Make no mistake, another banking crisis is being orchestrated to bailout the insolvent Germany EU

March 23, 2023
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank and Credit Suisse were both orchestrated to initiate another global banking crisis. Another global banking crisis is being orchestrated to bailout Germany’s Fourth Reich EU.
Germany and the ECB don’t have the $trillions they need to bailout it’s insolvent EU states. They’re banking on Joe Biden coming to their aid once again by stealing $trillions from the US people and giving it to Germany’s Fourth Reich EU. Least we forget Joe Biden was Vice-President during the last global banking crisis. He was in office when the New York Federal Reserve funneled $trillions to Germany’s Fourth Reich EU in 2008-2009.
A 2011 Audit of the Federal Reserve found that the Fed illegally funneled $trillions to foreign banks during the orchestrated 2008 financial crisis.
The Sanders Report, a Government Accountability Office investigation record, revealed that the privately owned Federal Reserve secretly and “unlawfully” doled out $trillions in zero interest loans and concealed electronic funds transfers to itself and some of the largest financial institutions and corporations in the United States and throughout the world.
The audit found that $16 trillion was doled out by the Federal Reserve. That was 10 times more than what the U.S. Congress authorized and George W Bush ($700 billion) and President Barack Obama and VP Joe Biden ( $787 billion) signed off on. The Federal Reserve was only authorized by Congress to disburse $1.487 trillion in federal tax dollars in bailouts and financial aid, not $16 trillion. The Federal Reserve embezzled another $14.5 trillion.
The Congressional report determined that the Fed secretly hide most of the embezzled money into their own banks. The rest the Fed unilaterally transfered trillions of dollars to foreign banks and corporations from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York (FRBNY) through Canada’s top 5 banks to the UK and from the UK to Germany’s Fourth Reich EU banks and corporations.
The list of foreign banks that received the most money from the Federal Reserve can be found on page 131 (screenshot above) of the GAO government report
Foreign banks that illegally received $trillions from the Federal Reserve Bank of New York in 2008-2009 included:
Deutsche Bank (Germany): $354 billion ($354,000,000,000)
UBS (Switzerland): $287 billion ($287,000,000,000)
Credit Suisse (Switzerland): $262 billion ($262,000,000,000)
Why Joe Biden came to Canada
The New World Order that Joe Biden is talking about was envisioned by Nazi Germany’s Führer Adolf Hitler. The New World Order is a world government under German control. The UN is and always has been the World government under German control. Canadians and Americans fail to realize that the UN’s official name is the United Nations Organization (UNO). UNO is Italian and Spanish for One.
In essence Joe Biden is aiding and abetting Germany form it’s WWII envisioned World government under German control. Joe Biden is going to assist Germany by causing another banking system crisis. Biden needs Justin Trudeau and Chrystia Freeland’s collaboration in stealing $trillions from the American people and funneling it through Canada’s top banks to Germany’s Fourth Reich EU. Barack Obama and Joe Biden did exactly the same thing in the orchestrated 2008 global banking crisis. Canada’s top banks received $billions to funnel $trillions from the New York Federal Reserve to Germany’s Fourth Reich EU banks.
According to a Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives (CCPA) report titled “Big Banks Big Secret” Canadian banks funneled $trillions for the Federal Reserve in 2008 – 2009. In the fall and spring of 2008 – 2009 Canada’s top banks were paid $billions to funnel $trillions for the Federal Reserve.
- the Royal Bank of Canada received more than $43.6 billion in US tax dollars,
- Scotiabank received more than $27.8 billion,
- TD $27.5 billion,
- BMO $6.9 billion and
- CIBC $5.3 billion
How Germany staged a coup against President Donald Trump to install their double agent Joe Biden.
Joe Biden became President by Bill Gates and Microsoft rigging the election for Germany. The election rigging was part of Germany’s American strategy to overthrow President Donald Trump.
Microsoft sabotaged the election by conducting a software update during the election. It uploaded an executable malware.

By default, Windows 10 updates your operating system automatically. That means unless you changed the setting manually, Bill Gates’ Microsoft can/will automatically access your Windows 10 computer system and upload and install computer code (set of instructions) whenever Microsoft wants and without your knowledge or consent. That is exactly what happened during the 2020 United States presidential election.
Dominion Voting Sys “uploaded something last night, which is not normal & it caused a glitch” Marcia Ridley, elections supervisor at Spalding County Board of Election.
Gabriel Sterling, the voting system implementation manager in the Georgia secretary of state’s office told reporters during a news conference on Nov. 3 that the problem was probably a dataset that had been uploaded to the systems, but that the state didn’t know for certain. Microsoft’s voting machine tampering on election day affected 28 states.
It’s important Americans know that the Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5-C Voting System was purposely modified for Microsoft Bill Gates before the election. DVS stated:
“Dominion Democracy Suite 5.5-C Voting System is modified voting system configuration that includes upgrades to the components of the D-Suite 5.5-B Voting System. Section details changes between this system and the baseline of the Democracy Suite 5.5-B Voting System. The primary purpose of this modification was to add the Canon DR-G2140 central count scanner, the HP M501dn printer for the ICX BMD configuration, and the Microsoft Windows 10 Patch (Jan. 14, 2020).”
Test Report for EAC 2005 VVSG Certification Testing
Dominion Voting Systems Democracy Suite (D-Suite) Version
5.5-C Voting System
EAC Project Number: DVS-DemSuite5.5-C
Version: Rev. 01
Date: 06/16/2020
Screenshot of that testing report:
Miscrosoft admitted that the voting machine patch addressed an major security issue found within the voting machine’s Windows 10 software which allowed an attacker to remotely gain access to the voting machine to upload an executable malware.
“The Windows 10 Patch (Jan. 14, 2020) address the vulnerability CVE-2020-0601 in the usermode cryptographic library, CRYPT32.DLL, that affects Windows 10, Windows Server 2016 and Server 2019 systems. The vulnerability exists in the way Windows CryptoAPI validates Elliptic Curve Cryptography (ECC) certificates. An attacker could exploit the vulnerability by using a spoofed code-signing certificate to sign a malicious executable, making it appear the file was from a trusted, legitimate source. The user would have no way of knowing the file was malicious, because the digital signature would appear to be from a trusted provider.”
What Microsoft did prior to election day was compromise the voting machines. Allow Microsoft to access the voting machine on election day and rig the election on Germany’s behalf.
Person who caused the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank is an active member of Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum
The collapse of Silicon Valley Bank (SVB) was initiated after Frankfurt Germany born venture capitalist, and political activist Peter Thiel advised startups to withdraw their money. Peter Thiel initiated the run on the bank by withdrawing millions just before the collapse. Peter Thiel’s venture capital firm Founders Fund withdrew all of its money from Silicon Valley Bank on March 9, 2023.
“The venture capital group had been engaging in a “capital call” — where it asked investment partners to send funds to invest in a company — by transferring funds to its Silicon Valley Bank account. However, the funds didn’t immediately go through as expected.”
Why did Peter Thiel withdraw all of Founders Fund’s money from SVB and then advised SVB startups to do the same? Reasonable suspicion Peter Thiel was instructed by Germany or it’s proxy to trigger the collapse of SVB.
Peter Thiel is an active member of Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum (WEF). He is listed as member of the World Economic Forum and WEF’s Young Global Leaders. He has an entire webpage on the WEF website listing his credentials. The screenshot below is of the WEF’s Young Global Leaders website.
“Young Global Leaders engage with leaders outside their community, serving as sounding boards and advisers to international organizations, governments and private institutions. They initiate new dialogues and platforms for action to address global challenges such as climate change, disease prevention, improving education and eradicating poverty. They develop authentic relationships with global peers far outside their traditional professional networks, giving them unique perspectives into world affairs and resulting in personal friendships that allow them to bring about positive change.” WEF founder Klaus Schwab
That means Peter Thiel is a foreign agent. He caused the collapse of the US bank, Silicon Valley Bank, to further Germany’s strategic interests. One of Germany and the WEF’s main mission is the “Great Reset”. The transfer of wealth/money. In Canada Peter Thiel and the World Economic Forum’s actions are called foreign interference.
“Foreign interference involves foreign states, or persons/entities operating on their behalf, attempting to covertly influence decisions, events or outcomes to better suit their strategic interests.” CSIS
Mission objective for Germany and the World Economic Forum’s Great Reset – cause a global banking crisis. Force the U.S. people to bailout Germany and its Fourth Reich EU.
A global banking crisis is being orchestrated to trigger a bail-in. A bail-in steals U.S. bank deposits/savings to bailout Germany’s failing Fourth Reich EU banks.
Germany is intent on stealing $trillions from the U.S. people. The U.S. Federal Reserve doesn’t have $trillions to bailout Germany’s Fourth Reich EU banks. The American people do.
“Dec 9, 2022 — $68 trillion is about to change hands in the U.S. … On the cusp of the greatest generational wealth transfer in history, baby boomers are set to pass more than $68 trillion on to their children.” CNBC
Get prepared issued ahead of ionosphere heaters causing widespread blackouts
Italy’s SOS ENATTOS – E.G.O. ELF Monitoring station has been recording Germany’s EISCAT ionosphere heating 50Hz transmissions. The recorded radio waves transmissions indicates an electronic warfare attack is being orchestrated. Mass media is being used to divert blame for the upcoming attack. Mass media are claiming a power and/or communication blackout can take place soon, is imminent, due to a G2 level solar storm.
Ionosphere heaters like the US Air Force built HAARP Alaska and Germany’s EISCAT were designed and developed to cause widespread electrical and communication blackouts in targeted areas. They were developed by various governments using defense research and development funding. They were built to be used for electronic warfare.
“If less than total black-out of transmission is desired (e.g., scrambling by phase shifting digital signals), the density of the plasma (Ne) need only be at least about 106 per cubic centimeter for a plasma orginating at an altitude of from about 250 to about 400 km and accordingly less energy (i.e., electromagnetic radiation), e.g., 108 joules need be provided. Likewise, if the density Ne is on the order of 108, a properly positioned plume will provide a reflecting surface for VHF waves and can be used to enhance, interfere with, or otherwise modify communication transmissions. It can be seen from the foregoing that by appropriate application of various aspects of this invention at strategic locations and with adequate power sources, a means and method is provided to cause interference with or even total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth.” BAE HAARP Alaska ionosphere heater patent US4686605A
Italy’s SOS ENATTOS – E.G.O. ELF Monitoring station is telling us an electronic warfare attack is being initiated.
Germany’s EISCAT transmits a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 50 Hz to heat up the ionosphere to form a plume in the ionosphere. 50 Hz is used to enable an electronic warfare attack at distances of up to 3000 km.
“In particular, the transmitted signal is set to a central frequency of 412.23 MHz, with the CW tone generated with an offset frequency of −2.145 MHz from the central one. Regarding the chirp, it is a down-chirp in the range between 410.43 MHz and 414.03 MHz, with a pulse repetition interval (PRI) of 20 ms and a pulse repetition frequency (PRF) of 50 Hz. This guarantees a slant-range measurement of objects at distances up to 3000 km.” MDPI
50Hz transmissions being recorded by Italy’s SOS ENATTOS – E.G.O. ELF Monitoring station is telling us Germany is the one initiating an electronic warfare attack.
The timing of the attack is suggesting the electronic warfare attack is attempting to disrupt the World’s banking system – “cause interference with or even total disruption of communications over a very large portion of the earth”.
The world’s banking system is vulnerable now due the orchestrated collapse of 2 banks – Silicon Valley Bank (USA) and Credit Swisse (Switzerland). The world’s banking system is more vulnerable to power and communication blackouts. $billions can be lost during a power and communication blackout. $billions can also be stolen during a power and communication blackout. Transfer $billions just prior to a widespread power and/or communication blackout and thereafter use the blackout to cover-up the theft of $billions.
Laurentian University’s radio wave transmissions chart (ELF – Electric Field) is showing us Canada and the USA is the target of the electronic warfare attack.
We know Laurentian University’s chart isn’t recording a solar flare.
Credit Suisse collapse linked to Germany and the World Economic Forum
All of the top news headlines are focusing on Credit Suisse being bought by UBS. None are focusing on who or what caused the rapid demise of Credit Suisse. To begin to fully understand what happened one must investigate what caused Credit Suisse account holders to withdraw $billions, which is what caused its collapse.
First off, Credit Suisse is known for its strict bank-client confidentiality and banking secrecy practices. It’s used by the most corrupt governments and people on the planet for evading taxation, for hiding the proceeds of major crimes, for funding illegal covert operations and acts of terrorism and for stashing bribery money. Corrupt governments and individuals use Credit Suisse Swiss numbered bank accounts. Germany used it throughout WWII and Germany has been using it since then.
Germany’s proxy, the World Economic Forum, holds all of its meetings in Switzerland because of the Credit Suisse and UBS Swiss numbered banks. Germany cannot obtain assistance and collaboration from corrupt foreign government officials for its illegal operations without them. No national government official is going to betray their own country and/or assist Germany and the WHO orchestrate and lead any illegal terrorism/bioterrorism operation, like the COVID-19 biological attack, without receiving a substantial bribe. Those corrupt national government officials can’t deposit the bribe money into their own bank account so Germany and the World Economic Forum opens up Swiss numbered accounts at Credit Suisse and/or UBS to facilitate the bribe.
Investigators already know that the Credit Suisse demise was caused by bank account holders withdrawing $billions from Credit Suisse beginning in 2022. That was reported by the mass media in late 2022.
“The bank also saw a sharp acceleration in withdrawals in the fourth quarter, with outflows of more than 110 billion Swiss francs”
Coincidentally, 2022 was year Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack ended. It stands to reason that Germany and the WHO’s COVID-19 biological attack collaborators would start to withdraw their bribe money from Credit Suisse in the fourth quarter of 2022 or first quarter of 2023.
To prove Germany and the World Economic Forum are linked to the demise of Credit Suisse investigators need to look into Credit Suisse’s numbered accounts. Particularly the accounts opened by Germany and the World Economic Forum in January and February of 2020. During or soon after the World Economic Forum met in Davos Switzerland in January 2020.
The WHO had reported that the COVID-19 epidemic in China was ending late January to early February 2020. COVID-19 was revived after Germany pledged 600 million euros during the World Economic Forum in January 2020 to: “obtain worldwide support for vaccinations” and to “urge World leaders to invest in vaccines”.
A full investigation is warranted. The Credit Suisse account holders caused its demise by withdrawing $billions from Credit Suisse since the fourth-quarter of 2022. It’s imperative investigators find and disclose who triggered the run on the bank. Prime suspect is Germany. Germany was banking on COVID-19 causing a stock market collapse. Germany’s intent to cause “STOCK MARKETS IN FREE FALL” was made know in its COVID-19 plandemic blueprint, “The 5C Health Emergency Simulation Exercise Package”.
Germany and the World Economic Forum’s “Great Reset” can’t come to fruition without a global banking crisis. No national leader can surrender their nation’s sovereignty to a World government under German control. To do so is treason. So Germany is banking on an orchestrated banking system collapse to force national governments to surrender their nation’s sovereignty to the Germany controlled UN. The German government already took measures to surrender it’s sovereignty to the UN.
Basic Law for the Federal Republic of Germany
Article 24
[Transfer of sovereign powers – System of collective security](1) The Federation may, by a law, transfer sovereign powers to international organisations.
NOTE: Days before Credit Suisse was bought by UBS for $3.25 billion Credit Suisse borrowed up to 50 billion Swiss Francs ($53.7 billion) from the Swiss National Bank. Where did the $53.7 billion loan money go?
Germany linked to Silicon Valley Bank collapse
Investigation would reveal run on deposits at Silicon Valley Bank originated from Germany. In essence, Germany caused the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank.
The collapse was initiated after Frankfurt Germany born venture capitalist, and political activist Peter Thiel advised startups to withdraw their money.
Peter Thiel’s Founders Fund had no money with Silicon Valley Bank as of Thursday morning as the bank descended into chaos. Founders Fund withdrew millions from SVB before the collapse.
“The venture capital group had been engaging in a “capital call” — where it asked investment partners to send funds to invest in a company — by transferring funds to its Silicon Valley Bank account. However, the funds didn’t immediately go through as expected.”
Peter Thiel and Germany are also linked to another failing bank. In 1993, Peter Thiel began working with Credit Suisse as a derivatives trader in currency options. He resigned in 1996 and moved to California.
“Credit Suisse, Switzerland’s second largest bank and one of the most influential banks in global history, was sold to UBS, which is Switzerland’s largest bank and a long-time rival. The deal was hurriedly brokered by Swiss government and regulators in a bid to not just contain the crisis of confidence in Credit Suisse, which reportedly faced withdrawals of close to $10 billion last week” reported March 20, 2023 by The Indian Express, India
Peter Thiel’s collaboration with Germany was initiated in September 2018. The purpose of the collaboration was stated in a press release:
BERLIN (Reuters) – Deposit Solutions, a German fintech firm backed by Silicon Valley investor Peter Thiel, is launching its savings portal in the United States as it seeks a slice of the $16 trillion market for deposits in the world’s biggest economy.
Silicon Valley Bank collapse beginning of Germany’s comprehensive bail-in cyberattack?
Germany informed us July 8, 2020 via its proxy, the World Economic Forum that they are planning and preparing a comprehensive cyberattack. The attack’s main target is the World’s banking system. Germany’s WWII money laundering bank, BIS, is initiating the cyberattack using Microsoft Windows’ backdoors and “zero-day” exploits. BIS is targeting the World’s banking system to facilitate Germany EU’s bail-in = theft of Canada, US, UK and World’s bank deposits/savings.
The collapse of the Silicon Valley Bank is just the beginning of Germany’s comprehensive cyberattack. It was reported that the Silicon Valley Bank collapsed after a run on deposits drove the Northern California institution into insolvency. The run on deposits was done remotely. The collapse was facilitated using remote banking – technology of banking services on the basis of the orders sent by the client remotely (i.e. without a visit to the bank), often with the use of computer and telephone networks.
There’s only one central bank in the World capable of initiating such a comprehensive cyberattack on the US, Canadian, UK, and the World’s banking system. That bank is Germany’s WWII money laundering bank, BIS. BIS is directly linked to the computers of all central banks. BIS has instantaneous access to data of the global “electronic” monetary system. BIS can trigger global banking system crashes remotely using Microsoft Windows’ backdoors and Microsoft OS security token client software. BIS is the bank that is being used to facilitate Germany EU’s bail-in/theft.
In 2016 Justin Trudeau made it possible for Germany and its bankrupt / insolvent EU to steal $billions from Canadian deposits. Mechanism buried in Justin Trudeau’s March 22, 2016 Budget under Chapter 8 in section titled “Introducing a Bank Recapitalization ‘Bail-in’ Regime.”
To protect Canadian taxpayers in the unlikely event of a large bank failure, the Government is proposing to implement a bail-in regime that would reinforce that bank shareholders and creditors are responsible for the bank’s risks—not taxpayers.
Budget 2016 – Chapter 8 – Tax Fairness and a Strong Financial Sector
When you deposit money into your bank savings or chequing account, you in effect are … a “creditor” to the bank since the bank now owes you that money.
How Bill Gates and Microsoft Windows are involved in Germany’s cyberattack on the World’s banking system
On February, 11 2021 the Federal Reserve announced that all Federal Reserve banks’ PC that are used to access FedLine Advantage must meet Microsoft Windows OS’ hardware and software requirements.
Based on the Microsoft OS that is currently in use (10 or 8.1), the PC being used to access FedLine Advantage must meet that OS’ hardware requirements. (Hardware Requirements: 10, 8.1) as well as an additional three (3) requirements. The PC in use must also have a USB 2.0 compliant port (Can you put a thumb drive in?), this is required due to the FedLine security token mentioned above comes as a USB device. The PC must also have an Ethernet network adapter and Microsoft Windows compatible printer.
There are five (5) software requirements that must be met regardless of whether Microsoft Windows 10 or 8.1 is in use. First, (1) Adobe Acrobat or Adobe Reader 10.0 or higher must be installed. An (2) Anti-virus software and (3) personal firewall software should also be in place. As a refresher this refers to a firewall for the local computer only rather than the entire network. And finally (4) Federal Reserve Bank-supplied FedLine Advantage Connection Utility software and (5) Federal Reserve Bank-supplied USB token hardware and token client software.
Fedline Network Requirements:
In addition to these requirements, specific network access requirements also exist for FedLine Advantage users. Transmission Control Protocol (TCP)/Internet Protocol (IP) communications protocol utilizing port 80 (World Wide Web HTTP) and port 443 (HTTP protocol over Transport Layer Security/Secure Sockets Layer) (Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic).
The last requirement “Make sure your network administrator makes these ports available for network traffic” will make it possible for BIS to remotely access/attack all Federal Reserve Banks’ computers. Making ports available for network traffic allows BIS to initiate a comprehensive run on deposits of any central bank in the US and the World.
The cyber equivalent of COVID-19 would be a self-propagating attack using one or more “zero-day” exploits, techniques for which patches and specific antivirus software signatures are not yet available. Most likely, it would attack all devices running a single, common (Microsoft Windows) operating system or application.
BBC video provides infallible proof that Elizabeth II forfeited the throne on June 2, 1953 and according to UK law Elizabeth II was dead – was never the Queen of the UK or Canada
Catholics are officially termed as being “naturally dead and deemed to be dead” in terms of succession. This distinction was first legislated in the Bill of Rights 1689. … “the Act of Settlement deems somebody who has been a Catholic for a minute to be ‘dead’ in terms of the succession, and it passes over them ‘as if they were dead’. It is an absolute. If at any moment in their whole life they were in communion with Rome, they are excluded from the throne, deemed to be dead.
According to UK law, Elizabeth II was deemed to be dead on June 2, 1953. On that day she unlawfully professed the Popish Religion and became a defender of the Catholic faith.
The UK’s Act of Settlement (law) states:
“And it was thereby further enacted That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance And that the said Crown and Government shall from time to time descend to and be enjoyed by such Person or Persons being Protestants as should have inherited and enjoyed the same in case the said Person or Persons so reconciled holding Communion professing as aforesaid were naturally dead”
There is documented proof that Elizabeth II did publicly profess the Popish Religion on June 2, 1953. A screenshot of a transcript of the coronation and the BBC video (full-length BBC video of coronation beginning at timestamp 55:00) are material evidence that recorded that during her coronation Elizabeth II professed:
”And I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church”
Furthermore, her coronation ring is prima facie evidence that she is a Catholic. The June 2, 1953 coronation transcript and the above BBC video recorded the Archbishop of Canterbury informing Elizabeth II that the ring she received and wore symbolized the seal of the Popish Religion (timestamp 1:27:00):
Receive the Ring of kingly dignity,
and the seal of Catholic Faith
Because she professed the Popish Religion on June 2, 1953 Elizabeth II was “made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto”. That means Elizabeth II was never the Queen of the UK or Canada. Elizabeth II was deemed to be ‘dead’ in terms of the succession the moment she professed the Popish Religion and Received the Ring of kingly dignity, and the seal of Catholic Faith on June 2, 1953.
Furthermore, there hasn’t been a legitimate UK or Canadian monarchy since 1919.
Government document provides compelling evidence that Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser violated the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act
Two days before Justin Trudeau attended Barry and Honey Sherman’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser Apotex registered to lobby the Government of Canada. The date of Apotex registering to lobby the Government of Canada was during the ongoing 2015 federal election campaign. Apotex registering to lobby the Government of Canada during an election campaign and 2 days before Apotex’s head hosted an election campaign fundraiser for election candidate Justin Trudeau informs Canadians that Apotex was seeking to influence Justin Trudeau in the performance of his duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if he were to be elected.
The Government of Canada’s “Registry of Lobbyists” report confirms that on August 24, 2015 Apotex registered to lobby the Trudeau government.
Stated purpose of registering to lobby the Government of Canada:
The lobbyist has arranged or expects to arrange one or more meetings on behalf of the client between a public office holder and any other person in the course of this undertaking.
Subject Matter Details
Policies or Program
- Arranging meetings with regards to building better bridges of communication between Apotex and government officials. Discuss Apotex contributions to innovation and research and development. Discuss Apotex contributions to the Health Care sector.
- Legislation relating to patented medicines — Patented Medicines (Notice of Compliance) Regulations — provisional nature of judicial determinations of proceedings brought by first persons; inadequacy of section 8 damages.
The “Registry of Lobbyists” information provides compelling evidence that Justin Trudeau attending Barry and Honey Sherman’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser violated the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act – Accepting a prohibited gift or other advantage.
477.9 (1) No candidate shall accept any gift or other advantage that might reasonably be seen to have been given to influence them in the performance of their duties and functions as a member of the House of Commons if the candidate were to be elected, during the period that
(a) begins on the day on which they are deemed to have become a candidate; and
gift or other advantage means
(a) an amount of money if there is no obligation to repay it; and
(b) a service or property, or the use of property or money, that is provided without charge or at less than its commercial value.
Corrupt practice
(2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who
(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);
Consequences of illegal, corrupt practices
(3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is an illegal practice or a corrupt practice under this Act shall, in addition to any other punishment for that offence prescribed by this Act, in the case of an illegal practice, during the next five years or, in the case of a corrupt practice, during the next seven years, after the date of their being so convicted, not be entitled to
(a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons; or
Apotex registered to lobby the Government of Canada 3 days after Barry Sherman reported that he had meet privately with 2015 federal election campaign candidate Justin Trudeau. The private meeting between Justin Trudeau and Barry Sherman (Apotex) was made public a few days before Barry Sherman hosted Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 fundraiser.
“Serman said he spent an hour with Trudeau last week, discussing various issues” The Canadian Jewish News (CJN), August 21, 2015
Barry Sherman meeting and “discussing various issues” with 2015 election campaign candidate Justin Trudeau before the Aug 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser and Apotex registering to lobby the incoming Government of Canada 2 days before the Aug 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser meant Justin Trudeau violated the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act – accepting prohibited gift or other advantage. Justin Trudeau violated both the Lobbying Act and the Canada Elections Act because the meeting before the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser provided an opportunity to further the private interests of 2015 election candidate Justin Trudeau & registered lobbyist Barry Sherman (Apotex).
“There is basis to conclude that the private interests of (REDACTED) were advanced to a high degree, and that a sense of obligation was created by Mr. Sherman’s contribution to the 2015 election campaigns,” wrote McIntosh, in a recommendation to open a full investigation into the case.
“There is basis to conclude that Mr. Sherman is in breach of … the Lobbyists’ Code of Conduct as a consequence of his involvement in the organization of a fundraising event for the (Liberal Party),” McIntosh wrote on Jan. 18, 2017.
Lobbying Commissioner Karen Shepherd checked the box, “I agree,” the same day.
The Government of Canada document also provides the primary motive for the targeted murders of Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraisers Barry and Honey Sherman.
Canada Elections Act
Corrupt practice
(2) Every person is guilty of an offence that is a corrupt practice who
(h.01) being a candidate, knowingly contravenes subsection 477.9(1) (accepting prohibited gift or other advantage);
Consequences of illegal, corrupt practices
(3) Any person who is convicted of having committed an offence that is an illegal practice or a corrupt practice under this Act shall, … not be entitled to
(a) be elected to or sit in the House of Commons
“Despite the available penalties under the current act, no one has ever been charged, or convicted of an offence under the Lobbying Act” Lobbying Commissioner Karen Shepherd @ ETHI Committee Meeting
Barry Sherman faced no severe punitive measures for hosting Justin Trudeau’s August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser. Lobbyist Barry Sherman (Apotex) had a right to communicate with elected government officials. However, Justin Trudeau faced severe punitive measures because of the RCMP investigation of the August 26, 2015 election campaign fundraiser. A conviction for accepting the prohibited gift or other advantage meant Justin Trudeau would have forfeited/lost his job. Justin Trudeau wouldn’t be Prime Minister of Canada today or throughout COVID-19. German collaborator Chrystia Freeland wouldn’t be Deputy Prime Minister or the Finance Minister either.