Technology exists that could have prevented hurricane Fiona from making landfall in Nova Scotia

Scientists know how to weaken & steer a hurricane. This technology can be used to prevent any hurricane from making landfall. However, it can also cause a hurricane like Fiona to make an “unusual left hook” and slam into Nova Scotia Canada.

Tracking for the storm released by the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) showed that, once it passed the 40th parallel north, its trajectory appears to veer slightly left, taking it straight to Nova Scotia.

What caused hurricane Fiona to change course?

The UKs Telegraph reported from Washington DC in 2007 on how to steer a hurricane using aircrafts:

“With small changes (in temperature) to this side or that side of the hurricane we can nudge it & change its track (steer it)” MIT Moshe Alamaro

Then in 2010 NASA intensified Tropical Depression Earl into a Category 4 hurricane and steered (altered its path) Hurricane Earl for 11 days in Project GRIP (Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes).

In August 2010 NASA (founded by Germany’s WWII SS officer Sturmbannführer (major) Wernher von Braun) initiated Project GRIP (Genesis and Rapid Intensification Processes) – NASA’s quest for the holy grail of hurricane research.

Project GRIP discovered the exact conditions required to kickstart a tropical depression into a hurricane.  Scientists already knew how hurricanes develop and how to steer them but NASA wanted to perfect the processes that intensifies depressions to form into very intense, spinning storms of mass destruction.  NASA was creating a weather modification weapon of mass destruction.

“Hurricane formation and intensification is really the ‘holy grail’ of this field,” Ed Zipser, one of three program scientists helping to lead the GRIP Project.

“We want to see storms that become hurricanes, and we want to see some that don’t become hurricanes, so we can compare the data. The same is true for hurricane intensification.” ~ GRIP Project Manager Marilyn Vasques

NASA used various weather modifying technology to develop, intensify and steer a hurricane. The available technology included a powerful microwave radiometer and a NASA designed and built lidar (laser radar). Globalhawks were used to heat the top edge of a hurricane – to weaken a hurricane and steer them.

One method that could have been used to halt hurricane Fiona has been used and is still being used by the US state of Texas – cloud seeding, a.k.a. chemtrails. The 2007 Telegraph article was a report on cloud seeding being used to steer hurricanes. The article’s image states “How to halt a hurricane”. The aircrafts in that image are seeding a hurricane.

The Texas Department of Licensing and Regulation’s website unabashedly states their involvement in Cloud Seeding. Texas not only regulates Texas’s cloud seeding/Chemtrail program they are providing state funding for it.

“With more substantive evidence that cloud seeding could invigorate convective clouds—promoting their growth and capacity to produce rainwater—a coordinated, State-funded program began in earnest in the latter half of the 1990s. Today, with drought a pending, if not ever-present, threat to the economy and well-being of Texans, rain enhancement projects flourish within large areas of Northwest, West, and South Texas. In fact, the seven cloud seeding projects today cover about 31 million acres (or about one-sixth of the land area of the state). When a severe drought was a greater threat at the end of the previous century, as many as 51 million acres were included in cloud seeding “target” areas in the state.” Texas Department of Lcensing & Regulation

Hurricane Fiona’s sudden turn left towards East Coast indicates it is being steered by an ionosphere heater

Hurricane Fiona’s sudden turn left towards the East Coast indicates that the hurricane is being steered by an ionosphere heater. Monitoring the North Atlantic water and air temperatures will prove it is. Sudden rise in temperatures ahead of the hurricane provides evidence that the North Atlantic ocean’s air and water is being heated to steer it towards Canada’s Maritime provinces.

North Atlantic water and air temperatures can be monitored using the “Nova Scotia, Canada Area Waters Live Buoy Observations“. Screenshot above was taken September 23, 2022 at 14:00 hours Atlantic time.

Buoy for Halifax harbor recorded air temperature 57.6 °F, water temperature 63°F and wind speed of 11 mph NNW at 13:00 hours, September 23, 2020.

44258 Halifax Harbor 1300 57.6 63.0 NNW Wind from NNW 11 16 29.53 -0.01 5.6 8

Hurricanes need warm water — at temperatures of at least (minimal) 80 degrees F. Hurricanes take in the heat from warm waters, which gives them power. This time of the year the North Atlantic doesn’t have warm water to fuel a hurricane. The Buoy for Halifax harbor confirms that the recorded water temperature is currently 63°F, not 80°F that is needed to fuel a hurricane. 63°F water temperature is internationally recognized as cold water. Cruise ships, merchant ships and navy vessels crew members know that it is.

There are 4 main ionosphere heaters currently being used by various governments to cause climate change. HAARP (USA), EISCAT (GERMANY), SURA (RUSSIA) AND WEM (CHINA) all have the capability to cause climate change. All 4 ionosphere heaters can steer a hurricane by heating the water and air in front of a hurricane. The US Air Force’s X-37B is an orbital ionosphere heater.

Data from the ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY in Sicily shows us that the ionosphere heater being used is Germany’s EISCAT 3D ionosphere heater.

EISCAT 3D uses a different frequency than most other ionosphere heaters. EISCAT 3D’s July 2022 study report informs us EISCAT 3D uses the “high-rate (50 Hz) amplitude”.

2.3 Scintillation data

GPS scintillation data are obtained from the CHAIN (Canadian High Arctic Ionospheric Network) receiver at Resolute Bay (Jayachandran et al., 2009). For this study, we are using the high-rate (50 Hz) amplitude and phase data from the L1 (1575.420 MHz) signal

ETNA RADIO OBSERVATORY data clearly shows that EISCAT 3D is transmitting 50 Hz.

North Atlantic Ocean air and water temperatures update 17:00 hours ETD – Halifax Harbor buoy recorded air temperature of 55.4°F, water temperature 62.6℉. Too cold to fuel any hurricane. Again, hurricanes need at least (minimal) 80℉ water temperature to stay active.

German chancellor Olaf Scholz personally involved in terror financing in Africa

German chancellor Olaf Scholz is personally involved in terror financing in Africa. When he was Germany’s finance minister his office was raided September 9, 2021 because of it. The raid was part of an investigation into the Financial Intelligence Unit, an agency of the finance ministry under then Social Democrat chancellor candidate Olaf Scholz. German prosecutors were investigating millions of euros of suspect transactions to Africa, between 2018 and 2020.

The investigation of Olaf Scholz’s FIU is looking at whether the agency was told to ignore warnings of suspicious payments to Africa. German prosecutors said the investigation was triggered by a report from a Osnabrück (Olaf Scholz’s birthplace) bank to the anti-money laundering agency in June 2018.

The Osnabrück bank cited payments totaling more than €1 million ($1.18 million), which it suspected had to do with weapons and drugs trade and terror financing.

A 2017 report titled “German Arms Export and Child Soldiers” confirmed that the German government is involved in terrorists arming and financing. The cover photo shows a African child soldier carrying a German G3 rifle. Screenshot from the 2017 report:

What motives does the Germany government have to finance terrorists?

  1. financing and arming jihadists in Niger gave the German government an excuse to keep German troops stationed there. Actually deployed more German troops to allegedly help the Niger government fight the Germany backed jihadists.
  2. all German World Wars need fuel to fuel its war machines. Olavf Scholz began to finance the jihadists in oil and gas rich Africa to prepare for the Ukraine Russia war his government provoked by attempting to obtain nuclear weapons grade PU-239 from Ukraine’s Chernobyl nuclear power plant. Olaf Scholz seized control of the African oil and gas by terrorist arming and financing.
  3. states have used terrorism to further their own and the UNs agendas. Stated sponsored terrorist attacks are known as false flags. Germany will no doubt sponsor future terrorist/false flag attacks to further Germany’s UNO agenda – form a World government under German control.

Terrorism has always been state sponsored terrorism. Germany is the root cause of modern day terrorism. The CIA and MI6 were formed using Nazi Germany Gestapo war criminals for that purpose. The CIA and MI6 have both conducted state sponsored terrorism since WWII with the aid and collaboration of Germany and NATO.  The clandestine NATO paramilitary network of terrorists were code-named “Operation Gladio”. NATO Gladio terrorism Ops in Italy was disclosed in 1990 by the Italian Prime Minister Giulio Andreotti in a speech to his nation’s Senate. Since then, European officials have described similar NATO Gladio terrorism operations in most of the other NATO countries.

The 2017 BITS report titled “German Arms Export and Child Soldiers” also confirms that Angela Merkel’s German government armed and financed terrorists in Africa too. Three months after the start of the Saudi Arabia lead Operation Decisive Storm targeting Houthi rebels in Yemen, her German government officially asked Saudi Arabia about supplying German weapons to a third party.

NATO officially became part of Germany’s Fourth Reich EU with the Ukraine Russia war

Throughout Donald Trump’s presidency Germany had repeatedly stated that NATO is part of Germany’s Fourth Reich EU. Germany boasted that NATO was the signature pillar on which Germany’s current peace and prosperity are founded.

Without NATO Germany would not have been able to reoccupy Europe via the European Union. For that reason Germany sponsored the overthrow of US President Donald Trump. Germany’s Foreign Minister Heiko Maas called Germany’s coup against POTUS Donald Trump the “America strategy”. Maas knew Germany’s coup against the President of the United States needed foreign government allies so Germany formed and lead an “alliance of multilateralists”. One of first foreign government officials to join Germany’s coup against the President of the United States was Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister and German collaborator Chrystia Freeland.

April 16, 2019 CBC, Global and National news headlines – Canada’s Foreign Affairs Minister Chrystia Freeland …

has formally joined a German coalition aimed at saving the international world order from destruction by various world dictators — and the alliance does not include the United States.

The initiative is part of ongoing (German) government efforts to shore up international co-operation at a time of waning American leadership and President Donald Trump’s outspoken disdain of institutions created after the Second World War.

The one institution created after the Second World War that Germany was afraid of losing was NATO. Germany needed/needs NATO to wage its wars. Germany is prohibited by post WWII treaties from forming a very large military force of its own. Germany needs NATO to form and enforce Germany’s WWII envisioned Neuordnung (New Order) – a World government under German control.

The Germany provoked war between Ukraine and Russia has, for all intents and purposes, officially made NATO Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS. The sole purpose of Germany instigating the Ukraine Russia war was to force NATO states to wage Germany’s WWIII military campaign as Germany’s multinational Waffen SS forces.

According to UK law, there never was a Queen of/in Canada

According to UK law Elizabeth II wasn’t Queen of/in Canada. She never was. UK Act of Settlement (law) states:

That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance

On June 2, 1953, during her coronation Elizabeth II was “made for ever incapable to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm” because she “professe the Popish Religion“.

Profess means to affirm one’s faith in or allegiance to (a religion or set of beliefs).

The transcript of the coronation provides material evidence that Elizabeth II professed the Popish Religion, and according to UK law, Elizabeth II wasn’t Queen of/in Canada. Because Elizabeth II violated the law during her coronation every Canadian including every MP, MLA, RCMP, CAF officer and every adjudicator, barrister and solicitor “are thereby absolved of their Allegiance”.

Transcript of Elizabeth II‘s coronation states:

And I believe in the Holy Ghost,
The Lord and giver of life,
Who proceedeth from the Father and the Son,
Who with the Father and the Son together
is worshipped and glorified,
Who spake by the Prophets.
And I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Publicly affirming “And I believe one Catholic and Apostolic Church” means Elizabeth II “professe the Popish Religion”.

Furthermore, her ring is prima facie evidence that she is a Catholic – the Popish Religion. The Ring represents “the seal of Catholic Faith“.

Catholics are for ever prohibited by law from “inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same”

June 2, 1953 coronation transcript states:

Then the Keeper of the Jewel House shall deliver to the Archbishop the Queen’s Ring, wherein is set a sapphire and upon it a ruby cross: the Archbishop shall put it on the fourth finger of her Majesty’s right hand, and say:

Receive the Ring of kingly dignity,
and the seal of Catholic Faith:
and as you are this day
consecrated to be our Head and Prince,
so may you continue stedfastly
as the Defender of Christ’s Religion;
that being rich in faith
and blessed in all good works,
you may reign with him who is the King of Kings,
to whom be the glory for ever and ever. Amen.

The Act of Settlement, provides irrefutable proof that there was no Queen Elizabeth II of/in Canada. There never was.

The UK’s Act of Settlement (law) also made Elizabeth II’s grandsons, William and Harry, forever incapable to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm. Both were married in a Catholic Church. The Declaration of Assent states:

“The Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It professes the faith


Kraut Charles III’s first act regarding Canada will be to reimpose arbitrary rule and martial law in Canada

Kraut Charles III’s first act regarding Canada will be to reimpose arbitrary rule and martial law in and over Canada. Why? Canada doesn’t have a democracy because arbitrary rule and martial law is imposed in Canada by a German (Kraut) monarchy that was forever abolished in 1919. Each successive illegitimate German monarchy has obtained arbitrary rule in and over Canada with the Letters Patent Constituting the Office of the Governor General of Canada.

Letters Patent Constituting the Office of the Governor General of Canada is arbitrary rule obtained by color of law and color of authority. Color of law and color of authority are defined as abuse of power. Power is often said to be arbitrary when it can be exercised according to the ‘will or pleasure’ of the person or group holding that power. Letters Patent Constituting the Office of the Governor General states:

“And We do declare Our Will and pleasure”.

The Governor General is appointed, not elected, “Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada” . Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada is a military title.

Arbitrary rule and martial law is established in Canada with the Letters Patent stating:

And We do declare Our Will and pleasure as follows:

I. We do hereby constitute, order, and declare that there shall be a Governor General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada, and appointments to the Office of Governor General and Commander-in-Chief in and over Canada shall be made by Commission under Our Great Seal of Canada.

How can Canada be a democracy when the leader of Canada, Canada’s Parliament and Canada’s Armed Forces and the RCMP “paramilitary” force is appointed, not elected.  Canadian elections are held to conceal the historical and political fact that all Letters Patent Constituting the Office of Governor General of Canada effectively imposes arbitrary rule and martial law in Canada.  A democracy cannot exist when an unelected Governor General (a general is a military rank) is appointed head of state & commander-in-chief in and over Canada.

A foreign power (1919 abolished German ruler of the UK) effectively overthrows the dully elected and Constitutionally established Government of Canada by appointing an “unelected” high ranking “military officer”, a General, as de facto head of the Government of Canada and Commander-in-chief of all military forces in Canada.

How can Canada become a truly sovereign and independent state? By Parliament of Canada legally cutting all ties to the UK’s House of Windsor (alias assumed in 1917 by the UK’s WWI abolished German Saxe-Coburg & Gotha monarchy) or we become a republic and dismantle the Crown.

” … when the Canadian constitution was patriated Canada became a fully sovereign and independent state. While the 1982 patriation ended Canada’s legal ties to Great Britain, the expanded Canadian constitution retained the Crown as the concept of the Canadian state and as ultimate source of sovereign authority in Canada. This fully independent Canadian state could not have the British Crown as the source of its sovereign authority. Nor could it be a shared Crown. The only way Canada could be completely sovereign and independent was to decouple the Canadian Crown from its British counterpart.”

“the Crown is an inherently British entity and Canada cannot claim to be an independent state until our ties to the House of Windsor are cut or we become a republic. … Canada would effectively cease to be a constitutional monarchy if the United Kingdom decided to become a republic. The concept that underlies Canada’s entire system of government, the Crown, could be dismantled by another country.” Maclean’s, 3 February 2013 article ” The Queen of Canada is dead; long live the British Queen”

Advocating abolition of the monarchy is explicitly permitted.


CITATION: McAteer v. Canada (Attorney General), 2014 ONCA 578

DATE: 20140813

DOCKET: C57775

“[N]ot only is advocating abolition of the monarchy explicitly permitted, Committee for the Commonwealth of Canada, supra, but the prospect of separation from the United Kingdom and secession of a province both form the subject of legitimate legal discourse. Reference re Resolution to Amend the Constitution (“Patriation Reference”), [1981] 1 S.C.R. 753; Reference re Secession of Québec, [1988] 2 S.C.R. 217. Moreover, a political party dedicated to constitutional fracture can form Her Majesty’s Loyal Opposition in Canada’s Parliament. David E. Smith, Across the Aisle: Opposition in Canadian Politics (Toronto: University of Toronto Press, 2013) at 85-86.” Ontario Court DOCKET: C57775

William, He is his father’s son

Under the law of the United Kingdom, high treason is the crime of disloyalty to the Crown. Offences constituting high treason include plotting the murder of the sovereign; committing adultery with the sovereign’s consort, with the sovereign’s eldest unmarried daughter, or with the wife of the heir to the throne.

High treason is why Elizabeth II had Princess Diana killed in a staged car accident. Diana was about to reveal that Prince Philip is William’s biological father. Charles couldn’t father a child because of generations of inbreeding/incest.

Elizabeth II married her third cousin Prince Philip. George VI married is 13th cousin. George V married his second cousin, German Princess Mary of Teck. King Edward VII and Queen Alexandra were 3rd cousins. Queen Victoria married her first cousin, German Prince Albert of Saxe-Coburg and Gotha, in 1840. Inbreeding can cause detrimental recessive alleles to become paired, causing lethality or infertility.

DNA, paternity test will prove Philip is William’s biological father. These pictures don’t lie. He is his father’s son. When you say, “He is his father’s son,” similarly you mean he’s a chip off the old block, he’s just like his dad in the ways that count.

Younger Prince Philip on the left. Prince William on the right.

If adultery with the sovereign’s consort or with the wife of the heir to the throne is high treason what does the UK law say about their offspring, Prince William? How can William be the heir apparent when he was born as the result of an act of high treason.

Furthermore, …

The Act of Settlement prohibits Prince William from becoming King

On Friday 29 April 2011 Prince William of Wales and Miss Catherine Middleton were married in Westminster Abbey. The UK’s Act of Settlement (law) made William, forever incapable to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm because William was married in a Catholic Church.

The Westminster Abbey Declaration of Assent states:

“The Church of England is part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church, worshipping the one true God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. It professes the faith

Catholic Church Nicene Creed:

“We believe in one holy catholic and apostolic Church.”

UK Act of Settlement (law) states:

That all and every Person and Persons that then were or afterwards should be reconciled to or shall hold Communion with the See or Church of Rome or should professe the Popish Religion should be excluded and are by that Act made for ever [incapable] to inherit possess or enjoy the Crown and Government of this Realm and Ireland and the Dominions thereunto belonging or any part of the same or to have use or exercise any regall Power Authority or Jurisdiction within the same And in all and every such Case and Cases the People of these Realms shall be and are thereby absolved of their Allegiance

Communion at the Inauguration of the Tenth General Synod of the Church of England at Westminster Abbey on Tuesday 24th November 2015. Elizabeth II in attendance:

Patent provides compelling evidence that ionosphere heaters are the root cause of global warming

Climate change has always been about making money for the Germany EU

European Parliament report, “Green Money: Reclaiming Quantitative Easing” informed the World what’s the Paris Agreement, Climate Action, Climate Change and carbon tax are all about. The report’s subtitle makes their intent perfectly clear -“Money Creation for the Common Good”

The initiatives were all formed as a direct result of the European Parliament report, “Green Money: Reclaiming Quantitative Easing”. Initiatives were made to save the insolvent Germany EU. The report states that the EU is the sole beneficiary of these money making schemes. All are being used to obtain $billions for the Germany EU under false pretenses. EU Parliament report states:

Europe’s economies have still not recovered from the 2008 financial crash. Austerity policies have failed to secure prosperity and employment opportunities, despite some success in calming the finance sector.

However both the EU and member state governments
have generally proved very reluctant to use significant
government spending on public services, infrastructure,
or welfare benefits as a way out of the crisis. Amongst
the consequences, we still see disastrously high rates of
unemployment in many EU countries, with figures for
Spain and Greece around 25%.

Looked at a different way, this continuing economic crisis could also be seen as an opportunity. The immediate need for economic revival should be put together with the more long-term need to restructure economies to fit them for what has been called “the great transition” – the historic shift from carbon-intensive and resource-intensive industrial production to smarter and greener ways of working and living. …

Proposal 3: The green QE programme operated by the EIB should be funded through the creation of new money by the ECB, together with the central banks of EU states outside the Eurozone.

Perhaps the most politically sensitive question about green QE is where the money would come from. This is in some ways a strange topic, because currently most money is created by banks, which do so without any direct political control over that activity, with their own profit-making objectives in mind rather than any obligation to serve society as a whole. A change in this situation, establishing public control over money creation, would of course not abolish the need to be wary about adding to inflation through creating additional money on an excessive scale: the power to create money has to be used responsibly. This raises some general and larger questions about debt, credit, and the creation of money, which will not be pursued here, although they have become increasingly controversial and relevant following the 2008 financial crash. …

The obvious principal body for the purpose of creating the money necessary for green QE is the European Central Bank, working alongside the central banks of the EU member states outside the Eurozone (which include those of the UK, Sweden, and Poland).

… Green QE is a practical plan to tackle both finance and the global environment together. Doing so would create a more stable, secure and prosperous Europe.