICAN SOCIETY FOR REPRODUCTIVE MEDICINE (ASRM).

European Commission paper reported COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna & Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford falsified data – committed fraud

“The candidate vaccines do not prevent SARS-COV-2 infections which makes them suspicious at best and dishonest at best since they were made to elicit immune response that targets the SARS-COV-2 Spike protein. If the immune response that is elicited by the candidate vaccines was truly targeting SARS-COV-2 Spike protein, prevention of SARS-COV-2 infections should have been their primary mechanism of action (SARS-COV-2 should not in principle be able to enter and infect cells). The fact that the candidate vaccines do not prevent SARS-COV-2 infections make the claims of more than 90% effectiveness dubious, misleading at best and dishonest at worse. As stated above, no verifiable scientific evidence is available to show that the candidate vaccines concocted and developed by Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna and Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford are more than 90% effective. The only way to know anything about the effectiveness of the candidate vaccines is to analyze the data towards the end of the clinical trials in 2022 or to completely unseal the data for all the participants now. There is also no study of the long-term effects of the candidate vaccines. Again, one cannot cut corners when it comes to proving the effectiveness of a candidate vaccine and whether it is dangerous or not.”

CERN EC Journal of Investigative Critiques of Published Scientific Articles.

Website “commissioned by the European Commission to support their nascent Open Data policy by providing a catch-all repository for European Commission funded research” CERN EC Journal of Investigative Critiques of Published Scientific Articles


Criminal Code of Canada defines COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers Pfizer/BioNtech, Moderna & Astra Zeneca/University of Oxford falsifying data to obtain regulatory approval and sale or purchase of their vaccines as Fraud

  •  (1) Every one who, by deceit, falsehood or other fraudulent means, whether or not it is a false pretence within the meaning of this Act, defrauds the public or any person, whether ascertained or not, of any property, money or valuable security or any service,

    • (a) is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a term of imprisonment not exceeding fourteen years, where the subject-matter of the offence is a testamentary instrument or the value of the subject-matter of the offence exceeds five thousand dollars; or

    • (b) is guilty

      • (i) of an indictable offence and is liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years, or

      • (ii) of an offence punishable on summary conviction,

      where the value of the subject-matter of the offence does not exceed five thousand dollars.

The United States’ SEC and FBI defines COVID-19 vaccine manufacturers’ falsifying data as securities fraud.

Generally, securities fraud occurs when someone makes a false statement about a company or the value of its stock, and others makes financial decisions based on the false information.

Securities fraud is a criminal offense that is punishable under 18 USC § 1348. The law has the intention of protecting investors against fraudulent securities, such as stocks and bonds, through the imposition of disclosing important facts related to all forms of trade securities. To become liable for the offense, one must have committed the following acts:

  • Causing to defraud another person related to a commodity transacted for a future delivery. It may include any form of a security that is included in the classification provided by the Securities and Exchange Act.
  • The commission of misrepresentation, false statements, or false promises to obtain anything of value, such as money and property, in relation to a sale or purchase of a commodity.
  • Failure to disclose material facts related to the exchange of securities and provide false statements instead.