Material evidence shows that SARS-CoV-2 was computer generated

The CDC and the WHO would have you believe that SARS-CoV-2 exists yet they offer you no real evidence to support their claim. What they’ve shown you are computer generated images (CGI) and a computer generated genome they call SARS-CoV-2.

The CDC and the WHO want the world population to be ignorant of the fact that the technology exists to manufacture a novel coronavirus using computers.

X-ray crystallography and electron microscopy are two ways that researchers use to produce CGI images of viruses such as SARS-CoV-2, HIV-1, MERS-CoV, and influenza.

Using a scanning electron microscope (SEM), researchers take as many as a million images of a virus. Then, maybe the best 100,000 of those are assembled to produce a composite image.

“There’s a lot of math behind that as well to actually align those pictures, one on top of the other, and that’s how you can get these high-resolution images now,” Dr. Gordon Joyce, an employee of the Henry M. Jackson Foundation for the Advancement of Military Medicine

It’s important to note that SEM produce only grey-scaled images. Colors are added using imaging software to produce the CDC and the WHO’s CGI images of SARS-CoV-2, HIV-1, MERS-CoV, and influenza.

Researchers typically select the colors they think are most suited to illustrate a virus.

The CDC’s image of SARS-CoV-2, used by news media around the world, was created by Alissa Eckert, a medical illustrator at the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), along with her colleague Dan Higgins.

It is not a real photograph of the coronavirus. “The image was originally designed with the public in mind,” Alissa Eckert

The first image the CDC and the WHO used to illustrate SARS-CoV-2 was an image of the infectious bronchitis virus.

In February 2020 evidence was provided to support the assertion that SARS-CoV-2 genome was computer generated too. The report provides ample evidence that researchers working for the WHO and Germany could produce artificial genomes – a novel coronavirus called SARS-CoV-2.

Computer-generated genomes

“In his research, Beat Christen, Professor of Experimental Systems Biology and researchers in the Christen Lab, ETH Zurich in Zurich, Switzerland use a digital genome design algorithm in conjunction with large-scale chemical DNA synthesis to physically produce artificial genomes … While a living cell does not yet exist, gene functions have been tested across the entire genome design. In these experiments, researchers found out that approximately 580 of the 680 artificial genes were functional demonstrating the promise of the approach to produce designer genomes.”

The WHO website provided material evidence that the Wuhan China outbreak was a WHO Simulation Exercise (SimEx) the WHO conducted December 5, 2019.

In order for the WHO to claim that SARS-CoV-2 was a pandemic the WHO conducted 21 coronavirus simulation exercises throughout Asia, Africa and Europe in 2020. The WHO used “fake press articles, face to face through actors, audio/visual material including video clips” to make the COVID-19 simulation exercises look real.
