The WHO should be abolished for developing birth control vaccines – imposing measures intended to prevent birth is genocide

The above screenshot was taken from the WHO’s 1992 report “Fertility Regulating Vaccines“. The WHO admits to developing and testing genocide vaccines. The WHO report states Anti-hCG (anti-human chorionic gonadotropin) vaccines were developed and tested in clinical trials for the WHO as early as 1975. The WHO did its own Anti-hCG vaccine clinical trial in 1988.

Anti-hCG vaccines include beta-hCG linked to tetanus toxoid /TT (beta-hCG-TT) the alpha-subunit of ovine LH associated with beta-hCG and linked to TT or cholera toxin chain b (CHB/alpha-oLH, beta-hCG-TT/CHB/, the mixture of hCG and oLH, and 37 amino acid carboxy-terminal peptide (CTP) of beta-hCG linked to diphtheria toxoid (DT). The principle of anti-hCG vaccine is to induce antibodies which can bind to hCG and render it biologically inactive.” Anti-fertility Vaccines, 1989 National Library of Medicine publication.

“clinical trials have demonstrated that immunization of women with either hCGβ, a heterospecies dimer of hCGβ associated with the α-subunit of ovine LH, or the C-terminal region of hCGβ resulted in the development of contraceptive levels of anti-hCG antibodies. The study of Talwar et al. also provided evidence that the circulating anti-hCG antibodies prevented pregnancy in 1224 cycles, and that booster injections were required to maintain antibody titers.” Oxford Academic publication

India’s controversial mass sterilization drive of 1976 was conducted for the WHO. India’s sterilization campaigns for both men and women are part of UN/WHO‘s international campaigns intended to drastically reduce nations’ population.

UN / WHO developing Anti-hCG vaccines to prevent births is a crime of genocide.


Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;

SARS-CoV-2 genetically engineered for the WHO to be a biological weapon

Since 1972 the WHO (the UN) called for/recommended virologists develop the means to prolong virus/coronavirus infections by impairing immune response to a virus:

The below screenshot was taken from the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

Virologists prolonged virus/coronavirus infections for the WHO by genetically engineering/modifying the SARS coronavirus in 2003. The human herpes virus protein ORF10 was encoded into the SARS coronavirus to make the novel SARS-CoV-2 – created in 2003 patent US-2006257852-A1

The patent was abandoned because the WHO intended on using it as a biological weapon. AIDS was caused by the WHO using smallpox vaccines made with the live viral component of the infectious and deadly vaccinia virus.

AIDS is now treatable so the WHO needed a new virus to make $billions in treating, not curing, the novel disease. The  herpes virus ORF10 protein was intentionally encoded in SARS to cause and prolong SARS-CoV-2 infections.

“These results indicate that ORF10like its HSV-1 homolog VP16, is a transactivating protein despite the absence of sequences similar to the VP16 carboxy-terminal domain. The transactivating function of the ORF10 tegument protein may be critical for efficient initiation of viral infection” 1993 Journal of Virology published study

In the context of gene regulation: transactivation is the increased rate of gene expression triggered either by biological processes or by artificial means, through the expression of an intermediate transactivator protein. HIV, HTLV and 2003 patented SARS-CoV-2 are three of the many viruses that encode transactivating proteins (e.g. ORF10) to enhance viral gene expression.

“Viral mRNA can efficiently hijack host ribosomes during infection for translation of proteins necessary for virus propagation. Initiation of translation is a key step, during which the coding region of mRNA, open reading frame (ORF), gets properly positioned on the ribosome.” UMass Medical School

“Nuclear export of host mRNAs is critical for proper cellular functions and survival. To mitigate this effort, viruses have evolved multiple strategies to inhibit this process. Distinct to the generally nonselective inhibition mechanisms, ORF10 from gammaherpesviruses blocks nuclear export of selective mRNAs by forming a complex with Rae1 (RNA export 1) and Nup98 (nucleoporin 98).” October 8, 2020 published research article – Molecular mechanism  underlying selective inhibition of mRNA nuclear export by herpesvirus protein ORF10

Bioterrorism can range from a simple hoax to the actual use of biological weapons. The goal for bioterrorism (terrorism) is to further their social and political goals

The WHO and Germany initiated planning and preparing for the COVID-19 plandemic during the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit. The above video is video 9 of the plandemic videos Germany and the WHO made in 2017 of a simulation exercise depicting a fictional viral outbreak that spreads by droplets.

Germany and the WHO’s simulation exercises used these fake news reports, fake Twitter posts, videos and paid actors to fake a viral outbreak. The simulation exercises were conducted to assist Germany and the WHO recruit G20 leaders at the 2017 G20 Hamburg summit for Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 plandemic.

We conducted a simulation exercise during our meeting in Berlin in May 2017 in close cooperation with the World Health Organization (WHO), … The international community needs to fully support the WHO in order for the organization to be able to fulfill its role, including in capacity building and in preparing for and responding to health emergencies. In this respect, we acknowledge that WHO’s financial and human resource capacities have to be strengthened, including through adequate and sustainable funding for the Health Emergencies Programme and the WHO Contingency Fund for Emergencies (CFE).

Source: Berlin Declaration of the G20 Health Ministers

In criminal law, Germany and the WHO’s actions are defined as a conspiracy. An agreement between two or more persons or parties to commit a crime at some time in the future. Criminal law in most countries require that at least one overt act (COVID-19) be undertaken in furtherance of that agreement, to constitute an criminal offense.

The agreement is the key element of criminal conspiracy cases, and must constitute a common plan with a mutual objective amongst the parties. The law does not require that the agreement be made in writing – it can be verbal or even unspoken.

The WHO conducted another pandemic simulation exercise in China on December 5, 2019. Days before the Wuhan China epidemic began. Because Germany and the WHO used fake news reports of a vial outbreak in 2017 to recruit G20 leaders to assist Germany and the WHO in a future viral outbreak there is reasonable suspicion that the Wuhan China outbreak was faked too. That allegation is supported by the fact that the WHO conducted 21 epidemic and plandemic simulation (synonym: fake, sham) exercises in 2020. Screenshot of WHO website confirms that.

Germany stated publicly January 31, 2020 at the World Economic Forum why it conspired with the WHO to commit crimes against humanity – wage biological warfare against the civilian population of the World:

Crimes against humanity

For the purpose of this Statute, crime against humanity means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:

(k) other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.

2 For the purpose of paragraph 1:

(a) attack directed against any civilian population means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;


O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

Canada lacks corruption investigators who are independent of the Crown, the Government of Canada & Canada’s 10 provincial governments. That is why NCIO was established on Canada Day 2019.

The preamble to the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms states that the rule of law is one of two principles upon which Canada was founded. The rule of law principle, that no one — including the UK‘s WWI abolished German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha monarchy, the Crown, the Prime Minister and Premiers, adjudicators, ministers, police officers & RCMP … are above the law, secures a nonarbitrary form of government & prohibits arbitrary use of power.


Whereas Canada is founded upon principles that recognize the supremacy of God and the rule of law

NCIO’s mission statement is to identify, assess, investigate, counter and expose and make known all treachery and foreign influence activities that pose a threat to Canada’s national security.

NCIO was also formed to provide Canadians with the means and opportunity to file information or to present evidence alleging government or police treachery, corruption, and violations of rights and freedoms or the rule of law.

NCIO would like to invite retired Canadian police officers, including the OPP, Toronto Police Services and Sûreté du Québec members as well as former members of the RCMP and Canada’s judicial system (retired adjudicators, barristers and solicitors, and former DOJ legal experts) to join NCIO. To identify, assess, investigate and counter government officials and police activities that are defined, according to the law, as treason, espionage & sabotage, conspiracy, breach of trust, misconduct, negligence, arbitrary, or corrupt and to expose and to make known all treasonous conspiracies and attempts against Canada and any and all foreign influence activities within or outside Canada that pose a serious threat to the security of Canada.

I know that you would be a great addition to this non-governmental National Counterintelligence Organization, especially with your years of criminal law and investigative knowledge and experience, amongst other things. I hope you will join NCIO in its efforts to preserve the rule of law, protect the rights and freedoms of Canadians and safeguard Canada.

The most important verse in our “national” anthem is:

O Canada, we stand on guard for thee

Millions intentionally misdiagnosed as having COVID-19 to assist Germany and the UN obtain $billions by waging COVID-19 biological warfare

Millions have been intentionally misdiagnosed as testing positive for COVID-19 in Canada, the US, the UK, in Europe and around the World to assist Germany and the WHO further UN’s global vaccine agenda and obtain $billions under false pretence. There is ample evidence to support charging Germany and the WHO with bioterrorism, crimes against humanity and conspiracy to defraud the World using Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack.

Evidence 1/exhibit A – The overwhelming majority of COVID-19 test kits used to diagnose new COVID-19 cases in Canada, the US, the UK, the EU, Asia, Africa and throughout the World “do not detect the virus itself. Instead, they detect the antibodies produced in response to an infection … sale in Canada of serological testing devices (are) used for the detection of antibodies” Government of Canada

If serological/antibody test kits do not detect the virus that causes COVID-19 then logically and factually Canadians, Americans, British, Asian, African, and European populations are not being tested for COVID-19 and they haven’t tested positive for COVID-19.

If the tests that are used to test for COVID-19 infection don’t detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus itself they don’t and can’t be used to diagnose COVID-19 infection/new cases. That is made perfectly clear in …

Evidence 2/exhibit B – “Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform infection status.” stated by Johns Hopkins Medicine, the FDA, Health Canada, and product inserts for Assure, TBG, ACON,  MEGNA & BIOTIME COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kits

COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit insert:

Evidence 3/exhibit C – “positive results for IgM and IgG antibodies may occur due to cross reactivity from pre-existing antibodies or other possible causes.

Evidence 4/exhibit D – “Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E

Screenshot of BIOTIME SARS-CoV-2 IgG/IgM Rapid Qualitative Test

ACON’s COVID-19 IgM/IgG Antibody Rapid Test Kit specifically refers to coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E as common cold strains. The CDC stated that coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E usually causes mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold:

Common human coronaviruses, including types 229E, NL63, OC43, and HKU1, usually cause mild to moderate upper-respiratory tract illnesses, like the common cold. Most people get infected with one or more of these viruses at some point in their lives.


Health Canada, the CDC, the WHO (agency of the UN) and Ontario Premier Doug Ford, New Brunswick Premier Blaine Higgs, Nova Scotia Premier Scotia McNeil and other governments and health authorities have all used the results from those antibody testing kits to declare a public health emergency, impose draconian measures and to justify lockdowns and travel restrictions despite the FDA, the CDC and Health Canada, etc., all stating “Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform infection status”

Evidence 5/exhibit E – “Most people have anti-coronavirus antibodies, reflecting universal exposure, but reinfection appears common” Johns Hopkins

COVID-19 tests detect the presence of coronavirus antibodies which Johns Hopkins has stated “Most people have anti-coronavirus antibodies”

Before Germany sponsored / funded the COVID-19 biological warfare attack (an act of war) “Acute bronchitis is one of the common presentations in any healthcare setting. It is estimated that every year, 5% of the general population reports an episode of acute bronchitis, accounting for more than 10 million office visits yearly. Like most of the viral diseases of the respiratory tract, acute bronchitis is commonly seen during the flu season.

Since COVID-19 Canada, US and UK health care officials haven’t reported cases or deaths due to acute bronchitis. Why? Bill Gates & the World Economic Forum Event 201 player US RADM Stephen C. Redd is Deputy Director for Public Health Service and Implementation Science at the CDC. They’re aiding and abetting Germany and the WHO/UN stage/lead the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. They’re intentionally misleading the US, Canadian, and UK governments & the US, Canadian, UK and World population during the COVID-19 plandemic to assist Germany and the WHO steal $billions and bailout/bankroll Germany’s insolvent EU and International World Order / UN.

Germany and the WHO/UN‘s COVID-19 bioterrorism (act of bioterrorism can range from a simple hoax to the actual use of biological weapons, also referred to as biological agents) and fraud by false pretence becomes blatantly obvious when you look at the WHO data from previous years accounting/reporting of respiratory diseases. Specifically, the data from 2019.

The data below shows the WHO and it’s accomplices falsified the reporting to make it appear COVID-19 was a pandemic.

Compare WHO’s COVID-19 accounting – cases and deaths to WHO’s 2019 respiratory diseases data. When you are comparing the data keep in mind that the COVID-19 cases and deaths accounting is for 20 months (tally spans 3 calendar years 2019, 2020 and 2021) not 1 year:

“An estimated 10.0 million people fell ill with TB in 2019. An estimated 1.4 million people died from TB in 2019.” WHO Factsheet

384 million people suffer from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) and 3 million die from it each year, making it the third leading cause of death worldwide.

1.76 million people die from lung cancer each year, making it the most deadly cancer.

4 million people die from lower respiratory tract infections and pneumonia each year.” WHO publication – The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease

NGO provided evidence Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack to obtain $350 billion annually for the insolvent UN and its Sustainable Development Goals

Above screenshot provides material evidence that Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack against Canada, the US, Europe and the World. German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pledged 600 Million Euros January 31, 2020 (day the UK formally left Germany’s EU) to fund the COVID-19 biological warfare attack. The website where the screenshot was taken provides you with Germany’s motive for sponsoring such a heinous attack against the civilian populations of the World.

The World was informed January 31, 2020 why Germany sponsored the COVID-19 biological warfare attack and why the WHO and its coconspirators Justin Trudeau, Chrystia Freeland, the World Economic Forum, Germany, Event 201 players and US President Joe Biden will continue claiming that COVID-19 is still active for years to come.

The primary objective of the coordinated and unlawful (crimes against humanity, treason, medical fraud, falsifying medical records and death certificates ..) COVID-19 biological warfare attack is to obtain $billions ($350 billion annually) for the insolvent UN.

In order to end extreme poverty and achieve the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals in the world’s 59 poorest countries by 2030, investments worth an additional $350 billion annually are needed.

Global Citizen article “German Chancellor Angela Merkel Pledges 600 Million Euros for Global Vaccine Efforts

The UN being insolvent was made perfectly clear in October 2019 in a statement by the Secretary-General about

the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.

UN Secretary General Antonio Guterres, screenshot of UN declaring it was insolvent October 2019 posted below

The UN officially and publicly declaring that it was insolvent was made just months before start of Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack.

The governments of Canada, the USA, the UK and other UN member states couldn’t just hand over $350 billions annually to the insolvent UNO so Germany, the WHO, the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, and Event 201 players staged/lead the COVID-19 biological warfare attack while corrupt governments like Justin Trudeau and Joe Biden misappropriated/stole and funneled $billions to the October 2019 declared insolvent International World Order/UN.

Germany sponsoring the coordinated COVID-19 biological warfare attack against the World’s civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State (Germany) or organizational policy (United Nations Organization’s Sustainable Development Goals) amounts to the crime of crimes against humanity:

Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court

Article 7
Crimes Against Humanity

  1. For the purpose of this Statute, ‘crime against humanity’ means any of the following acts when committed as part of a widespread or systematic attack directed against any civilian population, with knowledge of the attack:
  • Imprisonment or other severe deprivation of physical liberty in violation of fundamental rules of international law (forced self-isolation, COVID-19 vaccine passports);
  • Other inhumane acts of a similar character intentionally causing great suffering, or serious injury to body or to mental or physical health.
  1. For the purpose of paragraph 1:
    1. ‘Attack directed against any civilian population’ means a course of conduct involving the multiple commission of acts referred to in paragraph 1 against any civilian population, pursuant to or in furtherance of a State or organizational policy to commit such attack;

MP Chrystia Freeland continues to violate the law


An apparent conflict of interest exists when there is a reasonable apprehension, which reasonably well-informed persons could properly have, that a conflict of interest exists.

Conflict of Interest Act (S.C. 2006, c. 9, s. 2)

Prohibited activities

15 (1) No reporting public office holder (Chrystia Freeland) shall, except as required in the exercise of his or her official powers, duties and functions,

(c) continue as, or become, a director or officer in a corporation or an organization.

Chrystia Freeland is in a conflict of interest. While serving as a member of Parliament of Canada Chrystia Freeland became and continues to be an active member of the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum.

Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, 25 January 2019 – The World Economic Forum announces that Chrystia Freeland, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Canada, … join its Board of Trustees.”

“The Board of Trustees serves as the guardian of the World Economic Forum’s mission and values” World Economic Forum

The World Economic Forum’s current and ongoing mission is to use COVID-19 to launch the Great Reset initiative, World Economic Forum (WEF) missions included obtaining funds for cash strapped Germany to sponsor the coordinated COVID-19 biological attack. Government of Canada financial reporting provides evidence WEF obtained COVID-19 biological attack funding for Germany from WEF Board of Trustees member MP and Deputy PM Chrystia Freeland. Information supporting the reasonable suspicion provided in September 18, 2021 posted PRESS Core article. Excerpt,

“The Department of Finance Canada announced today that Canada’s official international reserves increased by an amount equivalent to US$1,175 million during January to US$86,472 million. This was driven by reserves management funding operations (US$566 million). … Notes. During January, Canada issued a 5-year US$3 billion global bond” Government of Canada’s “Official International Reserves – February 5, 2020” 

As of January 2, 2022 , the German founded and lead World Economic Forum still lists Canadian MP Chrystia Freeland as an active member of its Board of Trustees.

Similar to a board of directors, board of trustees play a strong role in governance, tasked with strategic planning and providing oversight and accountability for the organization. … The board of trustees’ primary responsibility is to uphold their fiduciary duties.

Being an active member of the World Economic Forum’s Board of Trustees isn’t just a conflict of interest offence her actions is a criminal offence – Breach of trust by public officer.

Regardless of whether specific rules of government ethics have been adopted, public officials have a broad fiduciary duty to carry out their responsibilities in a manner that is faithful to the public trust that has been reposed in them.

Even if no ethics code has been adopted, or if no code provision is on point, public officials must act in a manner that comports with their common law fiduciary-duty obligations.

Breach of trust by public officer

122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Actus Reus

A “breach of trust” can include “any breach of the appropriate standard of responsibility and conduct demanded of the accused by the nature of his office as a senior civil servant of the Crown.”

Chrystia Freeland becoming and continuing to be an active member of the Board of Trustees for the World Economic Forum, is contrary to the duties imposed upon her as a member of Parliament (MP).

There is be a marked departure from the standard expected from the public official, MP Chrystia Freeland.

Herpes virus ORF10 protein encoded in SARS-CoV-2 and in Pfizer–BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 mRNA vaccines cause of all new cases of COVID-19

Within SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19 mRNA vaccines is a protein called ORF10 protein. Studies have concluded that ORF10 acts as a precursor of additional RNAs in roles concerning gene expression, controlling cellular antiviral pathways, or within viral replication (Taiaroa et al., 2020). ORF10 of SARS-CoV-2 is the last predicted coding sequence upstream of the poly-A tail and is the shortest predicted coding sequence, composed of 38 a.a. (Taiaroa et al., 2020). ORF10 is predicted to harbor a long helix and a pair of ϐ-strands. ORF10 is not found within the SARS-CoV-1 proteome (Taiaroa et al., 2020). ORF10 is the only protein that is present exclusively/only in SARS-CoV-2 and not in SARS-CoV or any other human coronaviruses.

The WHO reported that the severity of COVID-19 is enhanced by the ORF10 protein. “These findings of uniqueness of ORF10 and predicted intrinsic characteristics support possible involvement of ORF10 protein in giving COVID-19 its specific characteristics like spread and virulence.” World Heath Organization

Virulence is a pathogen’s or microorganism’s ability to cause damage to a host. In most contexts virulence refers to the degree of damage caused by a microbe to its host. The pathogenicity of an organism — its ability to cause disease — is determined by its virulence factors.

These results indicate that ORF10, like its HSV-1 homolog VP16, is a transactivating protein despite the absence of sequences similar to the VP16 carboxy-terminal domain. The transactivating function of the ORF10 tegument protein may be critical for efficient initiation of viral infection.

1993 Journal of Virology published study

We conclude that ORF10 protein is required for efficient virion assembly and is a specific determinant of virulence in epidermal and dermal cells in vivo. … ORF10 protein has some, but not all, of the properties of HSV-1 VP16. … In summary, these experiments show that ORF10 protein is required for efficient viral replication, virion formation, and cell-cell spread in human.

2006 Journal of Virology published study

Nuclear export of host mRNAs is critical for proper cellular functions and survival. To mitigate this effort, viruses have evolved multiple strategies to inhibit this process. Distinct to the generally nonselective inhibition mechanisms, ORF10 from gammaherpesviruses blocks nuclear export of selective mRNAs by forming a complex with Rae1 (RNA export 1) and Nup98 (nucleoporin 98).

October 8, 2020 published research article – Molecular mechanism underlying selective inhibition of mRNA nuclear export by herpesvirus protein ORF10

Viruses have evolved multiplemechanisms to inhibit cellular gene expression, thereby impeding host antiviral responses. Gong et al. identify a herpesvirus protein, ORF10, of KSHV that blocks nuclear export of selective mRNAs by interacting with an RNA export factor, Rae1. This interaction of ORF10 is critical for optimal KSHV replication.

We report that ORF10 inhibits mRNA export in a transcript-selective manner to control cellular gene expression. Nuclear export inhibition by ORF10 requires an interaction with an RNA export factor, Rae1. Genome wide analysis reveals a subset of cellular mRNAs whose nuclear export is blocked by ORF10 with the 3’UTRs of ORF10 targeted transcripts conferring sensitivity to export inhibition. The ORF10-Rae1 interaction is important for the virus to express viral genes and produce infectious virions.

2016 study “A Herpesvirus Protein Selectively Inhibits Cellular mRNA Nuclear Export

It is important to note that all viruses and virus proteins must have a unique nomenclature (name). “Consistent protein nomenclature is indispensable for communication, literature searching and entry retrieval. A good protein name is one which is unique, unambiguous, can be attributed to orthologs from other species and follows official gene nomenclature where applicable. The process of associating a name with a protein sequence has various components: sequence function identification/prediction, choosing a name and applying formatting.International Protein Nomenclature Guidelines

ORF10 protein is a protein of the human herpes virus. Herpesviruses are large DNA viruses that have two distinct life cycle phases: lytic replication and latency. During lytic replication, they operate a highly regulated viral gene expression program, resulting in the production of infectious virions. Herpesviruses are known for manipulating cellular mRNA export machinery.

The COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain both the herpes virus protein ORF10 and instructions to make spike proteins to give the herpes virus protein ORF10 the key/means to enter cells and make us sick.

mRNA vaccines teach our cells how to make a protein—or even just a piece of a protein—that triggers an immune response inside our bodies…. COVID-19 mRNA vaccines give instructions for our cells to make what is called the spike protein.’ The spike protein is found on the surface of the virus that causes COVID-19.” CDC

Specifically, the vaccine contains the mRNA of what’s known as spike protein, which is located on the surface of the SARS-CoV-2 virus and is what it uses to invade host cells. The novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells; once inside, the virus is free to replicate, making us sick.” Carlos Malvestutto, MD, MPH, who specializes in infectious disease at The Ohio State University Wexner Medical Center

Germany (BioNTech vaccine) and the WHO chose to use the 2003 patented (patent US-2006257852-A1) herpes ORF10 protein encoded SARS-CoV-2 virus to ensure the novel coronavirus would reinfect (relapse) everyone who was vaccinated for years to come. There is currently no cure or preventive treatment for a herpes infection. If a person gets a herpes virus infection, they will have it for life , whether or not they experience symptoms – during the first herpes outbreak (called primary herpes), an infected person may experience flu-like symptoms. These include body aches, fever and headache.

#COVID-19, #mRNAvaccines, #vaccines, #BioNTech, #Moderna, #WHO, #SARS-CoV-2

Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers broke the law by forcing public servants, the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers, and millions of other Canadians to be vaccinated – a medial treatment

Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers broke the law by forcing public servants, Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers, and millions of other Canadians to be vaccinated – a medial treatment. They are blatantly violating Canada’s Constitution – Canada’s supreme law. They are violating Canadians’ rights and freedoms to further the political and financial interests and agendas of a foreign state, Germany, and of the United Nations Organization (UNO). They are committing treason by assisting an enemy of Canada in 2 World Wars wage COVID-19 biological warfare against Canada.

Section 52(1) of the Constitution Act, 1982 states that any federal or provincial law that is inconsistent with the provisions of the Constitution is of no force or effect. Statutes which conflict with the Constitution are invalid in the most radical sense; they do not become law.

Section 7 of the Constitution of Canada includes the right to refuse medical treatment & the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution.

1. Everyone

“All individuals physically present in Canada will benefit from the protection of section 7 (Singh v. Minister of Employment and Immigration, [1985] 1 S.C.R. 177 at page 202; Charkaoui (2007), supra, at paragraphs 17-18).”

2. Life, liberty and security of the person
(ii) Right to liberty

“Section 7 protects a sphere of personal autonomy involving “inherently private choices” that go to the “core of what it means to enjoy individual dignity and independence” (Godbout v. Longueuil (City), [1997] 3 S.C.R. 844 at paragraph 66; Association of Justice Counsel v. Canada (Attorney General), 2017 SCC 55 at paragraph 49). Where state compulsions or prohibitions affect such choices, s. 7 may be engaged (A.C. v. Manitoba (Director of Child and Family Services), 2009 SCC 30, at paragraphs 100-102; Blencoe, supra at paragraphs 49-54; Siemens v. Manitoba (Attorney General), [2003] 1 S.C.R. 6 at paragraph 45) This aspect of liberty includes the right to refuse medical treatment (A.C., supra, at paragraphs 100-102, 136) and the right to make “reasonable medical choices” without threat of criminal prosecution (e.g. fines): R. v. Smith, 2015 SCC 34 at paragraph 18. It may also include the ability to choose where one intends to live (Godbout, supra), as well as a protected sphere of parental decision-making for parents to ensure their children’s well-being, e.g., a right to make decisions concerning a child’s education and health (B.(R.), supra, at paragraph 80).” Canada’s Department of Justice, screenshot below

What that means is Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers cannot mandate/force any Canadian, including public servants, the Canadian Armed Forces, RCMP, teachers to be vaccinated.

NB government website states medical treatment includes: identifying and responding to an illness, and prevention (such as immunizations ). NB government’s website also states, “your rights in New Brunswick” includes the right to refuse treatment.

Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers are committing treason because Germany (Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy) sponsored/funded the COVID-19 biological warfare attack January 31, 2020. German Chancellor Angela Merkel pledged 600 million euros to force world leaders to support the UNO’s global vaccine efforts. The stated purpose of the COVID-19 biological warfare attack was made known at the 2020 World Economic Forum.

It’s an amazing start to what’s going to be a huge year for worldwide support of vaccinations

Germany, Bill Gates, Gavi, the World Economic Forum and Global Citizen all conspired to wage biological warfare against the World’s civilian population (offense of crimes against humanity) to force world leaders to invest in vaccines because “in order to achieve the UN‘s Sustainable Development Goals … investments worth an additional $350 billion annually are needed.” Global Citizen, January 31, 2020

The COVID-19 biological warfare attack’s objective to obtain $350 billion annually for the UNO to bankroll the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals was made public months before a novel coronavirus made people sick in Wuhan China. The primary objective for the Germany sponsored COVID-19 biological warfare attack was made public September 26, 2019. Screenshot below provides material to support charge that COVID-19 is a plandemic.



Because COVID-19 was planned and Germany sponsored/funded the coordinated COVID-19 biological attack to obtain $350 billion annually for the UN to bankroll the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals, Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers actions are deemed to be criminal – organized crime.

Organized crime is a category of transnational, national, or local groupings of highly centralized enterprises run by criminals to engage in illegal activity, most commonly for profit.

Criminal organization: Justin Trudeau and Canadian premiers being part of a group (Germany, Bill Gates, Gavi, the World Economic Forum, Global Citizen and the United Nations Organization), however organized, that is composed of three or more persons in or outside Canada and the group has as one of its main purposes or main activities the facilitation or commission of one or more serious offences that, if committed, would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of a material benefit, including a financial benefit ($350 billion annually), by the group or by any of the persons who constitute the group..

2020 study, conducted in Sweden, found direct evidence that nitric oxide inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2

A 2020 study concluded that nitric oxide, a cell-signaling molecule that the body produces naturally, could be a potential treatment for COVID-19 by giving relief to patients and even containing the spread of SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus.

The study, conducted in Sweden, found direct evidence that nitric oxide inhibits the replication of SARS-CoV-2. The scientists found that nitric oxide inhibited a key enzyme called 3C-like protease (3CLpro) that the virus SARS-CoV-2 needs to make copies of itself.

The 3CL protease (3CLpro) is the main protease of the SARS-CoV-2, which is responsible for the viral replication.

“we have evaluated the in vitro antiviral effect of NO on SARS-CoV-2 replication. The NO-donor S-nitroso-N-acetylpenicillamine (SNAP) had a dose dependent inhibitory effect on SARS-CoV-2 replication, while the non S-nitrosated NAP was not active, as expected. Although the viral replication was not completely abolished (at 200 μM and 400 μM), SNAP delayed or completely prevented the development of viral cytopathic effect in treated cells, and the observed protective effect correlated with the level of inhibition of the viral replication. The capacity of the NO released from SNAP to covalently bind and inhibit SARS-CoV-2 3CL recombinant protease in vitro was also tested. The observed reduction in SARS-CoV-2 protease activity was consistent with S-nitrosation of the enzyme active site cysteine.”

“In this study, we demonstrated that NO can inhibit the replication of SARS-CoV-2 in Vero E6 and we identified the SARS-CoV-2 main protease as a target for NO. There is a great need for effective antivirals against SARS-CoV-2 to be used in the on-going COVID-19 pandemic. Based on this study and previous studies on SARS-CoV in vitro, and in a small clinical trial, we conclude that NO may be applied for clinical use in the treatment of COVID-19 and other human coronavirus infections.” research paper Mitigation of the replication of SARS-CoV-2 by nitric oxide in vitro, published October 2020