ALERT – NATO planning NATO Gladio terrorist attacks in Italy in retaliation against Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni for not backing NATO strikes in Russia

Italian Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni defied NATO by refusing to back NATO’s plans for strikes inside Russia. The Italian PM has refused to join NATO in illegal attacks inside Russia. Meloni knows that the EU is Germany’s Fourth Reich. Meloni knows that NATO is Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS. The war in Ukraine was provoked by Germany to force NATO member states to wage Germany’s third world war against Russia.

It is illegal for NATO to lead military operations against Russia. Ukraine isn’t a NATO member, nor is it part of Germany’s Fourth Reich EU.

It is also illegal for Germany to supply weapons to Ukraine and to lead any NATO military operation against or in Russia. Such acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence.

Treaty on the Final Settlement with Respect to Germany

September 12, 1990


The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic reaffirm their declarations that only peace will emanate from German soil. According to the constitution of the united Germany, acts tending to and undertaken with the intent to disturb the peaceful relations between nations, especially to prepare for aggressive war, are unconstitutional and a punishable offence. The Governments of the Federal Republic of Germany and the German Democratic Republic declare that the united Germany will never employ any of its weapons except in accordance with its constitution and the Charter of the United Nations.

Russia didn’t attack any NATO state. Russia invaded Germany’s WWII ally because the neo-Nazi Ukraine government was conspiring with Germany to make nuclear weapons for Germany using the nuclear weapons grade PU-239 that was stored at Chernobyl.

If NATO (Waffen SS) forces launch attacks inside Russia they become the belligerent and thereafter Russia will be legally justified in launching missile strikes against NATO leaders and the NATO headquarters as well as Berlin Germany. Everybody in the intelligence community knows that after the reunification of Germany NATO quietly and secretly became Germany’s new Nazi Waffen SS.

MUNSTER, GERMANY – OCTOBER 10: The Flags of Germany, the European Union and the NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) hang during a military exercise near Munster, Germany.

Time and again the German government has publicly declared that NATO serves Germany. That NATO is the “signature pillar of Germany’s peace and prosperity.” former German Chancellor Angela Merkel

Nazi Swastika is embedded in the NATO symbol. The NATO flag and banner has simply replaced the Nazi Swastika. You just need to open your eyes and see it.