The majority of Canadians have yet to realize that the Income Tax Act was illegally imposed by Kraut George VI to assist his German cousins, Canada’s WWII enemy, rebuild Nazi Germany post WWII.

Majority of Canadians don’t know that the Income Tax Act was illegally imposed when the Government of Canada was officially prorogued. The Governor General refused to be a part of the illegal act so Kraut George VI had the deputy Governor General stand in for him and give Royal Assent on the day that the Government of Canada was officially prorogued.
The UK’s illegitimate German monarchy (illegitimate because the UK’s German monarchy and all German monarchies were abolished in 1919), Kraut George VI, assisted Germany rebuild and gain financial control of Europe after WWII by enacting the Income Tax Act while Parliament was prorogued. The income tax dollars that were unlawfully obtained from Canadians were funneled to Germany.
Income tax dollars were unlawfully obtained because the Income Tax Act (1948) never legally received Royal Assent. Bills/Acts which have not received Royal Assent “before prorogation” are “entirely terminated”, dies.
Screenshot of Canada’s House of Commons website states:
Parliament was prorogued on June 30, 1948. Technically, and legally the Income Tax Act bill died and could not receive Royal Assent on June 30, 1948.
“Bills which have not received Royal Assent before prorogation are entirely terminated”.
That means there was/is no “law” to tax Canadians?
The Governor General refused to be a part of the illegal act.
“The deputy of the governor general will be acting for His Excellency in proroguing parliament, and it is desirable that due notice should be given to him as to the time to be present.” …
I should like to congratulate hon. members upon the way they have expedited the business of the house so as to make possible prorogation by June 30.” PM Mackenzie King
Prime Minister William Lyon Mackenzie King is quoted saying that most MPs had already left Parliament because Canada’s Parliament was prorogued on June 30, 1948.
Why Kraut George VI illegally imposed the Income Tax Act
On the orders of the day: Mr. JOHN T. HACKETT (Stanstead) : Mr. Speaker, I should like to ask the Prime Minister whether any request has come from the government of the United Kingdom for assistance in flying in supplies to overcome the Berlin blockade?
Overcoming the Berlin blockade was the sole reason for Kraut George VI imposing the Income Tax Act. Canada wasn’t the beneficiary of the new source of government funding. Canada’s WWI and WWII enemy was.
The Income Tax Act was illegally enacted to provide much needed funding for Canada’s WWII enemy. Kraut George VI rushed the Act through Parliament when it was prorogued because of the ongoing “Berlin blockade”.
We know that the Berlin blockade was being addressed by Kraut George VI when the Income Tax Act was illegally enacted. The day Parliament was prorogued a MP asked the Prime Minister:
whether any request has come from the government of the United Kingdom for assistance in flying in supplies to overcome the Berlin blockade
At the time Kraut George VI was the unlawful head of the UK government. Unlawful because his German Saxe-Coburg and Gotha monarchy and all German monarchies were forever abolished in 1919. In 1919 the UK’s monarchy was German. It’s been German since Queen Anne died in 1714.
The assistance Kraut George VI wanted from the Canadian government to overcome the Berlin blockade was financial assistance. He obtained it by illegally imposing the Income Tax Act.
Kraut George VI illegally imposed the Income Tax Act because in 1944 the US, British and Canadian government all agreed to no help Germany rebuild. President Roosevelt, Prime Minister Churchill and Prime Minister Mackenzie King all agreed that Germany would still pose a significant threat post WWII. That …
An economically powerful Germany constitutes a military threat to world security