Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19 they tested positive for a coronavirus Germany synthesized to obtain $billions

Millions didn’t test positive for COVID-19. Millions tested positive for a coronavirus that was synthesized by the German government. The COVD-19 tests that the WHO and World governments used and relied on to diagnose SARS-CoV-2 infections and to declare a health emergency didn’t have any SARS-CoV-2 isolates or genetic material. The tests were manufactured using synthetic DNA or RNA of viruses with close genetic relatedness with SARS, MERS. and other respiratory viruses. The synthetic DNA or RNA material for the COVID-19 tests was provided by Germany.

Development of COVID-19 tests used by the WHO and World governments to test for SARS-CoV-2 infections were funded by European Union DG Research through projects Prepare (GA602525), Compare (GA643476), and EVAg (GA653316); by European Union DG SANCO through EVD-LabNet, as well as by the German Ministry of Research through projects RAPID (01KI1723A) and DZIF (301-4-7-01.703).

“All oligonucleotides were synthesised and provided by Tib-Molbiol (Berlin, Germany).” Detection of 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) by real-time RT-PCR

Oligonucleotides are short single strands of synthetic DNA or RNA that serve as the starting point for many molecular biology and synthetic biology applications.

Germany was involved in the development and manufacturing of these bogus COVID-19 tests because Germany aimed to benefit financially from this global medical fraud scheme called COVID-19. Millions were intentionally misdiagnosed so that Germany can obtain $billions by selling vaccines to treat a disease that Germany synthesized (make something by combining different things).

“We aimed to develop and deploy robust diagnostic methodology for use in public health laboratory settings without having virus material available.”

“diagnostic workflow for 2019-nCoV, its design relying on close genetic relatedness of 2019-nCoV with SARS coronavirus, making use of synthetic nucleic acid technology.”

Synthetic nucleic acid (r/sNA) molecules are constructed outside of living cells. They are made by joining DNA or RNA segments (natural or synthetic) to DNA or RNA molecules that can replicate within a living cell.

The German government informed the World in January 2020, at the World Economic Forum, why they developed the bogus COVID-19 tests that the WHO and World governments used to declare a global health emergency and impose draconian measures – “obtain worldwide support of vaccinations”.

Urge (synonyms: compel · force) world leaders to invest in vaccines.

The WHO is still using the bogus COVID-19 tests that were manufactured by Germany to falsely claim COVID-19 is still active. Both the WHO and the German government are using COVID-19 to obtain $billions from vaccine sales.

The WHO knows that it is the mRNA vaccines that are manufactured and distributed by Germany that is causing new SARS like illnesses. Germany’s mRNA vaccines were intentionally made to facilitate new SARS like infections. People are getting sick after they get vaccinated because Germany’s mRNA vaccines are biological weapons. Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA vaccines contain two bioengineered or synthesized components of SARS-CoV-2 – spike protein and SARS-CoV-2’s unique COVID-19 causing viral protein ORF10. Germany’s mRNA vaccine ingredients are defined by 18 USC § 178(1) as biological agents:

the term “biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing— (A) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism

Every COVID-19 Rapid Test Kit insert informs you why millions were misdiagnosed as having COVID-19.

“Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E”

For that reason the FDA warned governments that,

“Results from antibody testing should not be used to diagnose or exclude SARS-CoV-2 infection or to inform infection status.”

The WHO used them and continues to use them because COVID-19 was and is today a money making medical fraud scheme. The WHO and Germany began conspiring in 2017 to use a novel coronavirus plandemic to obtain $billions. Millions have since been misdiagnosed because the test kits were made using the DNA or RNA segments (natural or synthetic) of non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.

According to UK law Elizabeth II wasn’t the queen when she died

According to UK law Elizabeth II wasn’t queen when she died. According to UK law Elizabeth forfeited the Crown and was deemed legally dead the moment she attended/held communion with the Church of Rome. The UK’s Act of Settlement (law) states:

That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion …should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance

Above image is infallible proof that Elizabeth II held Communion with the Church of Rome and because it she was “made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto … the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance”.

The Act of Settlement 1701 law prohibits forever any Catholic from becoming the UK monarch. The UK legislation (law) made it clear that no sovereign shall “hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or profess the Popish Religion”.

To attend a service of Holy Communion at Westminster Abbey is to hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome and profess the Popish Religion. Her attendance is a blatant violation of the UK’s Act of Settlement law.

Westminster Abbey’s Declaration of Assent states:

The Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It professes the faith

Catholics are officially termed as being “naturally dead and deemed to be dead” in terms of succession. This distinction was first legislated in the Bill of Rights 1689. … “the Act of Settlement deems somebody who has been a Catholic for a minute to be ‘dead’ in terms of the succession, and it passes over them ‘as if they were dead’. It is an absolute. If at any moment in their whole life they were in communion with Rome, they are excluded from the throne, deemed to be dead.

According to UK law, Elizabeth II was deemed to be dead on the 4th November 1970. On that day she unlawfully attended the inauguration of the General Synod.

During the 4th November 1970 inauguration of the General Synod Elizabeth II and everyone in attendance professed the Popish Religion.

The first time Elizabeth publicly professed the Popish Religion was on June 2, 1953. During her coronation Elizabeth II professed:

”And I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church

Furthermore, her ring is prima facie evidence that she is a Catholic. The June 2, 1953 coronation transcript states:

Receive the Ring of kingly dignity,
and the seal of Catholic Faith

Because she professed the Popish Religion on June 2, 1953 she was “made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto”. That means Elizabeth II was never the Queen. Because Elizabeth II was deemed to be ‘dead’ in terms of the succession on June 2, 1953 her son Charles isn’t the King.

An independent investigation of the origin of COVID-19 would conclude that it was a Germany and the WHO coordinated bioterrorism attack

The origin of COVID-19 has never been fully investigated because an investigation would find that COVID-19 was a coordinated bioterrorism attack. The bioterrorism attack was perpetrated against the World’s civilian population, pursuant to and in furtherance of a State (Germany) and organizational (United Nations Organization) policy:

  1. Obtain worldwide support for vaccinations
  2. Obtain $billions by forcing World leaders to invest in vaccines

Germany’s Fourth Reich EU and the UN desperately needed $billions to avert default – bankruptcy. Italy/Vatican City reported in March 2020 that it needed a €500 to €700 billion ($572 billion to $801 billion) bailout. In October 2019 the UN very publicly declared that it was insolvent.

In a statement issue by his Spokesperson, the Secretary-General said he had written to Member States, “about the worst cash crisis facing the United Nations in nearly a decade. The Organization runs the risk of depleting its liquidity reserves by the end of the month and defaulting on payments to staff and vendors.

The insolvent UN also stated in 2019 and again in January 2020 that it needed an extra $350 billion annually to bankroll its “Sustainable Development Goals”.

UN member states couldn’t just hand over $billions to bailout Germany’s Fourth Reich EU or Germany’s WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) – the UN. So Germany and the WHO conspired in 2017 to wage a bioterrorism attack against the civilian population of the World using a lab created virus that was developed for the WHO/UN to target the Asian populations.

Germany and the WHO recruited co-conspirators at the 2017 G20 Hamburg Summit using emergency simulation exercise videos Germany produced in close cooperation with the WHO. The videos Germany produced for the WHO depicted a novel coronavirus outbreak. Germany and the WHO’s fictional SARS like coronavirus was called MARS. Embedded below is Germany’s G20 Emergency Simulation Exercise Video 9.

The World was warned by US Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen in 1997 that viroligsts were developing novel viruses that targeted specific ethnic groups and races.

“some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races” DoD News Briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen Monday, April 28, 1997

Virologist Ron Fouchier of Erasmus University in the Netherlands is one such person. He’s been developing new pathogens that target 3 specific ethnic groups – Asian (SARS), Middle Eastern (MERS) and African (HIV) populations. Fouchier is accredited for causing the H5N1 to become more transmissible in mammals/humans. His research focuses on making the common/annual flu viruses more virulent and mutatious.

In October 2014, U.S. officials announced an unprecedented “pause” on funding for Fouchier’s research involving influenza or the Middle East respiratory syndrome (MERS) or severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) viruses.

It is very important to note that Fouchier resumed his research on making common flu viruses more virulent and mutatious in 2019, just months before the Wuhan, China SARS II outbreak.

It’s imperative Canadians and Americans know that the SARS coronavirus was made in a lab to specifically target the Asian population. The outbreak of SARS originated in southern China in 2002-2003. It wasn’t highly contagious. It led to 8273 cases and 775 deaths in multiple countries. The victims of SARS were predominantly Asian. Mainland China and Hong Kong accounted for 87% of all cases and 84% of all deaths.

So how did SARS version 2 become a global pandemic if the lab created SARS coronavirus wasn’t highly contagious and it only targeted the Asian populations? Germany and the UN desperately needed $billions so they resorted to bioterrorism to obtain $billions.

The act of bioterrorism can range from a simple hoax to the actual use of these biological weapons, also referred to as agents.

Germany and the insolvent WHO/UN recruited corrupt politicians like Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland to assist them obtain $billions by misdiagnosing patient’s illnesses, falsifying medical records and death certificates. The WHO instructed their co-conspirators to record all annual respiratory illnesses and deaths such as influenza, bronchitis and TB as being caused by the lab created biological agent SARS-CoV-2. Ontario Premier Doug Ford complied with Germany and the WHO’s bioterrorism demands by instructing Ontario hospitals to suspend the reporting of influenza infections.

Public Health Ontario’s “Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports” provides material evidence that Ontario Premier Doug Ford falsified medical records to assist Germany and the WHO/UN  prolong their COVID-19 bioterrorism attack against Canada and Canadians.

Influenza infections occur annually, worldwide. Influenza infections don’t just vanish or skip a year or two. The Ontario government’s Monthly Infectious Diseases Surveillance Reports provides ample material evidence that medical records were falsified – pursuant to Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 bioterrorism demands.

Falsifying medical records is a criminal offence.


  •  (1) Every one commits forgery who makes a false document, knowing it to be false, with intent

    • (a) that it should in any way be used or acted on as genuine, to the prejudice of any one whether within Canada or not; or

    • (b) that a person should be induced, by the belief that it is genuine, to do or to refrain from doing anything, whether within Canada or not.

The WHO’s own reports provides the most compelling material evidence that medical records were falsified worldwide pursuant to Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 bioterrorism demands.

WHO’s “The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease”:

“Respiratory diseases impose an immense worldwide health burden. Five of these diseases are among most common causes of severe illness and death worldwide.”

For decades, acute lower respiratory tract infections have been among the top three causes of death and disability among both children and adults. Although the burden is difficult to quantify, it is estimated that lower respiratory tract infection causes nearly 4 million deaths annually

“Altogether, more than 1 billion people suffer from either acute or chronic respiratory conditions. The stark reality is that, each year, 4 million people die prematurely from chronic respiratory disease.”

Screenshot from WHO’s 2019 report “The Global Impact of Respiratory Disease”

Drug trafficker turned RCMP informant, Peter Alan Griffon had motive to commit Nova Scotia mass murders

Convicted drug trafficker turned RCMP informant, Peter Alan Griffon had motive, means and opportunity to commit the Nova Scotia mass murders.

  • Motive – theft of the 1/2 a million dollars that Grabriel Wortman picked up on March 30, 2020 for a RCMP drug Op.

RCMP claim the money was destroyed in a fire at Gabriel Wortman’s home.

  • Means – Peter Alan Griffon was arrested and charged by Alberta’s Alert for possession and careless use of numerous prohibited weapons. Peter Alan Griffon had the means to obtain more weapons to commit the Nova Scotia mass murders. Drug trafficking is defined as organized crime – “a group of three or more people whose purpose is the commission of one or more serious offences that would likely result in the direct or indirect receipt of a material benefit, including a financial benefit, by the group.” When Peter Alan Griffon was arrested in 2014 three other drug trafficking associates were arrested too. Where were they at the time of the mass murders.

Peter Alan Griffon’s Parole Board of Canada review provides the most compelling evidence that RCMP informant Peter Alan Griffon is the Nova Scotia mass murderer.

In the assessment of risk, the Board first looks to your index offences of Possession of Schedule I/II Substance for Purpose of Trafficking, Unauthorized Possession Prohibited/Restricted Weapon, Fail to Comply with Condition of Undertaking/Recognizance, and Unauthorized Possession of Firearm. Your sentence was in excess of six years, but with remand time considered, it translated into two years, nine months and eight days.

To be more specific on how you incurred the index offences, you became a person of interest to police who, in December 2014, were investigating a known Security Threat Group (STG), namely La Familia with ties to MS-13. Your vehicle was stopped, and a search uncovered a significant amount of cocaine, a considerable amount of cash and an extendable baton. This seizure resulted in a search of your residence, a converted warehouse of sorts. Again, considerable drugs and trafficking/production paraphernalia and money was seized. Further aggravating in the assessment of risk is the fact numerous weapons, mostly high powered and/or converted, were seized. File information would certainly suggest that these weapons were directly related to the
drug trade, be it for protection and/or enforcement purposes. You readily admitted to working for a cocaine distribution operation and that your job was to store, process, distribute, and transport cocaine to traffickers.

Statement from Nova Scotia RCMP provides compelling evidence that Peter Alan Griffon was a RCMP informant:

Some of the information that was unsealed and released from the ITOs on July 27, 2020, is from one individual who was interviewed and provided information which described the gunman as someone who was involved in the importation and trafficking of illicit drugs and firearms.

As Part of H-Strong, investigators have conducted close to 700 witness interviews and only this one witness has come forward with information that the gunman was actively and recently involved in the importation and trafficking of illegal drugs. No other persons interviewed of the close to 700, including those closest to the gunman, have provided similar information that proves the gunman was an illegal drug smuggler and or drug trafficker.

The investigation has not uncovered any evidence that the gunman was involved in organized crime. Outside of one uncorroborated statement, the remainder of witness interviews have not revealed any corroborated or actionable information that the gunman was involved in organized importation or sale of illegal drugs with any other single person or that the gunman was part of any type of criminal organization or organized crime group.

Peter Alan Griffon’s Parole Board of Canada review provides material evidence to support the assertion that Peter Alan Griffon was a RCMP informant.

“You would later advise your parole officer that you had misled police and lied outright to your parole officer when first contacted and queried about knowledge of the shooting suspect.”

The Parole Board of Canada review statement provides material evidence that Peter Alan Griffon framed Gabriel Wortman by giving RCMP information that he knew was absolutely false. Peter Alan Griffon is the one and only person who provided the RCMP with information which described Gabriel Wortman as someone who was involved in the importation and trafficking of illicit drugs and firearms.

The Parole Board of Canada review also explains Peter Alan Griffon’s motive for framing Gabriel Wortman for the Nova Scotia mass murders and arsons April 18-19, 2020.

“You shared that your (cocaine) addiction at one point reached using over $1000 worth per day. That level of use was not sustainable on a legitimate income. In the pursuit of drugs, you met the individual that police connected to a notorious STG. Given the opportunity to deliver drugs for cash and drug access, the offer was quickly accepted”

Peter Alan Griffon’s index of offences: Possession of Schedule I/II Substance for Purpose of Trafficking, Unauthorized Possession Prohibited/Restricted Weapon, Fail to Comply with Condition of Undertaking/Recognizance, and Unauthorized Possession of Firearm. Supporting the allegation that Peter Alan Griffon is a prime suspect in the Nova Scotia mass murders is the fact Griffon was charged and convicted of Unauthorized Possession Prohibited/Restricted Weapon. After his arrest in 2014 “numerous weapons, mostly high powered and/or converted were seized”. 

2014 CBC report informed readers what type of weapons were seized by ALERT:

Peter Alan Griffon is the one person who had motive to target and kill 2 correctional officers April 18-19, 2020. Griffon served time in a NS prison (Correctional Service of Canada facility) for drug trafficking and firearm offences. Note: “Parole Officers work either within a correctional facility or in the community.” Correctional Services Canada

Griffon also had motive to target anyone who might provide RCMP or his parole officer with information that Griffon was trafficking in drugs while on parole. Griffon was out on parole at the time of the mass murders. Anyone who bought drugs from or sold drugs to Peter Alan Griffon would be a potential target. Government of Canada website informs you why:

Conditions of release

Standard Conditions

All offenders released on conditional release must abide by a set of standard conditions. These include reporting to a parole officer, obeying the law and keeping the peace, not owning or possessing a weapon, and reporting any change in their family, domestic or financial situation to their parole officer.

Special Conditions

The Parole Board may also impose any special conditions it considers reasonable and necessary to further manage an offender’s risk in the community, such as to abstain from the use of drugs or alcohol.

Peter Alan Griffon’s parole conditions:

The evidence implicates drug trafficker turned RCMP informant Peter Alan Griffon as the prime suspect for the Nova Scotia mass murders. When Peter Alan Griffon was arrested by Alberta Law Enforcement Response Team (ALERT) in December 2014 a variety of firearms and weapons were seized, including:

  • Two .22 caliber rifles, one equipped with a silencer;
  • .44 caliber Desert Eagle handgun;
  • Sawed-off shotgun;
  • Thousands of rounds of ammunition;
  • Body armour vests.

Edmonton Police Service and the RCMP laid 9 charges against Peter Alan Griffon in 2014:

  • Possession for the purpose of trafficking (x 2);
  • Possession of a loaded prohibited firearm;
  • Unauthorized possession of a firearm;
  • Careless use of a firearm (x 5).

Statement by ALERT, an integrated team consisting of Edmonton Police Service and RCMP members when Peter Alan Griffon was arrested and later convicted of drug trafficking and weapons offences:

“The group is called La Familia & their reputation includes bloodshed & intimidation. La Familia, or the The Family, is described as an international support arm for the Mexican drug cartels and has strong ties to El Salvador gang Mara Salvatrucha, also known as MS-13.”

If Peter Alan Griffon is the Nova Scotia mass murderer why hasn’t he been charged? Because if he was a RCMP informant he can claim immunity from prosecution.

Public Proseution Service of Canada, Immunity Agreement


Those who have violated the law should be held accountable for their crimes. However, some crimes can be proved only by the testimony or cooperation of individuals who are implicated in the same crime or in some other criminal activity and who seek immunity from prosecution in exchange for their testimony and/or their cooperation with the police.

While the cooperation of these individuals has been recognized as a very powerful tool in the battle against crime, it brings with it the very real risk that individuals will falsely accuse others and/or minimize their own culpability in the hope of securing immunity. Great care therefore must be taken in dealing with individuals seeking immunity.

.2. Immunity from future prosecutions

The DPP is also entitled to provide an assurance of immunity against future prosecution for crimes that the information-provider is known to have already committed, but for which no charges have yet been laid

However, charges can still be laid if Peter Alan Griffon was a RCMP agent at the time of the Nova Scotia mass murders. There is evidence that Gabriel Wortman obtained 1\2 million dollars from the RCMP for a RCMP Op on March 30, 2020. The RCMP Op involved convicted drug trafficker Peter Alan Griffon. Griffon arranged a drug buy for the RCMP using the money Gabriel Wortman obtained from the RCMP on March 30, 2020. Fintrac paperwork for the $475,000 transfer to Gabriel Wortman will confirm it.

“According to a source close to the police investigation the money came from CIBC Intria, a subsidiary of the chartered bank that handles currency transactions.”

“Sources in both banking and the RCMP say the transaction is consistent with how the RCMP funnels money to its confidential informants and agents, and is not an option available to private banking customers.” Macleans

In that case, Peter Alan Griffon has no immunity from prosecution because he was an agent acting on the direction of the RCMP to go “into the field” to participate in the illegal transaction in some way.

Public Proseution Service of Canada states:

8. Situations Where the Privilege Might Not Apply

There are situations where informer privilege does not apply, where the information-provider is a police agent or agent provocateur, when the privilege has been waived, or where a person provides information to the police in the absence of a promise or guarantee of confidentiality, either express or implied. In these situations, the information-provider does not have (or, in the case of waiver, no longer has) informer status.

a) Distinguishing Agents from Informers

One of the most difficult problems in this area is determining when the privilege applies to the actions of persons cooperating with the police. Informer privilege does not apply when the information-provider is characterized as a “police agent” or “agent provocateur,” rather than an “informer.”

A helpful explanation of the distinction between informers and agents is found in the Ontario Court of Appeal’s decision in R v Babes:

In general terms, the distinction between an informer and an agent is that an informer merely furnishes information to the police and an agent acts on the direction of the police and goes “into the field” to participate in the illegal transaction in some way. The identity of an informer is protected by a strong privilege and, accordingly, is not disclosable, subject to the innocence at stake exception. The identity of an agent is disclosable.

Generally speaking, passive observers to criminal activities will be considered informers. In contrast, individuals who participate in the criminal activities under investigation as a result of being directed by the police will generally be considered police agents or agents provocateurs. A person may have dual status as a confidential informer and police agent in relation to separate investigations or targets.

Despite all the evidence that implicates RCMP asset Peter Alan Griffon for the Nova Scotia mass murders he will likely never be charged or prosecuted because extremely corrupt PM/MP Justin Trudeau used the mass murders to obtain legislation banning assault rifles, pursuant to and furtherance of a UN agenda.

Dashcam video of the scene where RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson was killed provides material evidence that RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki was pressured by Justin Trudeau to falsely claim Gabriel Wortman used assault rifles to commit the mass murders on April 18-19 2020. Justin Trudeau pressured RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki to fabricate evidence to further the UN’s agenda of banning assault rifles in Canada.

A screenshot from a dashcam video shows RCMP ERT officers firing assault rifles. A person RCMP identified as Gabriel Wortman was videotaped by a passing motorist fleeing the scene on foot but he wasn’t videotaped carrying an assault rifle.

The above screenshot from a dashcam provides material evidence that RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson was killed by friendly fire and RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki covered it up by claiming Gabriel Wortman had used assault rifles to commit the Nova Scotia mass murders. The position of RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson’s body on the ground and RCMP ERT officer firing assault rifles in the direction of her RCMP cruiser supports the friendly fire assertion.

This screenshot and other video images provides evidence that the weapons RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki claimed Gabriel Wortman used in the Nova Scotia shootings were actually used and fired by RCMP ERT officers at the scene where RCMP Cst Heidi Stevenson was killed. RCMP ERT members firing their Colt Carbines was captured by RCMP dashcam and by a motorist’s cell phone video. RCMP ERT officers were video taped carrying a Colt Carbine while he climbed over a guardrail in front of RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson’s cruiser.

The 2 RCMP cruisers were set on fire to destroy material evidence that could and would implicate the RCMP and their involvement in the Nova Scotia mass murders and the killing of RCMP officer Cst. Heidi Stevenson.


Two year ban on foreigners buying homes in Canada imposed to conceal that Justin Trudeau caused home prices to rise

Justin Trudeau is solely responsible for the rise in home prices. Foreigners didn’t cause the rise in home prices. Home prices rose sharply as a result of the price of lumber being inflated to benefit Justin Trudeau personally.

Justin Trudeau caused the price of lumber to skyrocket during the 2021 federal election. Justin Trudeau “committed to building 1.4 million homes within four years by easing regulations on construction and eliminating some red tape.” 

“A re-elected Liberal government will build, preserve, or repair 1.4 million homes in the next four years” A Home. For Everyone: The Liberal Housing Plan

Justin Trudeau’s 2021 election campaign plans to build, preserve, or repair 1.4 million homes within four years caused the demand for lumber to exceed supply. It’s a fundamental economic principle that when demand exceeds supply, prices tend to rise.

Justin Trudeau has benefitted financially from the high prices of lumber. Justin Trudeau is currently listed/registered as a shareholder of 9190-0563 QUÉBEC INCPRODUCTION AND SALE OF FIREWOOD AND LUMBER.

Justin Trudeau continuing to be an officer in 9190-0563 QUÉBEC INC. is defined by the federal law, the Conflict of Interest Act, as Prohibited activities.

15 (1) No reporting public office holder shall (c) continue as, or become, a director or officer in a corporation or an organization.

“a public office holder (Justin Trudeau, Vice-President of 9190-0563 QUÉBEC INC.) is in a conflict of interest when he or she exercises an official power, duty or function that provides an opportunity to further his or her private interests or those of his or her relatives” DoJ

“When performing parliamentary duties & functions, a member shall not act in any way to further his or her private interests or those of a member of the member’s family” Parliament, CONFLICT OF INTEREST CODE FOR MEMBERS OF THE HOUSE OF COMMONS

Justin Trudeau’s broke the law by causing the price of lumber to be inflated for personal benefit/gain. His actions is defined as breach of trust by public officer.

Breach of trust by public officer

122 Every official who, in connection with the duties of their office, commits fraud or a breach of trust, whether or not the fraud or breach of trust would be an offence if it were committed in relation to a private person, is guilty of

(a) an indictable offence and liable to imprisonment for a term of not more than five years; or
(b) an offence punishable on summary conviction.

Actus Reus

The indictable offence of “breach of trust” can include “any breach of the appropriate standard of responsibility and conduct demanded of the accused by the nature of his office as a senior civil servant of the Crown.”

The prohibited act must cause a personal benefit to the accused and must be contrary to the duties imposed upon them.

Testing Germany’s COVID-19 vaccines will prove they manufactured different batches of vaccines that were ethnic specific

When Rodney and Ekaterina Baker flew from Vancouver to the town of Beaver Creek, Canada, on January 21, 2021 to get vaccine doses meant for elderly members of the local White River First Nation tribe the WHO and it’s COVID-19 biological attack co-conspiring Trudeau government panicked. The WHO wasn’t worried about the couple breaking quarantine and spreading COVID-19. The WHO was worried about what would happen if a white person was infected with the race specific viral protein that was purposely inserted in the COVID-19 vaccine Germany manufactured for Canada’s aboriginal people.

Testing of Germany’s COVID-19 vaccines will prove that they are biological weapons. They contain 2 components of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2. The spike protein (a modified/mutated form) and SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10. The spike protein facilitates ORF10 entry into the cells where they can replicate and make us sick. SARS-CoV-2’s unique viral protein ORF10 cannot enter cells without the spike protein. The novel coronavirus uses spike protein like a key to gain entry to our cells. Essentially, spike protein facilitates entry of Germany’s COVID-19 mRNA segment – ORF10.

“The vaccines deliver mRNA into cells near the injection site. This mRNA instructs the body’s own cells to replicate the coronavirus’s spike (S) protein. This protein, in turn, is recognized by the body as foreign, generating protective antibodies. The mRNA itself is rapidly degraded and does not enter the cell’s nucleus. Specifically, the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine is a lipid nanoparticle-formulated, nucleosidemodified mRNA vaccine. The lipid coating of the nanoparticles binds to the cell membrane, facilitating entry of the mRNA segment into the cell.” ASRM Coronavirus/COVID-19 Task Force

Germany internationally made their vaccines to facilitate infection. That’s what biological weapons are designed to do.

“(1) the term biological agent” means any microorganism (including, but not limited to, bacteria, viruses, fungi, rickettsiae or protozoa), or infectious substance, or any naturally occurring, bioengineered or synthesized component of any such microorganism or infectious substance, capable of causing— (A) death, disease, or other biological malfunction in a human, an animal, a plant, or another living organism; (B) deterioration of food, water, equipment, supplies, or material of any kind; or (C) deleterious alteration of the environment;” 18 USC § 178(1)

The vaccines that Germany manufactured are also ethnic specific. The ingredients for vaccines intended for Canada’s oboriginals, and the Asian and African populations are different than the vaccines manufactured for the white American and European populations. Testing batches distributed to various countries and their ethnic groups will prove that is what Germany did for the WHO.

Former US Secretary of Defense William Cohen warned the World April 28, 1997 that some countries were developing pathogens that would be ethnic specific.

“There are some reports, for example, that some countries have been trying to construct something like an Ebola Virus, and that would be a very dangerous phenomenon, to say the least. Alvin Toeffler has written about this in terms of some scientists in their laboratories trying to devise certain types of pathogens that would be ethnic specific so that they could just eliminate certain ethnic groups and races;” William Cohen

AIDS, SARS, MERS, and SARS-CoV-2 were all developed for the WHO to target specific ethnic groups. AIDS was caused by the WHO’s smallpox vaccine that contained the live and infectious vaccinia virus. AIDS was created to target the African populations. SARS was lab created to target the Asian populations. MERS was lab created to target Middle Eastern populations. SARS-CoV-2 is a lab modified/mutated form of SARS. The viral protein ORF10 was inserted in the SARS genome to make SARS more infectious.

Since 1972 the WHO (agency of the UN) called for/recommended virologists develop the means to prolong virus/coronavirus infections by imparing immune response to a virus.

The below screenshot was taken from the Bulletin of the World Health Organization, Volume 47, p.259, 1972, Recommendations (3)

The viral protein ORF10 was inserted by virologists into the SARS virus to prolong SARS coronavirus infections.

2021 published studySARS-CoV-2 ORF10 suppresses the antiviral innate immune response by degrading MAVS through mitophagy” informs you why Germany manufactured its COVID-19 vaccines to include 2 major components of SARS-CoV-2 – it’s spike protein and it’s unique viral protein ORF10:

“In this study, we showed that overexpression of ORF10 markedly suppressed the expression of type I interferon (IFN-I) genes and IFN-stimulated genes. Then, mitochondrial antiviral signaling protein (MAVS) was identified as the target via which ORF10 suppresses the IFN-I signaling pathway, and MAVS was found to be degraded through the ORF10-induced autophagy pathway. Furthermore, overexpression of ORF10 promoted the accumulation of LC3 in mitochondria and induced mitophagy. ”

… ORF10 transcripts can be detected in patients infected with SARS-CoV-2 [56]. Moreover, Liu et al. found that the expression level of ORF10 in patients with severe disease was much higher than that in patients with moderate disease; in addition, the expression ratio of ORF10 to nucleocapsid (N) in patients with severe disease was significantly higher than that in patients with moderate disease [57]. Therefore, ORF10 plays a vital role at all stages of SARS-CoV-2 infection. In our study, overexpression of ORF10 promoted the degradation of MAVS and the replication of SARS-CoV-2. Consistent with these results, when ORF10 was knocked down by shRNA, MAVS was not degraded and viral replication was weakened, suggesting that ORF10 facilitates SARS-CoV-2 replication via degradation of MAVS.

End note. Rodney and Ekaterina Baker were never jailed. They only had to pay a small fine. The WHO had the Trudeau government impose the fine to avoid a trial. A trial requires a full investigation and disclosure. An investigation would have proven Germany’s vaccine were manufactured to be ethnic specific. To target a specific ethnic group and cause their death or serious bodily harm is genocide.

Convention for the Prevention and the Punishment of the Crime of Genocide states in Article 1 that genocide is a crime under international law.

Article II

In the present Convention, genocide means any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such:

Killing members of the group;

Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group;

Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group;


BC court documents provides proof that Justin Trudeau was charged with a criminal offence and was ordered to stand trial

In 2018 Prime Minister Justin Trudeau didn’t want anyone conducting an investigation into an allegation that he groped a female reporter in British Columbia in 2000. Any investigation would have uncovered that Justin Trudeau was “charged with an offence”. In 2000 Justin Trudeau was a defendant in a trial by jury court case.

BC Court documents provides infallible proof that Justin Trudeau was charged with an offence and the offence was serious enough to warrant a trial.

The link to search for Justin Trudeau’s court case file in Vancover BC is

Enter file number: B992544 (Requires payment of $6 fee to view Supreme File VLC-S-M-B992544).

Justin Trudeau’s trial by jury court case document is filed under Motor Vehicle Accidents. However, in order for Justin Trudeau to elect “trial by jury” charges had to be filed by RCMP against Justin Trudeau.

11. Any person charged with an offence has the right:

except in the case of an offence under military law tried before a military tribunal, to the benefit of trial by jury where the maximum punishment for the offence is imprisonment for five years or a more severe punishment.

To elect trial by jury a person must at one time have been “charged with an offence” as required by the opening words of section 11.

“Most civil cases in Canada are tried by judges without a jury. However, anyone charged with a criminal offence for which there can be a prison sentence of five years or more has the right to a trial by jury.”

“In some cases, a person charged with a criminal offence for which there can be a prison sentence of less than five years may have the right to choose a trial by jury.” Department of Justice

Justin Trudeau didn’t want anyone investigating the 2000 groping because they would find out that Justin Trudeau was charged with an offence.

Investigate further. This court case involved more than just a traffic accident. Police records at the RCMP detachment that responded to the accident will show why Justin Trudeau was charged. Justin Trudeau couldn’t be charged with an offence by the RCMP if Justin Trudeau was innocent. The RCMP had to have sufficient evidence to charge Justin Trudeau with an offence. Secondly Justin Trudeau could only elect trial by jury if the “maximum punishment for the offence is imprisonment for five years or a more severe punishment”. A conviction and sentencing of imprisonment of 2 or more years would have meant Justin Trudeau would never have been able to become a MP or the Prime Minister of Canada.

Justin Trudeau claimed that six months before his younger brother’s death, Michel Trudeau was charged with possession of marijuana after he was involved in a collision on the highway while he was driving home to Montreal from the West Coast. RCMP had found a Sucrets box with a couple of joints inside when they were helping him collect his belongings that were scattered across the highway. However, there’s no record of Michel Trudeau being charged by RCMP in BC. There is no court case involving Michel Trudeau found using the same website that showed that Justin Trudeau was charged with an offence and was ordered to appear in a court of law in 1999.


Toronto Police investigation of Barry & Honey Sherman murders sealed by the Crown to cover up who committed the targeted murders

There is compeling evidence that shows that 5 years ago Justin Trudeau conspired to have his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers murdered. Justin Trudeau had motive to conspire to murder Barry and Honey Sherman. An ongoing RCMP investigation of his election campaign fundraiser for the Lobbying Commissioner and an Apotex lawsuit put Justin Trudeau in legal jeopardy. The fundraiser was a prohibited gift. Justin Trudeau accepting the prohibited gift meant that he violated the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act.

Violating the Lobbying Act had no legal consequences for either Justin Trudeau or Barry Sherman.

“The RCMP have never, ever followed up. The RCMP then rubber-stamps or whitewashes whatever Lobbying Act activity has happened.” House of Commons

However, violating the Canada Elections Act meant that Justin Truduea could have lost his seat in the House of Commons and he couldn’t be a candidate in another election for 5 years. It would have meant the end of his political career.

“The Canada Elections Act also sets out a series of disqualifications that apply exclusively to electoral candidacy. … Current disqualifications include the following: A person found guilty of an illegal or corrupt electoral practice (as defined in section 502 of the Canada Elections Act) is disqualified from contesting a federal election for either five or seven years and, if he or she has been elected, may be required to vacate his or her seat in the House of Commons. Illegal practices include wilfully exceeding the spending limit or obstructing the electoral process. Corrupt practices include voting more than once or accepting a prohibited gift or other advantageParliament of Canada


465 (1) (a) every one who conspires with any one to commit murder or to cause another person to be murdered, whether in Canada or not, is guilty of an indictable offence and liable to a maximum term of imprisonment for life;

A Court Order dated 10 NOV 2017 rendered by Kevin Aalto, Prothonotary ordering the Lobbying Commissioner to “unredact the Preserved Redactions and to deliver such redacted materials to the Applicants” provided motive for Justin Trudeau to conspire to commit murder.

The Court Order was part of an Apotex lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner – Federal Court Number T-761-17 APOTEX INC. ET AL v. KAREN SHEPHERD ET AL. Nature of the proceeding  S. 18.1 Application for Judicial Review. The Prothonotary order was made as a result of the Commissioner of Lobbying redacting Justin Trudeau’s name from material evidence in the ongoing RCMP investigation of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser. That court order put Justin Trudeau in legal jeopardy. Justin Trudeau could have been “required to vacate his seat in House of Commons” for violating the Canada Elections Act – accepting a prohibited gift or other advantage.

On December 13, 2017, the day of the targeted murders of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman, Justin Trudeau had both the Ethics Commissioner and the Lobbying Commissioner removed as commissioners. Their removal was done during ongoing investigations by both commissioners into Justin Trudeau violating federal laws while campaigning in the 2015 federal election. Both commissioners were essentially fired for investigating Justin Trudeau for violating federal laws during the 2015 election campaign.

The 10 NOV 2017 Court Order and Justin Trudeau removing the Ethics Commissioner and the Lobbying Commissioner on the day of the targeted murders of his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman are elements of a conspiracy to commit murder. The RCMP are involved. They became involved the day the Lobbying Commissioner had the RCMP investigate Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser/fundraisers.

Lobbying Act
Advice to peace officers

(7) If, during an investigation under this section, the Commissioner believes on reasonable grounds that a person has committed an offence under this or any other Act of Parliament or of the legislature of a province, the Commissioner shall advise a peace officer having jurisdiction to investigate the alleged offence and immediately suspend the Commissioner’s investigation.

The RCMP started investigating Justin Trudeau and his August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser/fundraisers after the Lobbying Commissioner found evidence that federal laws were broken by Mr. Sherman’s contribution to the 2015 election campaign:

“There is basis to conclude that the private interests of (REDACTED) were advanced to a high degree, & that a sense of obligation was created by Mr. Sherman’s contribution to the 2015 election campaign” Office of the Commissioner of Lobbying of Canada (OCL)

A Nov 3, 2016 OCL taped recorded interview with Barry Sherman was the primary material evidence OCL used to have RCMP launch a “full investigation” of Justin Trudeau’s Aug 26, 2015 fundraiser. OCL determined the tape recording provided evidence Justin Trudeau broke federal laws. Apotex filed a lawsuit against the Lobbying Commissioner regarding the redacted name in transcripts of that Nov 3, 2016 taped recorded interview.

The Toronto Police know who murdered Barry and Honey Sherman. So does the Crown. The Crown sealed the Toronto Police murder investigation files and evidence to protect the people who committed the murders for Justin Trudeau’s benefit.

Crime scene evidence: restraint marks, Honey Sherman’s bloody lip & nose, the surreptitious entry, the person who entered the Shermans’ home Dec 14, 2017 for 29 minutes & the ongoing RCMP investigation of Justin Trudeau’s election campaign fundraiser/fundraisers implicates RCMP officers in their murders.

Crime scene evidence shows murderers gained access to the Sherman home by the front door. No forced entry means Barry and Honey Sherman’s murderers knocked on front door. It is plausible that Honey Sherman let her murderers in after her murderers identified themselves as police officers. Restraint marks and Honey Sherman’s bloody lip and nose supports assertion that she was forcibly restrained by police officers.

Keable Commission supports assertion that RCMP officers are viable suspects in Barry & Honey Sherman targeted murders. 15 RCMP officers were charged/tried for: conspiracy, B&E, kidnapping & forcible detention. Indicted RCMP officers claimed they “were just following (PM Pierre Trudeau) orders.

Former Toronto police Chief Mark Saunders said he has had to be careful with what he said about the case because he knows “for a fact” that the Shermans’ killers are watching his televised remarks.

Toronto Police Chief Mark Saunders also stated that his officers interviewed the mystery man who spent 29 minutes inside the home of Barry and Honey Sherman while they lay dead in the basement.

“I can tell you we knew who the person was, why they were there, (the person) was interviewed,”

Note, only one person entered the home yet Police Chief Saunders said Toronto Police knew why “they” were there – they means the person of interest was part of an organization. The RCMP is an organization. RCMP were at the time investigating Justin Trudeau’s fundraiser/fundraisers. Wiretapping is tool in RCMP investigations, especially when it involves the Prime Minister of Canada. It is highly plausible that a RCMP officer entered the Shermans’ home to remove wiretaps and/or incriminating evidence.

Parties to offence

Where two or more persons are playing an active role in the commission of a crime, each becomes a co-principal to that offence. When this is the case, it is not necessary to determine exactly which person committed which element of the offence. Rather, every act done to commit the offence is deemed to have been committed by all co-principals. A person can be a principal to an offence despite not actually committing the offence with their own hands. This occurs where they instead direct an innocent agent to commit the offence in their place.

Related briefing: Justin Trudeau is the one person who had motive to have Barry and Honey Sherman murdered

RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki pressured by Justin Trudeau to falsely claim alledge Nova Scotia shooter used assault rifles

Dashcam video of the scene where RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson was killed provides material evidence that RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki was pressured by Justin Trudeau to falsely claim Gabriel Wortman used assault rifles to commit mass murders on April 18-19 2020. Justin Trudeau pressured RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki to fabricate evidence to further the UN’s agenda of banning assault rifles in Canada. A screenshot from a dashcam video shows RCMP ERT officers firing assault rifles. A person RCMP identified as Gabriel Wortman was videotaped by a passing motorist fleeing the scene on foot but he wasn’t videotaped carrying an assault rifle.

The above screenshot from a dashcam provides material evidence that RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson was killed by friendly fire and RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki covered it up by claiming Gabriel Wortman had used assault rifles to commit the Nova Scotia mass murders. The position of RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson’s body on the ground and RCMP ERT officer firing assault rifles in the direction of her RCMP cruiser supports the friendly fire assertion.

This screenshot and other video images provides evidence that the weapons RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki claimed Gabriel Wortman used in the Nova Scotia shootings were actually used and fired by RCMP ERT officers at the scene where RCMP Cst Heidi Stevenson was killed. RCMP ERT members firing their Colt Carbines was captured by RCMP dashcam and by a motorist’s cell phone video. RCMP ERT officers were video taped carrying a Colt Carbine while he climbed over a guardrail in front of RCMP Cst. Heidi Stevenson’s cruiser.

The 2 RCMP cruisers were set on fire to destroy material evidence that could and would implicate the RCMP and their involvement in the mass murders. Fintrac documents for a transfer of $500,000 on March 30, 2020 from the RCMP to Gabriel Wortman identified Gabriel Wortman as a RCMP agent.

The RCMP gave $475,000 ($500,00 – $25,000 transfer fees) to alledge mass murderer Gabriel Wortman on March 30, 2020 for a RCMP drug Op involving convicted drug trafficker turned RCMP informant Peter Alan Griffon.

“The withdrawal of $475,000 in cash by the man who killed 22 Nova Scotians in April matches the method the RCMP uses to send money to confidential informants and agents, sources say.”

“Sources in both banking and the RCMP say the transaction is consistent with how the RCMP funnels money to its confidential informants and agents, and is not an option available to private banking customers.” Macleans

RCMP CI Peter Alan Griffon had motive, means and opportunity to commit the Nova Scotia mass murders.

  • Motive – theft of the 1/2 a million dollars that Grabriel Wortman picked up on March 30, 2020 for a RCMP drug Op. RCMP claim the money was destroyed in a fire at Gabriel Wortman’s home.
  • Means – Peter Alan Griffon was arrested and charged by Alberta’s Alert for possession and careless use of numerous prohibited weapons. As a drug trafficker Griffon had the means to obtain the weapons he needed to commit the Nova Scotia mass murders.

Peter Alan Griffon’s Parole Board of Canada review provides the most compelling evidence that RCMP informant Peter Alan Griffon is the Nova Scotia mass murderer.

In the assessment of risk, the Board first looks to your index offences of Possession of Schedule I/II Substance for Purpose of Trafficking, Unauthorized Possession Prohibited/Restricted Weapon, Fail to Comply with Condition of Undertaking/Recognizance, and Unauthorized Possession of Firearm. Your sentence was in excess of six years, but with remand time considered, it translated into two years, nine months and eight days.

To be more specific on how you incurred the index offences, you became a person of interest to police who, in December 2014, were investigating a known Security Threat Group (STG), namely La Familia with ties to MS-13. Your vehicle was stopped, and a search uncovered a significant amount of cocaine, a considerable amount of cash and an extendable baton. This seizure resulted in a search of your residence, a converted warehouse of sorts. Again, considerable drugs and trafficking/production paraphernalia and money was seized. Further aggravating in the assessment of risk is the fact numerous weapons, mostly high powered and/or converted, were seized. File information would certainly suggest that these weapons were directly related to the
drug trade, be it for protection and/or enforcement purposes. You readily admitted to working for a cocaine distribution operation and that your job was to store, process, distribute, and transport cocaine to traffickers.

Statement from Nova Scotia RCMP provides compelling evidence that Peter Alan Griffon was a RCMP informant:

Some of the information that was unsealed and released from the ITOs on July 27, 2020, is from one individual who was interviewed and provided information which described the gunman as someone who was involved in the importation and trafficking of illicit drugs and firearms.

As Part of H-Strong, investigators have conducted close to 700 witness interviews and only this one witness has come forward with information that the gunman was actively and recently involved in the importation and trafficking of illegal drugs. No other persons interviewed of the close to 700, including those closest to the gunman, have provided similar information that proves the gunman was an illegal drug smuggler and or drug trafficker.

The investigation has not uncovered any evidence that the gunman was involved in organized crime. Outside of one uncorroborated statement, the remainder of witness interviews have not revealed any corroborated or actionable information that the gunman was involved in organized importation or sale of illegal drugs with any other single person or that the gunman was part of any type of criminal organization or organized crime group.

Peter Alan Griffon’s index of offences: Possession of Schedule I/II Substance for Purpose of Trafficking, Unauthorized Possession Prohibited/Restricted Weapon, Fail to Comply with Condition of Undertaking/Recognizance, and Unauthorized Possession of Firearm. Supporting the allegation that Peter Alan Griffon is a prime suspect in the Nova Scotia mass murders is the fact Griffon was charged and convicted of Unauthorized Possession Prohibited/Restricted Weapon. After his arrest in 2014 “numerous weapons, mostly high powered and/or converted were seized”. 2014 CBC report informed readers what type of weapons were seized by ALERT:

9 charges filed against Peter Alan Griffon in 2014:

  • Possession for the purpose of trafficking (x 2);
  • Possession of a loaded prohibited firearm;
  • Unauthorized possession of a firearm;
  • Careless use of a firearm (x 5).

Why Pope Francis condones the Germany provoked war in Ukraine

Every World War is waged by Germany for the Pope (a.k.a. the Crown). Pope Pius XII recruited Germany to wage WWII to defend the “Roman” Catholic faith. Germany slaughtered Jews in Europe and attacked Russia for the Pope (Pius XII). The Pope recruited Germany to wage WWII. Vatican website provides ample evidence to support this.

“as the German people return to religion, bend the knee before Christ, and arming themselves against the enemies of God, again resume the task God has laid upon them.”

… “We grant to you, as a pledge of Divine help, as a support in your difficult resolutions, as a comfort in the struggle, as a consolation in all trials, to You, Bishops and Pastors of the Faithful, priests, Religious, lay apostles of Catholic Action, to all your diocesans, and specially to the sick and the prisoners, in paternal love, Our Apostolic Benediction.”

Given at the Vatican on Passion Sunday, March 14, 1937.


The Popes have for centuries turned to the German monarchies to wage its wars in Europe. The German monarchies included the UK’s 1919 abolished German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy. Stated in 2017 in Vatican City’s …

From Zachary to Leo III, successive Popes turned to the powerful Frankish and Germanic monarchs, particularly Charlemagne, who was known as the “father of Europe ”, seeking protection against the invading Lombards, Normans and Saracens; in doing so, they invented the Christian West. Thus, from its earliest beginnings, the papacy had close ties to the European events that would influence the world order for centuries to come.

Pope Francis condoned/supports the Germany provoked war in Ukraine because of one reason. Russia does not recognize the authority of the Pope.

The Eastern Orthodox Church is opposed to the Roman Catholic doctrine of papal supremacy. 

It is the position of the Eastern Orthodox Church that it has never accepted the pope as de jure leader of the entire church. All bishops are equal “as Peter“, therefore every church under every bishop (consecrated in apostolic succession) is fully complete (the original meaning of catholic).

Contrary to popular opinion, the word catholic does not mean “universal”; it means “whole, complete, lacking nothing.” … Thus, to confess the Church to be catholic is to say that She possesses the fullness of the Christian faith. To say, however, that Orthodox and Rome constitute “two lungs” of the same Church is to deny that either Church separately is catholic in any meaningful sense of the term. This is not only contrary to the teaching of Orthodoxy, it is flatly contrary to the teaching of the Roman Catholic Church, which considered itself truly catholic.

Germany waged World Wars are essentially modern day papal crusades. All waged to revive the Popes’ Holy Roman Empires (Reich’s).